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Optimal probes for global quantum thermometry
Published 2022“…In addition, we show how the best approximation of optimal global probes can be realized in spin chains, implementable in ion traps and quantum dots.…”
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Journal Article -
Annihilation mechanisms for interacting skyrmions in magnetic nanowire
Published 2024“…In this paper, the interaction, dynamics and annihilation mechanisms of Néel skyrmions in nanowire confinement under the influence of spin-transfer torque (STT) and edge forces have been studied. …”
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Journal Article -
Evaluation of road cross-section design using driving simulation
Published 2018“…Any potential changes to road cross-section design hinges on its effect to driving behaviour of road users especially with safety. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Preventing interreligious conflict : lessons from the ambivalence of the sacred and Singapore
Published 2019“…The successful prevention of interreligious conflicts hinges on the application of all the strategies, with the statist strategies being the most pressing strategies to be implemented first, given the importance of the state in setting the political conception and agenda in such issues. …”
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Thesis -
Developing a lightscape application (using a raspberry PI)
Published 2014“…The project aims to develop a web application, which will be hosted within the Raspberry Pi, for controlling the brightness of constant light source from the high power LED via the Raspberry Pi’s General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins and gather optimal settings for projecting images with the Light Blaster. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Additive friction stir processing
Published 2014“…The continuous dynamic recrystalisation during FSP also gave finer grains, which was further enhanced with the addition of CNTs through Zener pinning effect. The improvement in tensile strengths due to finer grains through the Hall-Petch mechanism was insufficient to compensate for the drop in Orowan strengthening. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Neutron emission studies from miniature and medium size plasma focus device
Published 2010“…Although dense plasma focus devices have attracted the attention of scientific community since 1960’s as a copious source of fusion neutrons but in the recent years owing to spin-off in the applications of compact and portable table top neutron sources in wider domain, like noninvasive interrogation of explosives and narcotic drugs (by using Pulsed Fast/Thermal Neutron Analysis (PFTNA) technique), dark matter research, radioisotope production, medical neutron therapy and soil humidity measurements, there has been renewed interest across the globe for the development of sub-kilojoule range, low energy small plasma focus device (hereafter called ‘Miniature Plasma Focus i.e. …”
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Research Report -
Cost-benefit-analysis of VRB-ESS for building applications
Published 2013“…As VRB have many advantages, such as high efficiency, long lifespan, short response time and high recovery of its components, it is widely used as energy storage, the peak shaving and spinning reserve. In this project, the cost and benefit of VRB-ESS for building applications in Singapore was calculated and compared. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Synthesis, characterization and terahertz study of metal oxides
Published 2013“…The interplays among various orderings of the spin, charge and orbital degrees of freedom in a broad spectrum of crystalline structures produce a number forms of symmetry-breaking patterns of spatial inversion, time-reversal and gauge symmetries, leading to exciting emergent phenomena in strongly-correlated electron systems and promising a variety of potential applications. …”
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Thesis -
Micro-systems mechanics Vol. IV
Published 2008“…It can regulate the position of read/write head laterally in parallel with the surface of the disk and simultaneously adjust the flying height of the read/write head over the spinning platter. Both static and dynamic analyses of the actuator have been performed by ANSYS. …”
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Research Report -
Detection of magnetic field effects by confocal microscopy
Published 2020“…Certain pairs of paramagnetic species generated under conservation of total spin angular momentum are known to undergo magnetosensitive processes. …”
Journal article -
3D printing of flexible electronic devices
Published 2020“…Compared to traditional, simple, planar or tubular flexible devices fabricated by spin-coating, casting, or extrusion, 3D-printed flexible electronic devices possess complicated geometries with precisely prescribed microarchitectures and excellent mechanical properties for satisfying all kinds of individual requirements. …”
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Journal Article -
Light-induced paramagnetism in colloidal Ag+-doped CdSe nanoplatelets
Published 2021“…This work points to the possibility of incorporating these nanoplatelets into spintronic devices, in which light can be used to control the spin injection.…”
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Journal Article -
Phononic real Chern insulator with protected corner modes in graphynes
Published 2023“…Different from conventional topological insulators, higher-order topological insulators do not necessarily require spin-orbit coupling, which makes it possible to realize them in spinless systems. …”
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Journal Article -
Tunable topological phase transition in the telecommunication wavelength
Published 2023“…Besides, simulations of light propagation at sharp corners and pseudo-spin photon coupling are conducted to quantitatively examine the topological protection. …”
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Journal Article -
Bio-catalyzed oxidation self-charging zinc-polymer batteries
Published 2024“…The heme acts as a catalyst that reduces the energy barrier of the autoxidation reaction by regulating the charge and spin state of O2. To realize self-charging, the adsorbed O2 molecules capture electrons of the reduced (discharged state) PANI, leading to the desorption of zinc ions and the oxidation of PANI to complete self-charging. …”
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Journal Article -
Enhancing circular dichroism by super chiral hot spots from a chiral metasurface with apexes
Published 2017“…Manipulating light spin (or circular polarization) is an important research field and may find broad applications from sensors, display technology, to quantum computing and communication. …”
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Journal Article -
Ambipolar ferromagnetism by electrostatic doping of a manganite
Published 2018“…Complex-oxide materials exhibit physical properties that involve the interplay of charge and spin degrees of freedom. However, an ambipolar oxide that is able to exhibit both electron-doped and hole-doped ferromagnetism in the same material has proved elusive. …”
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Journal Article -
Non-Abelian adiabatic geometric transformations in a cold strontium gas
Published 2018“…Topology, geometry, and gauge fields play key roles in quantum physics as exemplified by fundamental phenomena such as the Aharonov–Bohm effect, the integer quantum Hall effect, the spin Hall, and topological insulators. The concept of topological protection has also become a salient ingredient in many schemes for quantum information processing and fault-tolerant quantum computation. …”
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Journal Article -
Quantum tunneling of magnetization in ultrasmall half-metallic V3O4 quantum dots : displaying quantum superparamagnetic state
Published 2013“…The quantum superparamagnetic state (QSP) as a high temperature signature of QTMs is observed at 16 K, which is beyond absolute zero temperature and much higher than that of conventional iron-based compounds due to the stronger spin-orbital coupling of V3+ ions bringing high anisotropy energy. …”
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Journal Article