Muslim women of South-Asian origin’s constructions of assisted reproductive technologies in the UK: a Foucauldian discourse analysis
Published 2022“…The analysis identified that participants construct their understanding of ARTs in relation to: (1) biomedical and sociocultural hegemony; (2) being a woman’s problem and (3) being a liberating event. …”
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Thesis -
A low power and fast CMOS arithmetic logic unit
Published 2015“…The speed of the circuit is being measured through the propagation delay of the ALU. …”
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Thesis -
Purchasing a good from one‘s own business
Published 2011“…As the consequence of the drastic change new questions arose in all the aspects of human life, no matter of lifestyle, being it's Islamic or othenvise. The Shariah rules have always been absolute and they are being harder and harder to apply and interpret for a layman…”
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Book Chapter -
Performance Measurement and Management Practices in the Saudi Arabian Public Sector
Published 2012“…The intention of the monitoring being to recognise and / or encourage improvements in agency productivity and effectiveness.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The status of international law in the Malaysian municipal legal system: creeping monism in legal discourse
Published 2008“…While observing the ascendancy of international institutions and instruments in determining international and national obligations, it is necessary to take stock of things to maintain a balance between being sovereign and being a member of the global neighbourhood.…”
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Article -
The principles of witness immunity
Published 2015“…It is an ancient principle of law, settled for generations that witnesses enjoy absolute immunity from actions being brought against them in respect of any evidence they may give in a court of justice. …”
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Article -
Structural applications and emerging trends of nano- and biocomposites: a review
Published 2015“…Composite materials are currently being used in applications for aerospace, leisure, construction, sport, packaging and automotive industries, especially for the last mentioned application.Yet, present day trends such as a rise in interest in environmentally-friendly materials and the advancement of nanotechnology has led to the emergence of nano- and biocomposites. …”
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Article -
A survey of factors contributing to language change in English, with special reference to lexical change
Published 2008“…Words which were considered formal are also being used casually. Certain vocabulary items were unpredictable in meaning. …”
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Article -
Wireless technology: current status and future directions
Published 2006“…Besides voice, a new data range of services such as multimedia and high speed data are being offered for delivery over wireless network. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Inquiries of deaths under the Malaysian Criminal Procedure Code
Published 2009“…This paper deals with cases of any sudden death or unnatural death or death by violence or of any person being found dead without its being known how that person died. …”
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Book Chapter -
Kebutuhan dan tantangan analisa pangan
Published 2009“…Analisa pangan merupakan salah satu aspek yang selalu menjadi perhatian utama dalam industri pangan. …”
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Article -
Implikasi Datuk palsu
Published 2009“…Akhbar tersebut juga menyiarkan laporan seorang pengerusi sebuah pertubuhan yang gelaran datuknya dipertikaikan.…”
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Amalan sihir cemari kemurnian akidah
Published 2010“…CABARAN terhadap akidah islam masa kini adalah pelbagai.Kewujudan pelbagai ajaran sesat dan amalan bidaah dalam masyarakat islam masa kini bukan sahaja boleh mencemari kewibawaan mereka malah merupakan faktor kehakisan akidah islam yang tulen…”
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Article -
Undang-undang benar rakyat tangani jenayah
Published 2010“…Sekiranya diperhatikan, laporan kejadian jenayah ini membabitkan jenayah berat dan jenayah seksual yang merimaskan dan ada kala amat meloyakan. …”
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Article -
Jasmani, rohani seimbang bentuk pelajar berhemah
Published 2010“…Akhirnya totaliti seorang pelajar tidak dapat dilihat dalam pengukuran yang seimbang.…”
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Article -
Keliru bahasa: ransang, galak kanak-kanak berkomunikasi bilingualisma
Published 2012“…Dia akan bersekolah tidak lama lagi, saya risau jika dia tidak dapat menguasai bahasa melayu dengan baik dan memahaminya di dalam kelas. Apakah yang patut saya lakukan supaya dia tidak terkejut dengan suasana baru?. …”
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Article -
Islam menggalakkan perkahwinan
Published 2002“…ISLAM adalah agama yang cukup prihatin terhadap persahabatan dan kasih sayang sesama wanita. …”
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Article -
Sikap profesionalisme tidak utamakan kawan
Published 2003“…Ramai di kalangan kakitangan dan pegawai kerajaan masih memegang konsep hidup yang lebih mirip kepada favouratisme dan kronisme dalam mengendalikan urusan pentadbiran negara.…”
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Article -
Jalur berfikir remaja Islam
Published 2008“…Matlamat pembangunan Islam menghubungkan ilmu, keterampilan dan nilai dengan manusia. manusialah yang menjadi matlamat pembangunan kerana apabila manusia terbangun ilmu, keterampilan dan akhlaknya ia bakal melakukan pengurusan dengan baik, amanah, adil, jujur, ikhlas, telus dan bijaksana.…”
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Book -
Quality assurance in universities in the muslim world: obstacles and solutions
Published 2009“…Human beings are creatures from unknown to known. The struggle of human being on earth is to gain freedom back to his initial abode. …”
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Proceeding Paper