An instrument to assess organizational readiness to implement knowledge management process
Published 2010“…The Concept of knowledge management (KM) is highly being studied nowadays as it plays a major role in the competitive business world. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Land laws for the future
Published 2012“…Sustainable land development is a global agenda. New policies are being drafted from time to time to meet the planning and development expectation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Criminal offences and civil wrongs by or against migrant workers
Published 2013“…Despite the existence of labour legislations, migrant workers, in certain sectors, are still subjected to physical, verbal or psychological abuse with little or no consideration of their well-being. For example, poor and unsafe working standards, excessive working hours, non-payment or lower payment of wages, forced labour, child labour and sexual exploitation, among others are still being reported. …”
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Book Chapter -
Exploitation of national or local workers and the liability of the employer
Published 2012“…They should refrain from engaging in conduct that is unfair or is bad faith by being, for example, untruthful, misleading or unduly insensitive. …”
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Monograph -
Contemporary legal and ethical dilemmas raised by advancement in medicine, science and technology
Published 2004“…The late twentieth century depicts medical practice as being technologically advance-orientated environment. …”
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Theoretical and Empirical Research in Islamic Economics
Published 2013“…These conclusions are drawn in the context of the government’s role being limited to prudent governance and the society’s economic and distributional concerns being addressed as much as possible without adopting the budgetary channel.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Significance of social vision in the process of reshaping islamic education
Published 2015“…Since the Quran portrays human being as a social being by highlighting his various responsibilities in this world, one of the guiding principles of Islamic education should be to make Muslims capable of understanding the world for making it more just and better. …”
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The the common law privilege against self-incrimination: has it been abolished
Published 2016“…Though, this privilege has been much criticised as being obsolete, particularly in civil cases because it can prevent much relevant and strongly probative evidence from being disclosed in litigation, nevertheless, it still has a hallowed place in criminal cases. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The common law privilege against self-incrimination: has it been abolished in Malaysia?
Published 2016“…Though, this privilege has been much criticised as being obsolete, particularly in civil cases because it can prevent much relevant and strongly probative evidence from being disclosed in litigation, nevertheless, it still has a hallowed place in criminal cases. …”
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Collaborative usage of ICT DBMS in construction cost control: requirements for development and users perception
Published 2008“…The development of construction industry in recent years has witnessed tremendous amount of information and data being produce throughout the construction stage. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Benthic dinoflagellate diversity and mixotrophy: Prorocentrum
Published 2011“…New species are continuously being described based on morphology and molecular approaches, this is obviously a type of organisms which has been overlooked in many parts of the world. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The relationship between procrastination and sexual orientation
Published 2018“…Procrastination can lead to reduced mental well-being and life satisfaction. In this study, levels of procrastination were examined as a function of sexual orientation using a correlational design. …”
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GDPR: is your consent valid?
Published 2020“…Many companies are running the risk of non-compliance with the law if they fail to address how data are obtained and the lack of true consent which Data Subjects currently give to their data being processed. Consent is a complex philosophical principle which relies on the person giving the consent being in full possession of the facts, this article explores the philosophical background of consent and examines the circumstances which were the point of departure for the debate on consent and attempts to develop an understanding of it in the context of the growing influence of information systems and the data-driven economy. …”
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Book review : The next welfare state? UK welfare after COVID-19 by Christopher Pierson
Published 2022“…And yet, when the crisis has passed, we will be left with all the old problems of welfare and well-being which we have systematically failed to address over the past 50 years. …”
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Resolusi bersejarah seminar tajdid pemikiran di Bandung: pengekalan alam Melayu sebagai rantau Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah
Published 2009“…Artikel yang ditulis ini adalah mengenai pengekalan alam melayu sebagai rantau ahlus sunnah wal jamaah. …”
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Perjuangkan hak seiring tanggungjawab
Published 2010“…Antara hak dan tanggungjawab, manakah lebih penting atau kedua-duanya sama penting? Mungkin ada yang menganggap persoalan ini klise dan tidak perlu dibincangkan. …”
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Kajian UIAM: populariti kerajaan Barisan Nasional meningkat
Published 2010“…Sokongan rakyat terhadap kerajaan Barisan Nasional(BN) pada akhir-akhir ini semakin meningkat sejak berbanding Pilihan Raya Umum 2008 yang lalu, demikian menurut kajian isu semasa terbaharu Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM).…”
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Berpolitik tidak seharusnya menggadaikan agama
Published 2010“…Perkongsian kuasa antara kaum dalam negara yang mempunyai pelbagai bangsa dan agama merupakan ciri ciri sebuah negara bertamadun la juga merupakan salah satu caia untuk menegakkan keadilan dan keprihatinan pemerintah terhadap rakyat berbilang bangsa dan agama.…”
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Beza fahaman politik tidak patut ke tahap permusuhan
Published 2010“…Penglibatan Rasulullah SAW dan para sahabat baginda dalam arena politik bertujuan membentuk sebuah negara islam yang berteraskan wahyu illahi.Oleh itu,setiap pergerakan dan aktiviti dalam arena politik adalah sihat dan tidak menjejaskan kepentingan umat dan agama Islam.…”
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Semarakkan maruah bangsa dan agama
Published 2010“…Bertambahnya bilangan penagih dadah dan pelbagai kegiatan yang boleh meruntuhkan moral umat Islam sepatutnya dijadikan isu penting dalam mempertahankan maruah umat, terutama dalam arena politik.…”
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