Anxiety in oral presentation among engineering and non-engineering students in english language classrooms
Published 2019“…The interviews were conducted between 5 students and 5 teachers to get clear evidence of anxiety occurrences during an oral presentation in the ESL classrooms. …”
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Thesis -
Energy consumption and intensity at building construction industry
Published 2023“…Two main components for this guideline are type of activity to be conduct and energy per floor area. As a result, stage 5 which are Testing and Commissioning Stage is the highest energy demand compare to others stage. …”
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Thesis -
Mechanical properties of calcium phosphate reinforced polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biocomposite
Published 2023“…CaP was reinforced in PHA in the range from 5 wt% to 30 wt% and the tensile and impact properties of the composite were investigated. …”
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Photocatalytic degradation of palm oil mill secondary effluent (POMSE) using zinc oxide nanoparticles
Published 2020“…Accordingly, the most favourable condition for the photocatalysis process of POMSE is under pH 6.5 in presence of ZnO-PEG with 0.5 g/L for the 25% of concentration ratio of POMSE dilution. …”
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Thesis -
Improving the indoor air quality (IAQ) through application of the air cleaning technologies for offices building simulated in environmental chamber
Published 2017“…The results from experiment showed good agreement for combining filters efficiency value from 86.20% to 84.60% and from 86% to 82.35% for PM 10 and PM 2.5 particle removal respectively during occupied period. …”
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Thesis -
Perlaksanaan mata pelajaran pendidikan teknik dan vokasional di peringkat sekolah menengah kebangsaan: satu tinjauan di daerah Batu Pahat
Published 2001“…Terdapat 4 buah sekolah menengah kebangsaan di daerah ini yang melaksanakan mata pelajaran tersebut bagi pelajar tingkatan 4 dan 5. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 5 orang guru mata pelajaran Lukisan Kejuruteraan yang ditempatkan di sekolah-sekolah berkenaan. …”
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Thesis -
Customer focused optimal design skill training module from the informatics perspective
Published 2020“…Besides, the frequencies of trainee’s achievement grades were presented based on demographic profiles; (i) working experiences, with (n=3), without (n=13), and training (n=5); (ii) level of skills; basic (n=6), intermediate (n=12), advanced (n=3), respectively. …”
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Thesis -
Development of a micromixing system for treatment of ORL 48 microtissues in different concentrations of cytochalasin B
Published 2018“…The micromixer employed in solution preparation of CB-DMEM (5.3, 10.6, 14.8, and 20.2 μM) provide a convenient and faster method to prepare cytochemical solution for drug screening and experiments. …”
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Thesis -
A framework for key factors affecting compliance with self-help housing standards in Bauchi
Published 2019“…The factor loadings ranges between 0.5 to 0.9, Cronbach’s alpha ranges from 0.7 to 0.8. …”
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Thesis -
The potentials of pennisetum purpureum ash as cement replacement material
Published 2019“…The PPA used were ground for 1 hour (1H-PPA), 3 hours (3H-PPA) and 6 hours (6H-PPA) while the percentage of replacement in mortar were 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. The mortar was cured for 3, 7 and 28 days for mechanical properties characterisation. …”
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Thesis -
Fabrication and characterization of silicon nitride thin film planar waveguides produced by RF magnetron sputtering technique
Published 2016“…Sputtering power, sputtering pressure and target to substrate distance was varied from 100 to 300 W, 5 to 15 mTorr and 8 to 14 cm respectively to investigate the influence of sputtering parameters on film properties. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) coatings on fatigue behaviour of carbon steel
Published 2021“…Tensile test was carried out with a strain rate of 0.5 mm/min and a dog bone shaped specimen in accordance with ASTM-E8 standard. …”
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Thesis -
Synthesis of high fracture toughness of hydroxyapatite bioceramics
Published 2011“…Nevertheless, the fracture toughness of HA was greatly enhanced by the incorporation of 5 wt% MgO. An increased toughness of up to 35% was obtained for the MgOdoped HA when compared to the undoped HA. …”
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Application of activated carbon from empty fruit bunch (EFB) for mercury [Hg(II)] removal from aqueous solution
Published 2011“…It was found that the minimum residual concentration of mercury was 0.0075 mg/L (99.53%) at the condition of pH 6.5, agitation speed of 100 rpm, contact time of 70 min and AC dosage of 20 mg. …”
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Design of multi-valued quaternary based analog-to-digital converter
Published 2009“…Results: Performance analysis of the design showed desirable performance parameters in terms of response, low power consumption, and a sampling rate of 10 MHz at a supply voltage of 1.3V was achieved. Conclusion/Recommendations: The ADC design was suitable for the needs of mixed-signal integrated circuit design and can be implemented as a conversion circuit for systems based on multiple-valued logic design. …”
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Optimization of Newcastle disease virus production in T-flask
Published 2011“…Results show that virus infectivity titre of 6.62 x 107 TCID50/ml was achieved when serum concentration of 0.5% and MOI of 20 was used…”
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Formation of protective Cr2O3 scale at high temperature and the effect of mass transport in the presence of water vapor
Published 2012“…The results show that at 1073 K, around 9.8 wt% of Cr is required to form external Cr2O3 scale, and 3.5wt% of Cr is needed to maintain the scale. Introduction of water vapor has shifted the critical Cr concentration to higher value. …”
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Feasibility analysis of free space earth to satellite optical link in tropical region
Published 2011“…Free Space Optics (FSO) becomes a great attention because of the chances in transmitting data up to 2.5Gbps. There are a lot of advantages offered by FSO such as easily deployment with saving time and cost and no electromagnetic interference. …”
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Human posture recognition : an overview
Published 2011“…The image or video data that is fed into a computer vision system is often a color or grayscale image [3] (obtained from a digital camera) but can also be stereo image (from a stereo camera) [4], video sequence (from a video camera) [5] or a 3D volume (from a tomography device). As a scientific discipline, computer vision aims to implement the theories of computer vision to the modeling of computer vision systems.…”
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Book Chapter -
Full-wave rectification of a low-voltage source
Published 2011“…The solution for this dilemma is 10 take thc AC voltage lind lectify it into a DC voltage supply (Scllaefer, 1%5; Baliga, 2010). To that end. many such circuits have been constructed. …”
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Book Chapter