Global energy: need, present status, future trend and key issues
Published 2016“… Human beings, unlike other biological species, had always and still have the universal desire or instinct of improving quality of life. …”
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Advance video analysis system and its applications
Published 2010“…This research aims at developing an Advance Video Analysis System (AVAS) which can be used in wide range of video surveillance applications as well as to detect moving objects and human beings. The AVAS is able to detect and track interested objects along with human. …”
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Understanding the personal and professional needs of the elderly clients in preparing for meaningful retirement years
Published 2012“…Issues related to limitations can be enormous as they cover different angles of life such as physical strengths, emotional changes, health deterioration, spiritual beings, etc. Due to inability to function as effective as they used to, elderly clients may find themselves hurt, frustrated, helpless or useless to their family, community or co-workers. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The concept of leadership and constitution of a country from the Islamic and Malay archipelago perspectives according to Taj Al Salatin manuscript
Published 2020“…In his manuscript, Bukhari al-Jauhari presents the idea, optimism and the notion of “rulers are perfect beings”, which personifies the concept of Tauhid and espouses noble character for universal civilisation. …”
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Book Section -
Analyzing trust and security in computing and communications systems
Published 2013“…In normal human life, we see these two terms go hand in hand to define the relationships we might have with fellow human beings. Trust among people sets the level of security felt by each person involved in various relationships. …”
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Social problems and its relationship with family institution in FELDA settlements: the local perspectives
Published 2010“…The research suggests as follows: i) effort and cooperation of various parties including the leaders, the schools, and the authorities the religious departments as well as the management of FELDA are important; ii) parents must be firm in nurturing and educating their children; iii) the empowerment and the implementation of laws should be emphasized especially by the Police; iv) awareness of religion also plays a very important role in the lives of human beings; v) schools are to be pro-active in solving the social and disciplinary problems amongst students.…”
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Historical development of god consciousness and its implication on humanities and social science research methodology
Published 2015“…―In the beginning, human beings created a God who was the First Cause of all things and Ruler of heaven and earth.‖ Thus begins historian of religion Karen Armstrong her book A History of God: The 4000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.1 This was a natural outcome of the Enlightenment methodology of finding historical truth. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Drying of fruits and vegetables: The impact of different drying methods on product quality
Published 2016“…Fruits and vegetables are very important products for human beings because of their high nutritional values. They are perishable products and contain high percentage of moisture. …”
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Book Chapter -
The Modern Slavery Act 2015: world leading or a missed opportunity to enhance victim protection?
Published 2020“…It presents a critical legal analysis, comparing the MSA to the UN Palermo Protocol, the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (ECAT), and EU instruments and policy positions. …”
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Thesis -
Physical Characterization of Modified Palm Oil with Hybrid Additives Nanofluids
Published 2024“…The common use of petroleum-based metalworking fluids (MWFs) in industry harms the environment and human beings. The biggest disadvantage of RBD palm oil is its low thermal-oxidative stability. …”
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Evidence based review on the effect of Islamic dietary law towards human development
Published 2015“…Food is necessary for human’s survival. Human beings become more health-conscious in consuming foods and drinks. …”
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The roles of business firms in the natural environment protection for business sustainability : an Islamic perspective
Published 2013“…The study uses an Islamic perspective in managing business, the natural environment and sustainability based on the framework of Islamic Jurisprudence of the environment (Fiqh al-Bi’ah fi al-Islam) by Mustafa Abu-Sway, particularly the relationship between human beings and the environment (vicegerency, subjection, and inhabitation). …”
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Personal identity and persistence over time : the hybrid view with regard to hylomorphism
Published 2020“…The hybrid view proposes that we are essentially embodied, thinking beings. It is thus both non-reductionist and non-dualistic. …”
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Standard operating procedure for rescue operation in human-made disaster management in Nigeria
Published 2019“…Throughout history, human-beings have been subjected to displacement, some factors that make this displacement are involuntary ranging from natural disasters to human-made disasters. …”
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Thesis -
The journey of murabbis in architecture pedagogy: The case of studio teaching as laboratory of passion and duty to future khalifas of the built environment
Published 2013“…Research findings to date confirmed as humans, we are fallible beings. However the effort made with passion and sincerity throughout the 16 years had borne fruits that ignite the industry thus provides the “nor” as incentive that motivates the architecture murabbis the zest and continuity in innovative studio teaching and learning. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The three Abrahamic faiths and their roles in making peace, unity and co-existence
Published 2011“…In particular, the study focuses on: a) understanding ethical and moral obligation and cultural integrity through moral values transformation, b) realizing three common religious faiths, values and communal responsibilities towards God, fellow human beings and other creatures, c) understanding sociocultural aspects of each other through dialogue and d) identifying causes for divergence and discrepancy among the followers of three Abrahamic faiths. …”
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The three Abrahamic faiths and their roles in making peace, unity and co-existence through moral and ethical, religious and socio-cultural transformations
Published 2011“…In particular, the study focuses on: a) understanding ethical and moral obligation and cultural integrity through moral values transformation, b) realizing three common religious faiths, values and communal responsibilities towards God, fellow human beings and other creatures, c) understanding sociocultural aspects of each other through dialogue and d) identifying causes for divergence and discrepancy among the followers of three Abrahamic faiths. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effect of Qur'anic recitation on health: a brief review on previous clinical studies
Published 2013“…The main objective of this review is to analyze available clinical studies performed related to the effects of Qur'anic recitation on human beings. Hence, this offers a research agenda to guide future studies to explore this field. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effect of Qur’anic recitation on health: a brief review on previous clinical studies
Published 2013“…The main objective of this review is to analyze available clinical studies performed related to the effects of Qur’anic recitation on human beings. Hence, this offers a research agenda to guide future studies to explore this field. …”
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