All you need is rotation: Construction of developable strips
Published 2024“…This enables the potential of the proposed method to be used for a wide range of practical applications, spanning fields such as architectural design, industrial design, and papercraft modeling. …”
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Article -
Towards sustainable campuses: a case study of an international school in Singapore
Published 2024“…The campus’s sustainability initiatives, spanning buildings, energy, food systems, procurement and transportation, will also be analysed in the context of best practices in buildings and campuses worldwide. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
“Is delulu the solulu?”: Understanding parasocial relationships and fan participatory behaviour in K-pop
Published 2024“…The unique structures in place within K-pop fan practices, both implemented by the industry and created by fans have resulted in various fan activities that span both the gaining of practical skills and to satisfy gratifications. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A monstrous text : an exploration of genre in the Harry Potter novels
Published 2011“…The writer, who once lived on welfare benefits, became a multi-millionaire in the span of five years, selling a total of more than 325 million copies of the seven novels. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The role of membrane undulations in cell adhesion
Published 2011“…Human Red Blood Cells (RBC) undergo several physicochemical changes, during their course of life span of approximately 120 days. The increased aggregation of senescent RBC continues to be of great interest to researchers. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effects of the layers of foundation soil on the seismic response of dikes
Published 2015“…This study will also include a sand dike model of 40m base depth, 10m span across at the top of the dike and a height of 5m. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Fragment screening for stabilizers and binders to human DJ-1
Published 2016“…Currently, treatments are only available to alleviate the span of symptoms but not to cure the morbidity. This project focuses on finding ligands to increase the stability of DJ1 where its anti-oxidant properties help to reduce the rate of dopaminergic neurons degeneration, delaying onset of PD. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Noise influences on restorative effects in a tropical urban green space
Published 2018“…Performance on the Digit Span Backwards test was used to analyse cognitive restoration while Profile of Mood States- Short Form scale and Restorative State Scale were used for affective and restorative state restoration analysis. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Ultra durable concrete for sustainable construction
Published 2013“…Residential structures and important civil structures are typically designed for a life span of 50 and 100 years respectively. However, the life expectancy of structures can be increased to several hundred years with careful planning and proper design. …”
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Journal Article -
Conflict and contract use in cross-cultural buyer–supplier relationships: the role of cultural context
Published 2024“…Conflict is common within global supply chains, especially where the buyer and supplier span different cultures. In such settings, formal contracts assume an important role in providing a common language that specifies each party's roles, responsibilities, and liabilities. …”
Journal article -
Hyperbolic volume estimates via train tracks
Published 2016“…In this thesis we describe how to estimate the distance spanned in the pants graph by a train track splitting sequence on a surface, up to multiplicative and additive constants. …”
Thesis -
The other side of the Elbe River: interventions in art, modernity, and coloniality in Poland
Published 2023“…<p>The artistic practices of Zofia Stryjeńska (1891-1976), Władysław Hasior, (1928-1999), Teresa Murak (1949-) and Roman Stańczak (1969-) all bear testimony – in their own distinct ways – to the ‘shock of the new’, the massive rupture brought by modernisation and capitalism in twentieth-century Poland. Spanning the interwar period to the post-communist era, their works register, mediate and work through the lived experiences of a constantly changing (semi)periphery, marked by visions and plans of accelerated progress, technological advancement, and triumphant sovereignty. …”
Thesis -
Practices, attitudes and motives for domestic waste recycling
Published 2002“…The 15 000 tonnes of garbage produced daily are thrown into 230 landfills nationwide, where 80% of them have only two years of life span left. Although recycling programmes were launched as early as 1990, only 5% of the wastes are recycled. …”
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Estimation of crown characters and leaf biomass from leaf litter in a Malaysian canopy species, Elateriospermum tapos (Euphorbiaceae)
Published 2003“…Leaf fall rate was estimated to be 2.0-28.1 kg per tree per year in the five trees of various heights, and was greater in taller trees. Since leaf life span was smaller for taller trees, leaf biomass was estimated to be 2.6-30.5 kg per tree, and was also greater in taller trees. …”
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Article -
Preserving Mojiang Hani hand weaving techniques: understanding complexity for culture and sustainable development
Published 2024“…Mojiang, located in the southern region of Yunnan Province, China, serves as the historical abode of the industrious and intellectually rich Hani community, boasting a heritage spanning thousands of years. The traditional costumes of the Mojiang Hani people stand as integral bearers of their national culture, adorned with intricately handwoven elements. …”
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Article -
Preparation of Nd-Fe-B/α-Fe nanocomposite by chemical reduction method
Published 2009“…The magnetic properties of the powders are found to be poorer as compared to the samples obtained by traditional ball milling or melt spinning methods.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Fluorescent and magnetic nanoparticles for bacteria detection and separation
Published 2018“…In this experiment, the result also exhibited that self-mixing nanocatalysts placed in a spinning magnetic field resulted 60% increase in reaction kinetics than that of unstirred reaction. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A radio frequency tagging continuous-wave optical spectrometer with megahertz refreshing rate
Published 2023“…Optical spectrometers capable of fast spectral measurements are useful in many fields spanning from industrial manufacturing to scientific research. …”
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Journal Article -
Long term surface deformation of Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat from GPS geodesy : inferences from simple elastic inverse models
Published 2012“…Campaign and continuous GPS geodetic measurements on Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat are reported from 1995 to 2009, spanning three dome growth and repose episodes. Uniform elastic half-space inversions were used to examine how crustal pressure sources evolved by inverting subsets of all available 3D site data for any given episode using a single Mogi-source. …”
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Journal Article -
Tax Incentives, Common Institutional Ownership, and Corporate ESG Performance
Published 2024“…Drawing upon panel data spanning from 2010 to 2021 at the level of China's A-share listed companies and grounded in the context of accelerated depreciation policy for fixed assets, this study commitment to both identify and empirically test the presence of a significant positive correlation between tax incentives and corporate ESG performance. …”
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