النحو في كتب تعليم العربية للناطقين بغيرها = The Grammar in the books of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers
Published 2011“…Second, there is a great need for the expressive grammatical phrases by the language learners since they will fulfill a lot of their learning requirements. …”
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Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) simulator to enhance students understanding towards analyzing ABR waveforms
Published 2011“…The task to identify ABR peaks therefore requires high clinical experience and knowledge since any misidentification of ABR peaks may lead to misinterpretation to the ABR results. …”
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Islam and economic globalization
Published 2010“…Concurrent debates amongst the flag bearers and foes of globalization have taken place since the very inception of the concept of "globality". …”
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Geogenic mapping of radon and thoron concentration in Perak State Malaysia
Published 2023Get full text
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Doing and talking : the value of video interviewing for researching and theorizing craft
Published 2013“…That writing was primarily concerned with the organisation and ownership of labour, with the moral and social purpose of art, and with creativity, given expression through the making process. Since the 1970s, we have seen the emergence of a legitimizing infrastructure for 'the crafts' as a category, separate from but relating to art and design. …”
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Analysis and forecasting of asset quality, risk management and financial stability for the Greek banking system
Published 2022“…Addressing the problem of non-performing loans with the assistance of credit risk modeling is important from both a micro and a macro-prudential perspective, since it would not only improve the financial soundness and the capital adequacy of the banking sector, but also free-up funds to be directed to other more productive sectors of the economy. …”
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التناص الديني في شعر مانع سعي العتيبي: مدخل تحليلي = Religious intertextuality in Mani’ Sai’ied Al-‘Utaybah’s poem: an analytical approach = Ciri intertekstual agama dalam puisi Ma...
Published 2017“…Intertextuality in language is a development of the technique of adaptation and symbol that was promoted by the Arab scholars of rhetoric since long ago. But modern linguists had proposed this term that semantically signifies a participative meaning for a feature that had been established long ago that was partially brought up through traditional Arab literary critique. …”
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Assessment of residential satisfaction in high-rise condominium and terrace housing: case studies from Kuala Lumpur
Published 2012“…Finally, the paper comes up with three basic issues where immediate attentions are required to improve condo management and enhance residents’ satisfaction. Since 1970s, Malaysia is experiencing rapid economic growth which led to rapid urbanization as well. …”
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Utilization of palm sludge for biosurfactant production
Published 2015“…According to 2013 Acmite Market Intelligence report [1], the world markets of surfactants reached US$26.8 billion in 2012, experiencing 10% increase since 2010. These figures are predicted to increase by 3.8% annually in the coming years and by 2016, the market is expected to reach US$31.1 billion. …”
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Characterization of the measurement uncertainty for the electromagnetic conducted and radiated emission test
Published 2017“…The implementation of the measurement uncertainty for the reporting is crucial since the EUT might fail the EMC test if the passing margin is below the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) standards. …”
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Biotransformation of artemisinin and asiaticoside: Malaysian tropical plant phytochemicals
Published 2016“…It could be concluded that biotransformation process could produce biological active products that can be used in wound healing and pharmaceutical purposes. Since, this study was confirmed that T.P could enhance the cell proliferation and wound healing of the human keratinocytes with very low concentration in comparison to the original substrate. …”
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Nutritional intake, body composition, plasma lipids and fat-soluble vitamins, red blood cell fatty acid profile and behaviour of Omani school children
Published 2016“…Moreover, obesity, an antecedent of NCDs, has reached epidemic proportions in the region. Since NCDs develop gradually during the course of the lifespan, various national and international committees on NCDs have recommended that children and young adults be the primary focus of any action plan that aims to prevent and control non-communicable diseases. …”
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Studies of 1,2-quinone monooximes and their metal complexes
Published 1993“…The 5-acylaminc1,2-benzoqulnone-2- oximes, 5-propionylamino-1,2-benzoquinone-2-oxime (5-PrqoH), 5-butyrylamino-l,2-benzoquinone-2-oxime (5-BuqoH), 5-pentanoylamino-1,2-benzoquinone-2-oxime (5-PeqoH), and 5—heptanoylamino-1,2-benzoquinone-2-oxime (5-HpqoH) were obtained from their metal complexes, since the direct reaction of the phenol with sodium nitrite failed to give the compounds giving the corresponding l,4-benzoquinone-4-oximes,3- proplonylamino-1,4-benzoquinone-4-oxime (3-PrqoH), 3-butyrylamino-1,4- benzoquinone-4-oxlme (3-BuqoH), 3-pentanoylamino-1,4-benzoquinone-4- oxime (3-PeqoH) and 3-heptanoylamino-1,4-benzoquinone-4-oxime (3-HpqoH) instead. …”
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Proceedings of 9th Windsor Conference Making Comfort Relevant
Published 2016“…There is a realisation that behavioural adaptation can lead to a widening as well as a narrowing of the temperatures people find comfortable, and can apply in all buildings not just those which are naturally ventilated. It is 22 years since the Windsor Conference first came to Cumberland Lodge and in that time our own ideas and approaches to the field have changed radically and our discussions have also started to change the assumptions of the world around us. …”
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Environmental impacts of greywater use for irrigation on home gardens
Published 2011“…The lysimeter ZTL (NI) design offers significantly improved performance, was cost-effective and required limited effort to install using an auger, which also minimizes soil disturbance. Since the lysimeter was practical and inexpensive it was established to facilitate the monitoring of greywater irrigation. …”
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دلالات المجاز المرسل في شواهد قرآنيّة = The Significant of al-Majāz al-Mursal in the Qurʾānic instances = Makna-makna yang tersirat di sebalik al-Majāz al-Mursal di dalam beberapa...
Published 2020“…It is obvious that the question is meant to be directed to ʻʻthe people of the town..ʼʼ and not ʻʻthe townʼʼ itself. However, since the expression ʻʻask the town..ʼʼ is considered as figurative expression, its significant has to be explained intricately so that the wisdom of its occurrence could be comprehended. …”
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The effect of temperature on permittivity measurements of aqueous solutions of glucose for the development of non-invasive glucose sensors based on electromagnetic waves
Published 2023“…The development of this technology will allow personalized healthcare diagnostics to monitor and prevent diabetes. Since human glucose levels in the blood vary in the range of a few milligrams per decilitre, estimating such small variations of glucose will require a highly accurate and repeatable sensing technology. …”
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Untitled (Publicity notice board)
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A study on customer satisfaction towards digital advertisement of consumer goods
Published 2019“…Excessive stress on employees will create health issues like depression, diabetes, ulcers, high blood pressure, anxiety, dissatisfaction, loss of concentration, etc. Butts, Pines (2009), NIOSH (1999). Many organizations wanted to reduce and prevent occupational stress. …”
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