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Role of N-WASP in cell proliferation : implication for organ development and cancer
Published 2020“…Embryonic deletion of N-WASP at E12.5 (Embryonic Day 12.5) in Type II alveolar cells using Sftpc-Cre resulted in hyperplasia with reduced airspaces in the lung. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Relationships between general self-efficacy, number of counselling sessions, mandated counselling satisfaction and readiness to change among institutionalised adolescents in Malays...
Published 2015“…A set of self-administered questionnaires were used to collect information related to institutionalised adolescents‟ demographic characteristics information, general self-efficacy measured using General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995), and mandated counselling satisfaction and readiness to change, measured using Mandated Counselling Satisfaction Scale (Mansor, Rumaya & Zainal, 2013) and University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1982) respectively. …”
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Thesis -
FE modeling of MEMS microphone performance
Published 2008“…Both static and dynamic behaviors of corrugation diaphragm like mechanical sensitivity, natural frequency and deflection were analyzed using FEM. …”
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Thesis -
Women’s Agency in the Dune Universe : Tracing Women’s Liberation through Science Fiction /
Published [202“…Kara Kennedy explores how female characters in the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood--from Jessica to Darwi Odrade--secure control and influence through five avenues of embodied agency: mind-body synergy, reproduction and motherhood, voices, education and memory, and sexuality. …”
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software, multimedia -
Caraval /
Published 2017“…And whether Caraval is real or not, Scarlett must find Tella before the five nights of the game are over or a dangerous domino effect of consequences will be set off, and her beloved sister will disappear forever. …”
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software, multimedia -
Published 2010“…Jamwal and Nisha fall in love while waiting for a traffic light to turn green in Delhi…thus begins one of the 15 short stories Jeffrey Archer has gathered from around the globe during the past five years in this, his sixth collection, of enthralling short stories. …”
text -
DTM Past, Present, and Future: Reflections on and by the Design Theory and Methodology Research Community
Published 2024“…Namely, panelists and audience members in the session identified five new agenda items that have the potential to further strengthen research on Design Theory and Methodology: 1) Ethics, Equity, and Justice-focused design research, 2) Design for Sustainability research programs, and 3) Research on Computational Agents as team members in the design process,4) Building new theories from research conducted on Design Theory and Methodology, and 5) Focus on inclusive excellence in the review process of new and cross-disciplinary research. …”
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Article -
Risk assessment and its visualization of power tower under typhoon disaster based on machine learning algorithms
Published 2019“…Then the relative optimal model is selected by comparing five evaluation indicators, and the combined model consisting of five relatively superior models is established by goodness of fit method with unequal weight. …”
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Journal Article -
On second-order s-sub-step explicit algorithms with controllable dissipation and adjustable bifurcation point for second-order hyperbolic problems
Published 2023“…This paper proposes a self-starting, second-order accurate, composite s-sub-step explicit method, within which the first five explicit members are developed, analyzed, and compared. …”
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Journal Article -
Intelligent design and discovery of novel 2D TMD alloys with machine learning
Published 2023“…In summary, successful machine learning models were created to predict five important targeted properties of TMD/TMD-alloys materials. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Finding Bukit Brown.
Published 2012“…The production for this documentary took place over five months between November 2011 to March 2012 in Singapore. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Postural stability in cyclists
Published 2025“…Methods: 42 adults (53 ± 7 y), RC N = 14, MTB N = 14, and CN N = 14, balanced with eyes closed in five stances as instructed by the SWAY app on a mobile phone held to the chest, which gave the mean of five stances as a total balance score. …”
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Article -
When a test is more than just a test: findings from patient interviews and survey in the trial of a technology to measure antidepressant medication response (the PReDicT Trial)
Published 2024“…<p><strong>Background:</strong> A RCT of a novel intervention to detect antidepressant medication response (the PReDicT Test) took place in five European countries, accompanied by a nested study of its acceptability and implementation presented here. …”
Journal article -
Edible bird’s nest mitigates histological alterations in the cortexes of rats’ brains subjected to lead toxicity
Published 2024“…Thirty Sprague Dawley rats were allocated randomly into five groups, with six rats in each group. The control group (C) received solely distilled water. …”
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Article -
考虑抗弯刚度不确定性的简支梁桥损伤定位方法 = Damage localization method for simply supported bridge with flexural stiffness uncertainty considered
Published 2015“…In order to deal with flexural stiffness uncertainty of main girder and then localize the damage of main girder for simply supported bridges accurately, a damage localization index based on the idea of second order difference of displacement influence line-difference index of influence line for mid-span displacement (DIILMSD), was presented by employing influence line analysis. …”
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Journal Article -
Business contingency and continuity plan by maritime firms in Singapore - part B: maritime services sector
Published 2022“…Business Continuity Management (BCM) has evolved dramatically since its conception in the 1970s due to disruptions and megatrends like pandemics, globalisation, and digitalisation, in addition to rule-based measures and governance in its approach. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Chemical and strain driven morphotropic phase boundaries in bismuth ferrite
Published 2015“…Universal polarization rotation behavior is observed in rare-earth-element doped tetragonal-like BFO, analogous to those found in rhombohedral-like phase. …”
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Thesis -