The European Court's treatment of ethnic or national discrimination
Published 2006Get full text
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Letter from Ar. T. Austing, Programme Secretary of the Rotary Club of Colchester to J. O. Barry-Walsh
Published 1939Get full text
Correspondence -
Book review : Third world politics: an introduction / Christopher Clapham,
Published 2010Get full text
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2017 International Design Exchange Project, Hidden Space Project. Volume 8, Re-interpretation
Published 2017“…However this is now about to change as Waterloo undergoes a revamp restoring the 4 Euro star lines for the South of England where the tunnels and vaults underneath are being developed into retail spaces and eateries to meet the needs of the travellers and other new surrounding developments. …”
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Book -
2018 International Design Project, Hidden Space Project. Volume 9, Rescued: space and people
Published 2018“…However this is now about to change as Waterloo undergoes a revamp restoring the 4 Eurostar lines for the South of England where the tunnels and vaults underneath are being developed into retail spaces and eateries to meet the needs of the travellers and other new surrounding developments. …”
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Book -
Heavy metal content determination in locally available traditional medicines using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)
Published 2011“…The mixture was then heated over water bath for 4-5 hours or until the sample had completely dissolved. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Biochemical markers used to ascertain exposure to cigarette smoking and environmental tobacco smoke
Published 2009“…Result: Mean age is 34.99 ± 8.5 (range 20 to 57 years old). 96% are Malays. Saliva NicAlert® cut-off point for smoker and nonsmoker is 1 and 50 ng/ml in HPLC-UV. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Critical control points and critical limits for industrial scale Halal poultry meat production
Published 2014“…The CL for CCP3 (immobilization) includes a gap of at least 5 sec to hang chickens onto the shackles and shackling time of less than a minute for every chicken before they are slaughtered. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A clinical evaluation of bleeding patterns, adverse effects, and satisfaction with the subdermal etonogestrel implant among postpartum and non-postpartum users
Published 2016“…Women in the non-postpartum group had last delivered at least 6 months previously and underwent Implanon insertion between day 1 and day 5 of menses. Baseline body weight was recorded for each participant. …”
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Article -
Dose and duration of opioid use in patients with cancer andn non-cancer pain at an outpatient hospital setting in Malaysia: A retrospective cross sectional study
Published 2016“…The proportion of patients prescribed with a mean daily dose of >100 mg morphine equivalents was lower in the non-cancer group (5.1%). than in the cancer group (14.8%). The proportion of patients with more than 90 days covered with opioid per year (indicator for chronic use) was higher in the non-cancer group (21.8%) than in the cancer group (17.5 %). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Characterization of probiotic Lactobacillus spp. isolates from commercial fermented milks
Published 2015“…Rep-PCR using primer GTG-5 was applied for initial discrimination of isolated strains, and isolates, which presented different band profile, were placed in different groups. …”
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Thesis -
The protection of confidentiality in arbitration: balancing the tensions between commerce and public policy
Published 2021“…Is confidentiality an implied term as held by Potter LJ in Ali Shipping Corporation v Shipyard Trogir - an approach subsequently criticised by the Privy Council in Associated Electric and Gas Insurance Services Ltd v European Reinsurance Co of Zurich (Bermuda), where their Lordships expressed reservations about the desirability or merit in so characterising a duty of confidentiality? …”
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Thesis -
Design of segmented outer rotor permanent magnet flux switching motor in transverse shape for high torque applications
Published 2020“…The 24S/14P motor is selected for securing the initial highest torque of 240.5 Nm and achieved the target average torque/power of 470 Nm/45 kW after using parameter optimisation method (POM). …”
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Thesis -
Optimization study on sewage sludge conditioning using Moringa Oleifera seeds
Published 2010“…The best solution generated showed lowest CST and Specifi c Resistance to Filtration (SRF) was obtained at 4.5 s and 1.22 × 1011 m/kg respectively. These values were obtained under the optimum conditions of mixing speed at 100 rpm, mixing duration of 1 min and Moringa oleifera dosage of 4695 mg/L. …”
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Article -
Conflict management in the Mara education institutions, Malaysia
Published 2011“…The findings shows that the highest score was on ‘Conflict can be thought as problem, we need to find the source and take the appropriate steps to solve it’ with mean score 4.40 of 5.00 Likert scale. The lowest was on ‘It is better to lie a bit in order to solve a conflict’ with mean score 2.51. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Temporary cross-clamping of the infrarenal abdominal aorta during cesarean hysterectomy to control operative blood loss in placenta previa increta/percreta
Published 2010“…Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved…”
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Article -
Evaluation on different forms of Moringa Oleifera seeds dosing on sewage sludge conditioning
Published 2009“…Using specific resistance to filtration (SRF) as a parameter, Moringa oleifera in dry powder form at dosage of 2000 mg/L was comparable to 50 mg/L Zetag 7653 in reducing the value from 8.0×1010 to 3.3×1010 m/kg (2.5 times of magnitude). Therefore, Moringa oleifera in dry powder form was as effective as Zetag 7653. …”
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