Macro/micro-mobility fast handover in hierarchical mobile IPv6
Published 2006“…Instead, it uses the same mechanism in both cases. This involves long handover delay and signaling load. The Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) protocol has been proposed as an extension of basic MIPv6 to solve this problem by splitting the handover management into macro-mobility and micro-mobility schemes. …”
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Integrated Scheduled Waste Management System in Kuala Lumpur using Expert System
Published 2011“…Furthermore, scheduled waste management has long been a problem area for local authorities in Kuala Lumpur. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The right of return: its application to Palestinian refugees
Published 2005“…It is an open secret that the cause of the suffering of millions of Palestinian refugees for the past 51 years is the state of Israel for it is this state that, in disregard of all the relavant norms of international law, has adopted a wrongful policy of ethnic cleansing' - a policy that is designed to replace the Palestinians with Jewish migrants from all over the world - which has made the Palestinians endure for a very long period of time the injustices of forcible displacement from their homes that has no precedent in modern history. …”
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Asyum and non-refoulement in international law: an analysis
Published 2001“…The asylum seekers who legitimately need refuge or protection are entitled to receive it for as long as necessary to ensure that they will not to exposed to the risk of persecution in their states of orgin. …”
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Integrated Scheduled Waste Management System in Kuala Lumpur using expert system
Published 2011“…Furthermore, scheduled waste management has long been a problem area for local authorities in Kuala Lumpur. …”
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Book Chapter -
A pay-and-stay model for tackling intruders in hybrid wireless mesh networks
Published 2012“…Nonetheless, instead of thinking in this pattern, we take a different approach of tackling intrusion by allowing an intruder to stay in the network as long as it proves to be worthy of staying in the network by supporting the network’s regular activities. …”
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Characterization and performance evaluation of zinc oxide varistor blocks processed by latex binders
Published 2008“…The processing of ZnO varistor has a long route with numerous contributing variables. …”
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Performance evaluation of zinc oxide varistor produced from powder under different spray drying conditions
Published 2006“…I-V characteristics, wattloss behavior and energy absorption capability etc. are the critical characteristics for performance evaluation of ZnO varistors. In the long processing steps of this electro-ceramic with a considerable number of contributing variables, the preparation of pressing grade electro-ceramic materials is very important. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Marine capture fisheries in Malaysia with emphasis on overexploited fish stocks
Published 2012“…Therefore, proper management is urgently needed for sustainable production to ensure long-term sustainability in supplying animal protein for Malaysian people. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Section 106 of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 of Malaysia: issues and suggestions
Published 2012“…Different societies across the world have long used non-judicial indigenous methods to resolve conflicts. …”
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PhD proposal (Gregynog 2010): short selling and stock returns
Published 2010“…Finance theory in asset pricing chapter has long made strong assumptions on short selling. In CAPM for example, lending and borrowing of securities is assumed to be unlimited and therefore short selling is assumed in place without cost and without restrictions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Feasibility of local manufacturer of spares for fertilizer factories of Bangladesh-a case study
Published 1990“…Fertilizer factories in Bangladesh depend almost entirely on imported spare parts, which are very costly, involve foreign currency consumption and long lead time for procurement. This leads to huge inventory costs and lot of spares are kept in reserve in the fear of factory shut downs. …”
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A case study on design and manufacture of tilting pad thrust bearing for steam turbine of fertilizer factories
Published 1996“…Apart from the high procurement cost import involves long lead time. In order to avoid factory shut downs a lot of spares are also kept in reserve. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigation of the influence of the properties of the work and tool materials on performance level of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) process
Published 1997“…From the experimental results it was observed that the curves of MRR versus machining time show convex behavior, specially after long duration of machining. It was also observed that the MRR and WR are inversely proportional to the melting points of the work and tool materials respectively. …”
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Book Chapter -
Dualisme pendidikan umat Islam di Malaysia: sejarah, perkembangan dan cabaran masa depan
Published 2002“…The present writer argues that so long there is no attempt to narrow the gap between the so-called religious and secular school system, the hope for an integrated, holistic system of education will not prevail. …”
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Psychological and physiological adaptation to crowd density: a study of Malaysian males
Published 2013“…One Malay male participant had physiological (i.e., skin temperature, heart rate, and human thermal) responses recorded while surrounded by another 9 Malay male participants in a space 1.5m wide by 1.0m long (i.e., density approximation of 0.12m2) inside a climatic chamber, representing a jammed-pressed crowd. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Balanced score card approach for better Shari’ah corporate governance
Published 2013“…The main drive towards Islamic financial institutions is to provide fair and just financial system free insurance, borrowers and society with the expectation of long-term success of the institutions within the Shari’ah framework. …”
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Best interest of children in the division of family business as matrimonial property: the civil and shariah courts’ perspectives in Malaysia
Published 2011“…This approach would ensure that the continuity of the business achieved the initial/main purpose of its establishment and would bestow long term benefits to the children. The main objective of this paper is to highlight that ‘the doctrine of favor filli’ (best interest of the child) should be applied by the court in cases involving family business as a matrimonial property. …”
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Limnological parameters affecting monthly abundance of Chironomid larvae in a fish pond and their role in the diet of catfish, Clarias batrachus
Published 2013“…Six months-long experiment was carried out in a fish pond at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh from September 2008-February 2009 to evaluate the limnological parameters affecting monthly abundance of Chironomid larvae and their role in the diet of catfish, Clarias batrachus. …”
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Modeling petroleum future volatility: Analyzing asymmetry and persistency of shocks
Published 2012“…These findings also imply that in the presence of asymmetric and persistent volatility, policy measures should be taken to accommodate long lasting effects of shocks to the volatility. …”
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