The Sea Vault: Offshore Ecotourism Aquaculture Centre At Pulau Besar Johor
Published 2020Get full text
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Proceeding Paper -
Cultural harmony and Religious tolerance in Islamic Spain
Published 2012“…Spain came under Islamic rule in 711, when Tariq bin Ziyad, a Lieutenant of Musa bin Nusayr, Umayyad governor of Northern Africa, proceeded to punish King Roderick for his alleged crime against the teenage daughter of Julian, a Christian governor under his rule. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fikrah Dr. Salam :rahsiakan status perkahwinan
Published 2009“…1- Anak luar nikah mesti bin atau binti Abdullah 2- Waniata onani ketika berpuasa …”
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Article -
Penerimaan pembelajaran berasaskan permainan digital dalam mempengaruhi motivasi belajar
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Contributions of Javanese Scholars towards the enrichment of the Malay intellectual Heritage = Sumbangan para ulama Jawa terhadap pengayaan Warisan Intelek Melayu
Published 2015“…The study concludes that with the beginning of the twentieth century a number of Javanese scholars studied from the highly-ranked scholars in the Holy Ka‘bah, including Sheikh DÉ’Ëd bin ‘Abd Allah al-PatÉnÊ, the leader of the Patani community in Makkah. …”
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Article -
Hak umat Islam memilih pemimpin
Published 1998“…Khalid al-Walid dengan penuh kerelaan menerima pelucutan jawatan oleh Khalifah Omar al-Khattab demi kepentingan umat Islam. Ali bin Abi Talib yang terkenal dengan kewarakan dan seorang yang alim juga sanggup menghadapkan dirinya ke mahkamah apabila dituduh mencuri baju besi oleh seorang Yahudi.…”
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Article -
Zamana sığmayan iktisadi paradigma: Değer (Timeless economic paradigm: value)
Published 2011“…Bir başka ifade ile atacağı adımların hesabını bin düşünüp bir atarak yaparlar. Böyle olunca sağduyu ve hikmet vücuda gelir. …”
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Sikap murni Sayid Ahmad
Published 2009“…Sayid Ahmad bin Sayid Zaini Dahlan ialah tokoh yang tersangat alim dari keluarga Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang Allah telah bersihkan mereka dari kekotoran dan menyucikan mereka dengan sesuci-sucinya; yang menekuni cawangan-cawangan ilmu setekun ulama yang beramal dengan ilmunya, yang bersih sikap murni memberi nasihat, menumpukan seluruh himah, diri dan harta bendanya dalam memberi tarbiah kepada para murid dan mengajar mereka perkara-perkara yang bermanfaat di dunia dan akhirat. …”
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İngilteredeki Türkler (Turks in England)
Published 2005“…İngiltere’de Müslüman nüfusu The Financial Times’in 23 Ocak 2002 raporuna göre 1milyon 800 bin civarında olup Hiristiyanlar hariç diğer azınlık dinler içerisinde en yüksek, hatta diğer dinlerin toplam nüfusunun iki katından daha fazla oranı oluşturmaktadır. …”
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Article -
In vitro bioactivities of anodised titanium in mixtrue of B-Glycerophosphate and calcium acetate for biomedical application
Published 2016“…After soaked and irradiated with UV in simulated body fluid (SBF) for 7 days, highly crystallised bone-like apatite was fully covered on the anodised surface. …”
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Thesis -
Fliess’s Kappa: konsesus kesepakatan pakar bagi bakat bekerja pelajar TVET di universiti teknikal
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -