A key role for scientists in strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention
Published 2023“…In March 2023 an agreement was also reached on an agenda and timetable for this effort over the next two years. Scientists have a long history of providing valuable input to such meetings, in this paper, we discuss how such input might best be provided with complicated challenges now facing the BWC and concluded that there is much that could be done, but greater coordination amongst scientists is needed.…”
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Work / memories of work
Published 2016“…Filmed over ten years, ‘work / memories of work’ documents the last days of a tannery in the area of Eleonas, in Athens. The long, monotonous shifts of the tanners are set against a backdrop of work in the surrounding neighbourhoods – scavengers’ markets, old farmhouses, abandoned kilns, and people labouring away amid factory ruins. …”
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Determination of baseflow quantity by using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and Google Earth
Published 2020“…In many catchments, base flow is an important component of streamflow and, therefore, base flow separations have been widely studied and have a long history in science. Baseflow separation methods can be divided into two main groups: non-tracer-based and tracer- based separation methods of hydrology. …”
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Book Section -
Mixture of CO2-N2 as a potential to SF6 insulation gas: an overview
Published 2020“…An excellent gaseous dielectric material, however, required a long list of demanding properties, for example, having an utmost dielectric strength, good heat transfer, environmental-friendly, high thermal constancy, and available at low cost.…”
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Corrosion assessment on reinforced concrete and its service life prediction
Published 2005“…From the results, assessment on the validation of corrosion in short and long terms by using predictive models are discussed.…”
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Thesis -
A review on prevalence and risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders (Msds) among VDT users
Published 2018“…Through the studies, it was found that computer-related risk factors correspond with Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) including awkward postures, long duration of computer use, work involving repetitive processes and the office environment…”
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Spacecraft sun-pointing using coplanar solar panels data and magnetic field measurements
Published 2013Get full text
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Superior blood pressure control among hypertensive patients attending specialist clinics in Malaysia
Published 2009Get full text
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Development and evaluation of linerboard made from soda-anthraquinone treated coconut coir fiber for protective packaging
Published 2018“…In addition, the used of coir fiber as short fiber in the blending process may replace the using of imported long fiber as commonly used in Malaysian industrial linerboard.…”
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Thesis -
Development of timber concrete composite (TCC) beam with post-tensioning
Published 2020“…So this type of rod bar (silver color with long nut coupling) is the more efficient in use due to the high contact friction surface area for long coupling nut. …”
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Ottoman connections to the Malay world: Islam, law and society
Published 2011“…This book constitutes a study of Southeast Asia, discussing the Malay world's long historical connection with the Muslim people including the Rumi-Turks, Hadramīs and the Ottomans. …”
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Export-Led Growth Hypothesis: Further Econometric Evidence From South Asia (2005)
Published 2005“…This paper examines the export-led growth (ELG) hypothesis for five South Asian countries through cointegration and multivariate Granger causality tests. Strong support for a long-run relationship among exports, imports, and real output for all the countries except Sri Lanka were found. …”
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Oil prices and Malaysian economy
Published 2009“…It is because, significant results of PD analysis are documented both in short-run and long-run tests. In the asymmetric test, significant result is documented in PD analysis only. …”
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Stock price movements : does change in energy price matter?
Published 2009“…This finding implies no long-run relationship between the variables in the system. …”
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The determinants of non-tariff barriers in Malaysia’s agricultural sector
Published 2011“…Malaysia is no exception as the applied most-favoured-nation tariff rate in her agricultural sector in 2009 is relatively low, averaging at 2.8 percent.Despite the reduction in tariff barrier, the incidence of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) in the sector over the 1978–2007 period has generally increased even though efforts at dismantlin these barriers have long been initiated. Thus, the paper seeks to identify factors that influence the level of NTBs in the agricultural sector. …”
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Solitons mobility in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice
Published 2011“…The present work is devoted to the theoretical investigation of the dynamics of Bose –Einstein condensates (BEC) in optical lattice with the long range magnetic dipole-dipole interaction between atoms. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Financing coastal land use planning for sustainability
Published 2011“…The analysis and findings demonstrate that the practice of Lembaga Urus Air Selangor relatively plans and manages their coastal land uses as in accordance with the physical land use planning system, encompassing the components of forward planning in their long term vision for their area. Though it is evident that the current practice works well, the system can be further improved taking into consideration other influential factors such as establishing database and financial aspect.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Linear and nonlinear models of heredity for blood groups and rhesus factor
Published 2009“…We consider linear and nonlinear stochastic models for transmission of blood types and Rhesus factor from parents to their offspring and investigate long run behavior of these models. In this study we will consider an application of the theory of Markov chains and the theory of nonlinear transformations in medicine. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Continuous quality improvement strategies in engineering curriculum
Published 2011“…The strategies of continuous quality improvement are normally described in terms of ability to satisfy the current and future needs of industry, mobility, and life-long commitment to learning. In this paper, the need for continuous quality improvement in higher education; the role of academic in higher education; some of the strategies and techniques universities are employing for continuous quality improvement are discussed. …”
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Proceeding Paper