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Effect of solid retention times and vibrational frrequencies on fouling mitigation of submerged vibratory membrane bioreactor
Published 2015“…Therefore, sufficiently long SRT and high vibration frequency extended membrane life and prolonged SVMBR performance.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effects of engine oil additives on engine performance and temperature
Published 2015“…However, fuel consumption rate may be increased as a result of a long-term running and bad performance engine. Besides, the engine may keep running at a very high temperature that is over its operating temperature, this may cause the breakdown of the engine oil and thus increase the frequencies of changing engine oil. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Laser scanning imaging system for underwater robotics vehicle
Published 2008“…The model is verified with experimental measurements in a 0.6 meter long water tank. Various illumination volume settings of a laser beam are tested and their output images are evaluated by the MTF (modulation transfer function) assessment. …”
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Thesis -
Design of a VHF log-periodic dipole antenna
Published 2015“…In the lower frequency range, the length of the element can be humongous, up to 5m long for a half-wave dipole. Therefore, it is significant to look into reducing the size of the antenna. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Automatic writing assessment for ESL students
Published 2016“…Multiple assessment tools and techniques are studied and implemented in the system, in order to generate both short-term and long-term writing feedbacks based on five metrics, syntactic complexity, lexical richness, semantic correlation, grammar and spelling correctness. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design of the physical layer security algorithms for the cellular networks
Published 2016“…The security of wireless networks has long been a topic of discussion. From the introduction of the first wireless security standard in WEP to the current standard now of WPA2, adversaries seem to be always able to find a way to break into these wireless networks. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Understanding megathrust behaviour over the earthquake cycle through inversion of geodetic data and dynamic modelling
Published 2016“…Lastly, I examine the spatial and temporal afterslip of the 2005 Mw 8.6 Nias-Simeulue earthquake, using joint inversion of long GPS time series for both afterslip and viscoelastic processes. …”
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Thesis -
Explanatory power of financial ratios on excess returns in the Malaysian stock market
Published 2017“…At the same time, this arbitrage action will allow Bursa Malaysia to become more efficient in the long-run.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effects of accuracy of incentive weights when rewarding non-financial value drivers.
Published 2008“…Conversely, when non-financial value drivers are inaccurately-weighted, managerial performance in the long run is better rewarding both the non-financial value drivers and the summary financial measure than rewarding only the non-financial value drivers. …”
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Research Report -
Development of a mooring line model for coupled floating structure dynamic analysis
Published 2017“…To ensure the safety and long term operation of floating offshore structures, the monitor and study on the dynamic response of the structure can provide information on loading, fatigue and motion of the system. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Characterization of artemisinin resistance in plasmodium falciparum
Published 2017“…In order to better understand the Artemisinin resistance phenotype, we developed Artemisinin-resistant parasite lines derived from two isogenic clones (6A and 11C) of the 3D7 strain of Plasmodium falciparum using a selection regimen that mimics how parasites interact with the drug in infected patients. Long term in vitro selection produced two parasite lines that displayed profound stage-specific resistance to artemisinin and its relative compounds. …”
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Thesis -
Twitter vs Facebook : analysis of Australian open tennis fan page
Published 2018“…The Australian Open (AO) is an international professional tennis tournament that is held annually in the month of January. It is a two-week long event and the first of four grand slam tennis tournaments of the season. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study of wear properties of EN1055 steel after laser surface treatment
Published 2018“…To compensate for the high cost of applications, it must be reliable and have a long service life. Wear of EN1055 steel occurs by plastic displacement of surface and near-surface material and shortens the service life of its application. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A paper-based glucose sensoring microneedle patch
Published 2018“…However, the current most methods of clinical analysis of the glucose level need to pierce skin to take blood sample or takes a long time to analyze which will cause skin infection and uncomfortable of patients. …”
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Thesis -
The potential impact of the Singapore-Malaysia high speed rail operation on the passenger demand for the low-cost carriers
Published 2018“…The aim of this paper is to forecast the passenger demand and market share of the Low-Cost Carriers (LCC) when the High-Speed Rail (HSR) commence operation in 2026 along the 350 km long Kuala Lumpur-Singapore (KL-SG) route with the possibility that the two-different transport mode will complement with each other. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Vibratory finishing on SLM-printed hip stem implant
Published 2019“…SLM printed parts are able to customize an implant best suited to the patient to be printed, heaping various long-term benefits. However, parts will have to be post-processed after fabrication due to the inherent unsuitable surface roughness characteristics of the parts. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Role of vegetation on beach run-up due to regular and cnoidal waves
Published 2013“…Although, several formulae have been derived in the past for estimation of run-up in laboratory studies for a variety of wave front structures, certain uncertainties still remain pertaining to flat slopes and long waves. To understand the performance characteristics of vegetation in attenuating run-up, a comprehensive experimental investigation was taken up. …”
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Journal Article -
A statistical fat-tail test of predicting regulatory regions in the Drosophila genome
Published 2013“…As compared with the existing fluffy-tail test, the first fatness coefficient is designed to reduce computational time, making the novel fat-tail test very suitable for long sequences and large database analysis in the post-genome time and the second one to improve separation accuracy between CRMs and non-CRMs. …”
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Journal Article -
Positive bias-induced Vth instability in graphene field effect transistors
Published 2013“…The ΔVth of GFETs increases as stressing time and voltage increases, and tends to saturate after long stressing time. In the meanwhile, it does not show much dependence on gate length, width, and the number of graphene layers. …”
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Journal Article -
The application of graphene oxide in drug delivery
Published 2013“…Expert opinion: GO and its derivatives are highly attractive for the application to drug delivery due to their exceptional physiochemical properties and unique planar structure in spite of some existing challenges, such as the reproducibly smart functionalization of GO and the investigation of its long-term toxicology.…”
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Journal Article