Puasa sepatutnya latih umat Islam hidup sederhana
Published 2007“…Ibadah berpuasa perlu dilihat dalam perspektif menahan diri daripada makan dan minum secara berlebihan serta melatih diri menjadi orang yang sederhana dalam kehidupan seharian.…”
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Article -
Persepsi masyarakat terhadap perundangan Islam di Malaysia
Published 2011“…Ianya bertujuan memastikan mekanisma perundangan Islam mampu menguruskan permaslaahan umat Islam disamping menjaga kemaslahatan dan kebajikan mereka. Yang paling utama, pastinya kedaulatan agama Islam akan terus terpelihara di Malaysia.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Diminishing partnership: bankers strategic response to Shariah compliance home financing
Published 2010“…The Shariah scholars also agreed that DP possesses justice, fairness and cater for the well being of individual and society. Contrary to expectation, the overall views of the bankers support the implementation of DP except for a few reservations regarding pricing and operations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design and application of radio frequency identification systems
Published 2009“…The components and features are still under research and being integrated in existing systems to create a marketable and potential new system. …”
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Article -
Vaccine manufacturing in Islamic perspective
Published 2009“…In addition, improvement to already licensed vaccine is also being considered leading to new products as well as the introduction of a new type of adjuvant. …”
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Book Chapter -
Effects of polar cosolvents on cocoa butter extraction using supercritical carbon dioxide
Published 2013“…The triglycerides of POP, POS and SOS were contained in the extracted cocoa butter with POS being the major component. Where palmitic, stearic and oleic were the main fatty acids in the cocoa butter samples, with stearic being the highest component. …”
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Article -
Career manual
Published 2006“…However, it appears that providing such programs is not the only solution to the problem of graduates being unemployed. The fact that many graduates are not in the know of what they can do and what jobs suit them must be acknowledged. …”
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Book -
An overview of scalable video streaming
Published 2011“…This dynamic behavior of the Internet makes it difficult to provide perceptually good quality of streaming video In contrast, in the streaming mode, the video content need not be downloaded in full, but is being played out \\hile parts of the content are being received and decoded…”
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Book Chapter -
Sime Darby goes to Liberia.
Published 2011“…Its main focus is plantations with its major crops being oil palm and rubber. It has large plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia. …”
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Article -
The role of environmental impact assessment in addressing marine environmental issues arising from oil and gas activities: Examples from Malaysia
Published 2011“…Malaysia being a maritime nation is well endowed with valuable resources found within her marine waters, notably that of oil and gas. …”
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Article -
A theoretical review in evaluating the impact of traffic calming measures on the residential living environment
Published 2012“…Addressing this issue, traffic calming measures is being perceived as a viable tool to reduce traffic speeds and accidents. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Corporate financing dynamics: Malaysia empirical evidence
Published 2012“…Firms in Malaysia are found to be under-adjust, being below the required adjustment to be at the target within a year. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A survey analysis on abandoned housing projects in Malaysia: the house buyers’ perspectives
Published 2016“…As of June 2015, Malaysia records 10,403 house buyers being affected from 15,206 abandoned housing units on 53 housing projects. …”
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Article -
Distinguishing Islam from cultural practices: Conversations with Qaisra Shahraz
Published 2016“…In terms of the volume of writing being produced, and its critical reception, British writers of South Asian origin have already made an indelible mark on mainstream British literature. …”
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Article -
Compellability of Muslim witnesses in the Syariah Courts in Malaysia: is non-Muslim also included?
Published 2009“…Can a witness who refuses to attend a court hearing to give evidence after being duly summon may be compelled by a warrant of arrest to do so? …”
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Book Chapter -
The relationship between happiness & religiosity among instead students through utilization of 'the happi-reli scale' and its validation
Published 2009“…Apart from the findings that confirmed the results from the precious studies involving these constructs (religiosity, happiness, spirituality, well being, etc) using statistical analyses, the study also found a third factor (besides happiness & religiosity) based on data analysis of the results.…”
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Book Chapter -
Security of tenure in employment: an employees precious 'property'
Published 2010“…Security of tenure in employment is an essential component of a workers sense of identity, self worth and emotional well being, amongst other things. Dismissal from employment would have financial repercussions and psychological effects on the worker. …”
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Article -
The representation of the concept of personal growth by counselling psychologists: a longitudinal Foucauldian discourse analytic study
Published 2007“…The emergence of the subjugated discourses provides an alternative view, which represents 'personal growth' as being relational, contextual and historical, with traditional discourses being implicated in the oppression of already marginalised groups in society. …”
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Thesis -
Three phase inverter for induction motor control using fuzzy-pi controller with arduino
Published 2014“…There are two situations being test in this project, which is open loop and close loop control scheme. …”
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