Determination of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in Soil and Plant Due to Husbandry Farming in Parit Rasipan Drainage System
Published 2023“…The water quality of the drainage system is being monitored. Soil and plant at the study area have been collected by grid sampling method at 4 sampling points on wet and dry seasons for N determination using APHA 4500 NORG-B and PK using US EPA 6010B (ICP OES) methods, respectively. …”
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Polyamide 6 fibre recycling by twin-screw melt extrusion of mixed thermoplastic polymers
Published 2019“…Different blending composition was prepared between PA6 and secondary polymers before being extruded into hybrid fibres through melt extrusion. …”
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Thesis -
Leaching behaviors of heavy metals on petroleum sludge waste treatment by using solidification/stabilization (s/s) method with palm oil fuel ash as partial cement replacement
Published 2018“…Petroleum sludge is referring to the waste containing mixtures of high concentration of hydrocarbons and accumulated heavy metals which being recognized as a hazardous waste. Without improper disposal or insufficient treatment, it can pose serious threats to the environment and human health. …”
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Thesis -
Properties and performance of high strength fibre reinforced concrete by using steel and polypropylene fibres
Published 2019“…Discrete short fibre reinforcement is being considered to be used for structural applications since it can reduce cracking phenomena, improve ductility and failure mode, and to some extent improve the durability of reinforced concrete. …”
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Thesis -
Biochemical profile of young pre- and mildly hypertensive adults: a single centre, case control study
Published 2011“…The data suggests that essential hypertension, in young adults especially, rather than being a standalone cause, is an accumulation of several clinical abnormalities befitting metabolic syndrome instead. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Impact of turmoil on the health care delivery system in Kashmir” Kashmir, heaven on earth?
Published 2006“…Every sphere of the life has got affected, education, economy and health care being the worst hit. Healthcare system is in rags. …”
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Local influence in the dimensions of designing birthing spaces for the Malay-Muslim Malaysians
Published 2006“…Current space standards adopted for maternity care in Malaysia are generally based on culture alien to Malaysians. Asians, their lives being very much intrinsic in their culture and beliefs, seems to succumb to those conditions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Smoking: ban all forms of tobacco
Published 2011“…However, these so-called concerns are nothing compared with the costs of treating tobacco-related diseases and the premature loss of life. No human being has the right to expose and force others to inhale toxic and carcinogenic chemicals present in tobacco smoke. …”
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Tool wear and surface roughness aspects in heat assisted end milling of AISI D2 hardened steel
Published 2011“…For these reasons the growing interest for hot machining process is being developed in industry. In this method work-piece is softened by heating and thereby shear strength is reduced [2]. …”
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Book Chapter -
Performance of uncoated WC-Co in end milling of Aluminium Silicon Carbide (AlSiC)
Published 2011“…Aluminum silicon carbide (AlSiC) is being widely used not only in aerospace and automobile industries, but also in the electronic industry, because of its unique thermal properties that are ideally suited for all electronic packaging applications. …”
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Book Chapter -
Dynamics of inflation determinants under dual monetary system: empirical evidence from Malaysia
Published 2011“…For comparative purposes and more enriching discussions, the period of analysis is being divided into various sub-periods, namely: (1) pre-crisis period - January 1995-December 1996; (2) during crisis period I - January 1997-December 1998; (3) post-crisis period - January 1999-December 2006, and (4) during crisis period II – January 2007-February 2011. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tribalism and democracy in the arab world: a sociological study of the Arab mind and its perception of democracy through the events of the Arab spring
Published 2015“…Could democratic values and governance be practiced in a society without being fostered in the mindset of people? To what extent are the democracy worshippers themselves democrats in their quest? …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Assessment on the quality on drinking wells exposed to different degrees of submergence during flood in Kelantan
Published 2016“…Machang, Temangan), existing pre-flood contamination could have contributed to variable trend of contamination being observed. In addition, wells exposed to different degree of submergences also showed no difference in the total dissolved solid (TDS) and total suspended solid (TSS). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamizing engineering curriculum
Published 2006“…In this Western approach to education, revelation is considered baseless metaphysics and rival to science, and the latter, being the only truth, is confined to empiricism, pure human reasoning and considered transcendental in the affairs or the study of nature. …”
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Book Chapter -
A spatial-economic optimisation of waste to biomethane in Malaysia
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
An instrument to measure students’ readiness for embedded system design course
Published 2023Get full text
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