The utility of biomarker excretion rates in acute kidney injury
Published 2011“…The ideal method for standardizing urinary AKI biomarkers depends on the outcome being assessed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Application of permanent electromagnet for chatter control in end milling of Titanium alloy - Ti6Al4V
Published 2011“…According to Patwari et al. [5] chatter is a very important phenomenon that needs to be taken into consideration whenever machining process is being performed. Amin et al. [6] and Patwari et al. [7] found that the root cause of chatter lies in the coincidence of the frequency of instability of chip formation with one of the natural frequencies of the machine-spindle-tool system components during end milling machining operation There have been several attempts in increasing the stability limit in cutting. …”
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Book Chapter -
Comparison of surface roughness in end milling of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V using uncoated WC-Co and PCD inserts through generation of models
Published 2011“…Since the performance of conventional tools is poor in machining Ti-6Al-4V, a number of newly evolved tool materials, such as cubic boron nitride (CBN) and polycrystalline diamond (PCD), are being considered to achieve high-speed milling [3]. …”
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Book Chapter -
Comparison of machinability of ceramic insert in room temperature and cryogenic cooling conditions during end milling inconel 718
Published 2011“…Ceramic tools are currently being used to machine difficult to cut alloys at high speed and in the machining of high hardness work materials due to their improved fracture toughness, thermal shock resistance and lower expansion coefficient [6,7]. …”
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Book Chapter -
Permanent employment dressed up as Fixed-Term Contract: a review of Ahmad Zahri Mirza Abdul Hamid v Aims Cyberjaya Sdn Bhd
Published 2020“…This is reiterated by the International Labour Organisation’s (‘ILO’) Convention No 158 of 1982 which provides inter alia, that ‘adequate safeguard’ is required to prevent fixed-term contract from being the means of depriving workers of their job security. …”
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Article -
Human Rights, Celebrity and Democracy
Published 2018“…Invariably, celebrity figures including John, Bono and Bob Geldof have been accused of being ‘bards of the powerful’ to political leaders such as Tony Blair, George W. …”
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Book Section -
Women in management : barriers to career progress
Published 2002“…It therefore presented a unique opportunity to study women in the management pipeline from across a broad spectrum of jobs and backgrounds, women who were not being promoted in the same proportions as their male counterparts. …”
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Thesis -
Novel metamaterial frequency discriminating devices for next generation wireless communication systems
Published 2013“…The sharpness of the filter is due to the upper and lower transmission zeros present on either side of the filter's passband being shifted closer together which causes reduction in its bandwidth. …”
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Thesis -
The impact of international non-governmental organisations on the response of community-based organisations to the HIV/AIDs related orphan and vulnerable children crisis in Zimbabw...
Published 2011“…The study engages with how INGOs have emerged as key conduits for development aid, rather than African governments against a backdrop of development strategies being dominated by northern perspectives at the expense of southern knowledge and cultures. …”
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Thesis -
Socio-demographic characteristics, body image, self-esteem and their associations with overweight and obesity among Emirati adolescents living in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Published 2022“…Introduction: The UAE youths’ frequency of being more obese is twice to be thrice greater than the published international standards. …”
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Thesis -
A gamification approach to enhance “third space mobility”: building a digital community and fostering engagement amongst culturally diverse students
Published 2022“…As the pandemic resulted in all academic activities being delivered remotely and online for students in the university, this digital platform became a very useful tool to allow students to maintain a connection with the university and with each other. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Beyond individual flow: distributed flow in ice hockey, its antecedents and consequences to performance
Published 2023“…The distributed flow antecedents were reduced to three, all original themes, with only one new item being added. Metacognition was reduced to just one type but further refined to consider team and individual aspects. …”
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Thesis -
Using dynamic assessment of writing to promote technology-enhanced learning in higher education (Abstract) [Conference paper]
Published 2023“…It aimed to develop students’ professional skills, i.e., digital skills, in blended learning by promoting experiential learning, improve students’ writing performance and favourable attitudes towards learning and support their well-being in HEI especially in the post-Covid-19 era Fifty final year students participated in this project as part of their module. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Characterization of the measurement uncertainty for the electromagnetic conducted and radiated emission test
Published 2017“…Electromagnetic Compatibility or EMC is the ability for the product or equipment under test (EUT) able to operate in its intended environment with causing undue interference or being unduly affected by it. The requirement for non-interference has been known for many years but it is only now with the introduction of legislation that we are seeing a major growth in demand for testing. …”
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Thesis -
Modeling an Alternative Benchmarking for Home Financing: A Comparative Analysis between Malaysia and the United Kingdom
Published 2009“…The finding that the rental prices being significantly affected by TBR in the long run is consistent with the fundamental theory of demand that income and substitution effects influence the rental prices for the properties or houses. …”
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Monograph -
Prevalence of thyroid disorders and thyroid autoantibodies among coastal communities of Malaysia (part of nationwide study of thyroid disorders in Malaysia)
Published 2015“…On the otherhand, 3.4% of respondents were hyperthyroid (TSH < 0.32 mIU/L) with prevalence of overt and subclinical hyperthyroidism being 0.5% and 2.9% respectively. Among 417 samples which were available for antiTPO analysis, 8.9% has detectable antiTPO titre (>40.0 IU/mL), with 4.3% had moderate and 2.4% had high antiTPO titres. …”
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Article -
Metacognitions of Flow Experience: Towards an Understanding of the Self-Regulation of Optimal Experience
Published 2016“…From these analyses, two broad metacognitions emerged: people’s beliefs in the ‘usefulness’ of being in flow, and individual differences in their beliefs and confidence in the self-regulation of flow experiences. …”
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Thesis -
Islamic ethical values on bioengineering practices : issues in genetic engineering
Published 2006“…Utilitarian ethicists focus on maximizing human well being as a whole. Basic approaches of utilitarianism are Act-Utilitarianism which focuses on actions, not the rule, of the individual. …”
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Book -
Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology thesis portfolio (Edwards : 2019) : Obesity and uncontrolled eating from a health psychology perspective
Published 2019“…However, despite there being a large body of research looking at the topic, very little qualitative research existed which attempted to explore the experience of perceived food addiction in those trying to lose weight. …”
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Thesis -
Untitled (Publicity notice board)
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