Compilation of Parameter Control for Mapping the Potential Landslide Areas
Published 2023“…Landslide mapping digitally will contribute to handling and mitigation activities since the database can be updated in real time to anticipate landslide hazards. …”
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The Influence of Compost Bin Volume and Effective Microorganisms (EM) Quantity for Efficient Food Waste Composting
Published 2024“…The utilization of effective microorganisms (EM) in composting has gained substantial prominence since this additional microorganism is believed to overcome natural composting issues, such as slow decomposition and odour generation. …”
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Transfer of Islamic banking knowledge from GCC Islamic bank headquarter to its subsidiary in Malaysia
Published 2017“…They are strapped by paltry returns and stymied by stiff competition from the local Malaysian banks. Since the increasing competition and the slowdown of the economy have encouraged multinational banks to seek new ways to improve their internal efficiency and their performance, it has given the pivotal importance of knowledge transfer for the competitiveness of multinationals, but the process of transferring knowledge effectively across dispersed units of International Islamic banks has only attracted little and rather fragmented research interest. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of chromium (cr) particle size and span-20 surfactant on Aisi d2 hardened steel using electrical discharge machining
Published 2020“…Existing manufacturing industries are facing challenges from modern advanced materials such as composite, super alloys, and hardened steels, which are hard and difficult to machine and process. Since it is not suitable to use conventional machining of the hard material, non-conventional machining such as electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the ideal techniques in dealing with these materials. …”
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Thesis -
Properties and performance of high strength fibre reinforced concrete by using steel and polypropylene fibres
Published 2019“…Discrete short fibre reinforcement is being considered to be used for structural applications since it can reduce cracking phenomena, improve ductility and failure mode, and to some extent improve the durability of reinforced concrete. …”
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Thesis -
Application of permanent electromagnet for chatter control in end milling of Titanium alloy - Ti6Al4V
Published 2011“…Chatter or vibration with high amplitude appears in the system during end milling at cutting speed 70 m/min when the frequency of chip formation instability, associated with the formation of serrate chip. …”
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Book Chapter -
Population structure, length-weight and length-length relationships, and condition- and form-factors of the Pool barb Puntius sophore (Hamilton, 1822)(Cyprinidae) from the Chalan b...
Published 2012“…Faktor keadaan Fulton (K) yang dikira merangkumi 0.69-2.35, dengan nilai min 1.64±0.30. Berat relatif (Wr) tidak berbeza secara bermakna dengan 100 untuk (p=0.074), menunjukkan habitat seimbang dengan kesediaadaan makanan relatif berbanding dengan kehadiran pemangsa untuk P. sophore. …”
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Transgenders in Kuantan, Pahang: knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS
Published 2016“…Peratusan tinggi daripada mereka adalah menjual seks (60.6%), dan mempunyai pendapatan yang rendah (tiada pendapatan kepada RM 3000, min = RM1528). 87.9% daripada subjek menunjukkan pengetahuan yang baik dan juga sikap yang positif terhadap HIV/AIDS. …”
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Smoking: ban all forms of tobacco
Published 2011“…This, in itself, would be a great tobacco control strategy for our country and others to emulate since it will reduce accessibility and promote cessation, in tandem with the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which Malaysia is obliged to implement as a signatory. …”
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The effect of Eurycoma Longifolia Jack extract (Tongkat Ali) on serum leptin levels in male rats
Published 2013“…L), which is known as Tongkat Ali is a plant which grows up to10 meters high and is found in primary and secondary evergreen and mixed deciduous forests in Burma, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines.It has become famous as a sexual enhancer since it has been proved by various studies to increase the serum testosterone levels in male rats and humans. …”
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Regeneration of human body parts via tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: a brief insight into the technology from Islamic perspective
Published 2015“…This initiative is worth to explore and must be given due consideration by Muslims since there are growing demands for a shari’ah compliance biomedical application. …”
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Two isolated crystalline solids from the stem of Entada spiralis Ridl.(akar Sintok) = Pemencilan dua jenis pepejal kristal dari batang pokok Entada spiralis (Akar Sintok)
Published 2016“…The results revealed that these two crystalline solid sugars isolated from the most active fraction were known as penta-2-acetoxy-β-D-digitoxopyranosyl-(1→2)-fructofuranosyl-(6→4)-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)- glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D fructofuranosyl-(6→1)-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(4→1)-acetylglucosamine (1) and β,D-glucopyranosyl(1→2)-β,D-glucopyranosyl)-(1→3)-β,D-xylopyranosyl(1→4)-α,L-rhamnopyranosyl)-(1→3)-β,D- glucopyranosyl(1→3)- β,D-glucopyranoside (2) Thus, this finding can be utilized as a scientific baseline information for further skin disease studies, since both constituents were isolated from moderate antidermatophytic active fraction. …”
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Assessment on the quality on drinking wells exposed to different degrees of submergence during flood in Kelantan
Published 2016“…Both degree of submergence and well location have no influence on the degree of contamination. Since there were contaminations in non-submerged wells (eg. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Religious fasting: an alternative approach to improve hyperlipidaemia
Published 2012“…Furthermore, in this study it was not possible since it was a religious fasting. Another limitation is that the size of the sample was smaller than is advisable for this kind of study. …”
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A spatial-economic optimisation of waste to biomethane in Malaysia
Published 2023Get full text