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Line inductance stability operation domain assessment for weak grids with multiple constant power loads
Published 2022“…Weak grids are gaining considerable attention since power generation resources are remote from constant power loads (CPLs), which results in low-frequency/harmonic oscillation. …”
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Journal Article -
Detection and characterisation of defects in directed energy deposited multi-material components using full waveform inversion and reverse time migration
Published 2022“…Material porosity in multi-material components is detrimental since it may lead to premature structural failure. …”
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Journal Article -
Flexible and resource-efficient multi-robot collaborative visual-inertial-range localization
Published 2022“…Traditional methods rely on detecting inter and intra-robot loop closures, which can be restrictive operation-wise since the robot must form loops. Ultra-wideband sensors, which provide direct distance measurements and robot ID, can replace loop closures in many applications. …”
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Journal Article -
Strained graphene optoelectronic devices with unprecedented pseudo-magnetic fields
Published 2022“…In the past few decades, silicon-based PIC has been at the core of PIC development due to the maturity of industry-adopted silicon processing technologies. Since the first discovery of graphene in 2004, graphene-based PIC has been considered one of the strongest candidates to further improve the performance of silicon-based PIC for various reasons. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Attractiveness of container shipping as an investment asset class - perspective from an equity investor with investment horizon of 5 years
Published 2022“…It was also found that container freight indexes were key indicators of overall share price performance. However, since this volume is an analysis of past performance, it is not sufficient to predict how container shipping will perform within the investment horizon of the next five years, thus necessitating further investigation in subsequent volumes.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Clustering-triggered emission of EPS-605 nanoparticles and their application in biosensing
Published 2023“…Moreover, EPS-605 was successfully utilized for Fe3+ detection since its fluorescence could be selectively quenched by Fe3+. …”
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Journal Article -
Risk-based two-stage optimal scheduling of energy storage system with second-life battery units
Published 2023“…Although the capital costs of SLBs are much cheaper, their operational reliability is an important concern since used batteries may suffer from a higher failure rate. …”
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Journal Article -
Implementation of enterprise resource planning for improving enterprise value chain
Published 2009“…Nowadays, ERP system is not exclusive for giant organizations, but an emerging trend for the SMEs to adopt ERP system to improve their competitiveness in the global market. However, ever since the emergence of ERP concept, ERP implementation project is notorious for its high failure rate. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Long wavelength quantum cascade laser and gas sensing application
Published 2023“…Since the establishment of the theoretical concept of the Quantum Cascade Laser in the 1970s, this innovative new type of semiconductor laser has been through significant development. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Accelerating sparse matrix operations on FPGAs with on/off-chip memories
Published 2023“…Sparse matrix operations on FPGAs have gained much attention. Since sparse matrix operations are memory-bounded, the hardware efficiency depends on hardware-aware data organization and dedicated hardware design. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Numerical methods for finite-size key rates with different entropic bounds in quantum key distribution
Published 2024“…Various numerical methods have since been proposed for the computation of finite-size key rates using Semi-Definite Programming (SDP). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Deep learning for human motion generation
Published 2024“…A unified motion model is appealing since it can leverage a wide range of motion data to achieve broad generalization beyond a single task. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design of DNA microarrays for pathogen detection
Published 2010“…Moreover, the STM4497 gene was unique and its primer set was also proven to be specific to S. Typhimurium. Also, since the STM4497 Microarray probe was specific for the same pathogen, it should provide a specific detection of S. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A study of warehouse management system in Singapore
Published 2010“… - The future R&D needs for WMS focuses on customer satisfaction, since warehousing itself is a service sector. Therefore, R&D needs for visibility, event management and performance management fall under high-importance, high-urgency activities.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design and characterisation of bio-inspired thorax for flapping-wing robotfly
Published 2010“…These design rules lead to the first flapping wing robotfly prototype since the inception of the wing flapper research. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study of the intra-variability of a person’s face from infrared images
Published 2010“…The face has been a main factor in researching area since traditional means of security such as Identification (ID) cards. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Finite element analysis of shoulder rotator cuff
Published 2010“…The author made use of ANSYS Workbench software version 11 since it is one of the best tools available within the reach, which is compatible with the existing model. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Three dimensional numerical manifold method and rock engineering applications
Published 2011“…FEM) and discontinuum methods (e.g. DDA). Since it was first proposed in 1991, most of research works on the NMM were carried out within the two-dimensional (2-D) framework. …”
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Thesis -
Biomedical cellular imaging using digital holographic photothermal microscope
Published 2011“…As Digital Holographic Microscopy requires more efficient equipments for the same imaging resolution and offers more quantitative measurement advantages than its previous alternative techniques, the integration between these two imaging techniques has become a new interesting research field to be studied upon. Since the past few years, a breakthrough attempt in incorporating DHM into PTI has been conducted and till recently, our PTI-DHM setup has been established. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
In memory of Aureliano's ice.
Published 2011“…Going through the chain of events leading to the fateful encounter, he does not remember the acrobats with gold-capped teeth or the jugglers with six arms, nor the thousand more inventions so ingenious and unusual that his father wanted to invent a memory machine so that he could remember them all; in the critical moments right before his death, the other events are fleeting, yet “for the first time since his youth he knowingly fell into a trap of nostalgia and relived that prodigious afternoon of the gypsies when his father took him to see ice” (García Márquez 266-267). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)