Molecular orbital analysis of the reaction paths for termolecular reactions
Published 1999Get full text
Article -
The abuse of the due process doctrine
Published 2015“…Recently, in Wan Mohd Azman bin Hassan v PP [2010] 4 MLJ 141, the Federal Court was asked to consider receiving the doctrine, it was reluctant to do so. …”
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Article -
AI-based investigation and mitigation of rain effect on channel performance with aid of a novel 3D slot array antenna design for high throughput satellite system
Published 2024“…This information can be valuable for optimizing satellite link design and operation, ultimately enhancing the reliability and quality of satellite communications. …”
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The performance on concrete brick containing Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) as replacing cement
Published 2018“…Production of concrete leads to a reduction in natural resources as materials used in producing a concrete brick example of fine aggregate and cement. Furthermore, this problem gets attention from some parties in finding an alternative to reduce waste and maintained the natural resources to produce concrete using waste materials. …”
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Book Section -
Design and characterization of single photon APD detector for QKD application
Published 2010“…The APD is part of an optical communication link, which is a private channel to transmit the key signal. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Religion and consumer behaviour in developing nations: a look into the future
Published 2021“…In this process, the chapter reviews the link between ethics and business vis-à-vis the religious factor in the context of broader consumer behaviours, and critically determines the way forward. …”
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Book Section -
The influence of Artificial Intelligence techniques on disruption management: does supply chain dynamism matter?
Published 2023“…Moreover, SCD does not moderate the link between HSC adoption and HSCR but does moderate the link between HSC cooperation and HSCR. …”
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Article -
Moral improvement (Islox al- Akhloq): revisiting the prophetic method in the midst of materialistic tendencies
Published 2010“…This paper therefore aims at revisiting behavior modification method used by the Prophet (p.b.u.h) and sees how this prophetic method is able to produce successful people throughout history in the persons of Abdul Rahman bin Auf in business, Umar Abdul Aziz in governance and so on. …”
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Article -
دور المؤثرات السقافية في تقدير المدى الزمني للفونيم: دراسة فونولوجية حاسوبية = dawr al-mu'asirat al-siyaqiyah fi taqdir al-mada al-zamani li al-fonim: dirasah fonololojiyah hasubi...
Published 2012“…The effects in approximating the time of the phoneme will be concluded through the analysis of the Quranic recitations by the samples which consist of reliable recitors such as Syaikh ‘Abdulla Basfar, Saikh Muhammad Ayyub, and Syaikh Masyari bin Rasyid al-‘Afasi. Among the questions the study wishes to answer: Is the approximation of the time of the phoneme a special characteristic of the recitation of the reciter and his recitation? …”
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Article -
رِثَاءٌ ذو ثَلاثِ شُعَبٍ في شِعْرِ عَبْدِ الرَّحمنِ العشماوي: دِرَاسَةٌ أدَبِيَّةٌ تَحْلِيلِيَة = Ashmawi in his panegyric poems and the emotion of the poet as evident in the three...
Published 2011“…For this reason, samples of the poet lamenting on the death of his mother and the death of a renowned scholar Syaikh ‘Abdel ‘Aziz bin Bazz and finally the death of a martyr Syaikh Ahmed Yasin; will be analyzed. …”
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Article -
Bir Think Tank ve IAIS (A Think Tank and the IAIS)
Published 2010“…Dünya’da bölgesel ve küresel boyutta yaklaşık 6000 (altı bin) civarında think tank kuruluşu vardır. Yüzde yetmişten fazlasını Amerika ve Avrupa devletlerinde faaliyet gösteren bu düşünce kuruluşları ülkenin geleceği ve uluslararası konumunun tespiti ve varlığının devamı için uluslararası ilişkilerde rol oynayan hayâti bir öneme sahip. …”
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الأندلس: تفاعل وتجديد 711-2011 (al-Andalus: tafa'il wa tajdid 711-2011)
Published 2011Get full text
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Damage intensity class for reinforced concrete beam-column joint subjected to lateral cyclic loading
Published 2021“…These damages were caused by lack of shear links confinement and insufficient anchorage length, particularly on the RC beam-column joint (BCJ) of the buildings. …”
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Thesis -
Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of the C-terminal domain of Rv3262 (FbiB) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Published 2011“…During cofactor F420 biosynthesis, the enzyme F420-[gamma]-glutamyl ligase (FbiB) catalyzes the addition of [gamma]-linked L-glutamate residues to form polyglutamylated F420 derivatives. …”
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