Dispute over the legality of codification of Islamic law: a critical analysis = Perselisihan tentang kesahihan kodifikasi undang-undang Islam: analisa kritikal
Published 2018“…In addition, codification of Islamic law complies with the noble objectives of the Shariah (Maqasid al-Shariah). The study finds out that the merits and motives of codification are far higher than its perils as seen by some scholars. …”
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Assessment on awareness of the medical primary care nurses on the existing oral health services in Kuantan, Malaysia, 2012
Published 2013“…Conclusion: Positive findings of this study highlight the feasibility of the medical primary care nurses as one of key oral health educators to promote the oral health education and provide the available oral health services information among the patients attending at medical primary care clinics.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Assessment on awareness of the medical primary care nurses on the existing oral health services in Kuantan, Malaysia, 2012
Published 2013“…Conclusion: Positive findings of this study highlight the feasibility of the medical primary care nurses as one of key oral health educators to promote the oral health education and provide the available oral health services information among the patients attending at medical primary care clinics.…”
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The impact of continuous assessments in replacing mid-semester examinations for undergraduate pharmacy students at International Islamic University Malaysia
Published 2011“…The performance was ranked according to very good (75-100%), good (60-74%), fair (50-59%), poor (45-49%) and very poor (≤ 44%). Result: The findings from this study showed that 17.1% (n=18/105) of students in the group one (mid semester examination) and 23.8% (n=24/101) of students in the group two(continuous assessment) were ranked as very good in their academic performance in the introduction to pharmacy practice subject during end of semester examination. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Treatment outcome of acromegaly due to pituitary macroadenoma in a single tertiary centre
Published 2014“…Biochemical control with octreotide LAR as adjunct to surgery based on IGF-1 criteria was 67% in a study by Freda et all.1 Primary octreotide LAR and primary cabergoline treatment resulted in normalization of IGF-1 in 34% and 20- 33% respectively, which is consistent with our findings.2-3Addition of DA has shown to help 42% to achieve normal IGF-1 levels4. …”
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A clinical evaluation of bleeding patterns, adverse effects, and satisfaction with the subdermal etonogestrel implant among postpartum and non-postpartum users
Published 2016“…Most users from both groups were satisfied with Implanon, with no difference in terms of satisfaction between groups ( Table 1). This finding implies that most women who experienced adverse effects were able to tolerate them. …”
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Patient outcomes and thoracic aortic volume and morphologic changes following thoracic endovascular aortic repair in patients with complicated chronic type B aortic dissection
Published 2012“…During follow-up, there is a predictable expansion of the thoracic true lumen and regression of the thoracic false lumen. These findings correlate with those of the INSTEAD trial, which demonstrated false lumen regression and true lumen expansion in a cohort of patients with stable type B dissection. …”
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Improved characterisation of measures of fatness and metabolic risks in older adolescents and young adults in the South Asian population in the UK
Published 2020“…In conclusion, this study provides a range of assessment tools in the form of SA specific reference centile charts for children, adolescents and young adults in the UK and are the first set of reference centile charts for anthropometric measurements and body composition in this population group. The findings indicate that the pattern of body composition and anthropometry differs in the SA population compared to their UK Caucasian counterparts. …”
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Thesis -
Analysis and forecasting of asset quality, risk management and financial stability for the Greek banking system
Published 2022“…Chapter 7 contains the application of Cox models and decision trees, the estimation procedure, parameters, model fit, estimation results and empirical findings. Chapter 8 provides an evaluation and applicability of models as well as the implications for further research. …”
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بناء التراكيب العربية المتداولة لتعليم اللغة لتلاميذ ما قبل سنّ الدراسة: ماليزيا نموذجا = Arabic common phrase construction for teaching language to pre-school students: the case o...
Published 2017“…In the light of this finding, we can determine the common Arabic phrases suitable for them and their relevant topics in addition to the method of teaching to the students that they might benefit from.…”
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Utilization of palm sludge for biosurfactant production
Published 2015“…Researchers are facing the problem of finding a waste with the right balance of carbohydrates and lipids to support optimal growth of microorganisms and maximum production of biosurfactant [16]. …”
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Book Chapter -
Permanent employment dressed up as Fixed-Term Contract: a review of Ahmad Zahri Mirza Abdul Hamid v Aims Cyberjaya Sdn Bhd
Published 2020“…The burden is on the employer to establish that the recourse to a fixed term engagement was genuinely related to their business establishment or undertaking.In relation to a reference under s 20 of the Industrial Relations Act 19676 (‘the IRA’) for dismissal without just cause or excuse, the Industrial Court will consider, inter alia, whether the contract was a genuine fixed term contract or a permanent employment guised as a fixed-term contract. If the court finds the contract as a genuine fixed term, in the sense that there were no ulterior motive or victimisation on the part of the company in employing workers on a fixed term basis, the court would dispose of the dispute without going into the merits of the case namely, whether there was a dismissal and if so, whether it was with just cause or excuse.7 However, if the court declares the fixedterm contract as not genuinely related to the operational requirement or undertaking or establishment of the employer, the court will hold the employee’s engagement as on a permanent basis and that his dismissal was without just cause or excuse.In the past few years, numerous cases involving the non-renewal or extension of fixed term contract had successfully been litigated in the Industrial Court. …”
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The influence of dietary fatty acids and antioxidant micronutrients on plasma, red blood cell and platelet fatty acids in healthy men and women
Published 2012“…In addition, gender comparisons of micronutrient densities demonstrated higher copper, magnesium, iron and vitamin E densities in the women's' diets, indicating more balanced nutritional intakes. Despite these findings no differences were found in plasma micronutrient levels (copper, iron, magnesium, retinol and alpha-tocopherol) between the men and women. …”
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Thesis -
“British English is much more prestigious, everybody knows that!”: reproducing and resisting hegemonic language ideologies in Chilean English teacher education
Published 2024“…Using Irvine and Gal’s (2009) framework of linguistic differentiation – iconisation, fractal recursivity and erasure – as an interpretive tool in the analysis of the interview data, I investigated the extent to which and how language ideologies regarding English operate in a group of Chilean ELT programmes. Findings from this study revealed the existence and promotion of opposing language ideologies that coexist within and across the teacher education programmes under scrutiny. …”
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Book Section -
أخطاء القراءة الجهرية باللغة العربية للطلبة الناطقين بالملايوية: دراسة وصفية تحليلية = Errors of reading aloud in Arabic among Malay learners: a descriptive and analytical study =...
Published 2016“…The study indicated that the most common types of reading errors committed were omission, followed by substitution and repetition, and then intonation and insertion. The findings showed that most readers depended extensively on graphophonic cues, and were less efficient in using syntactic cues. …”
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Nutritional intake, body composition, plasma lipids and fat-soluble vitamins, red blood cell fatty acid profile and behaviour of Omani school children
Published 2016“…This study also indicates that ADHD is relatively common among Omani school children; additional studies are needed to assess the generalisability of these findings. Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in Omani school children, but can be mitigated with omega-3 fatty acid supplementation. …”
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Non-pharmacological interventions to reduce restrictive practices in adult mental health inpatient settings: the COMPARE systematic mapping review
Published 2021“…Limitations Many interventions were poorly described and might have contained additional behaviour change techniques that were not detected. The finding that the evidence was weak restricted the study’s scope for examining behaviour change technique effectiveness. …”
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In-vivo and in-vitro study of mechanism of action of 4 hydroxyisoleucine as an amino acid derived from fenugreek seed with anti-diabetic and properties
Published 2014“…These results demonstrate that 4-hydroxyisoleucine has significant anti-diabetic activities in type 1 diabetes as well as previously studied type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance model that are independent of insulin. The findings suggest the potential of 4HO-Ile as an adjunct to diabetes treatment and for type 1 as well as type 2 diabetes. …”
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