On becoming good women: a study on 'the fragmented self' in Malaysian Muslim women's writing in English
Published 2007“…Muslim women writers are also at pains to voice their Muslim identity in a world so misinformed on matters relating to Islam and Muslim women. …”
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A systematic review of the influence of technology-mediated employment interview on applicant reactions from 2000-2010
Published 2010“…The present study presents a systematic review of recent research on technology-mediated employment interview (i.e., interactive voice response interview, IVR; telephone interview, TI; videoconference interview, VI) in personnel selection with particular preference to applicant reactions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
"I look at money differently now...": male UK problem gamblers and their relationship to money: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2020“…Aims: This study seeks to explore the experience of money for UK-based males identifying as problem gamblers, providing them with a voice to articulate their subjective experience, which in turn may help to contribute towards better understanding of problem gamblers’ distress, improving treatment outcomes and informing evidence-based research. …”
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Thesis -
Knowing what I know now : black women talk about violence inside and outside the home
Published 2014“…Further explorations are required into the intersectional features of women’s lives to explore whether African and Caribbean heritage women have voice and visibility in policy, whether and how their needs are met and for this to influence the commissioning of services.…”
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Thesis -
After the Brexit referendum: an exploration into how EU migrant care workers for individuals with dementia make sense of their role and experience
Published 2021“…This study sought to explore the impact of the referendum on EUMCWs’ sense of identity and wellbeing post-referendum, with an underlying aim to give voice to them in a time when their future rights are uncertain, an aim that is relevant to the ethos of counselling psychology (CoP). …”
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Thesis -
Placemaking, performance and infrastructures of belonging: the role of ritual healing and mass cultural gatherings in the wake of trauma
Published 2024“…In the spirit of this project to develop a dynamic community of praxis, the authors have decided to frame their contribution to this volume as a dialogue rather than a univocal essay, keeping the commitment to posing theory against practice, and bringing a new voice, that of an artistic researcher- practitioner, into the discussion. …”
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Book Section -
Microwave milk pasteurization system using coaxial slot radiator
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Treatment of natural rubber wastewater using oil palm empty fruit bunch, kaolin and zeolite as composite adsorbent
Published 2018“…The fixed-bed adsorption performances were evaluated by varying the influent flow rate (2, 2.5 and 3 mL/min) while the adsorption kinetics was analysed using Thomas, Yoon-Nelson and Adam-Bohart kinetic models. …”
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Thesis -
Keberkesanan penggunaan CD-atlas elektronik dalam meningkatkan prestasi dan minat pelajar dalam mata pelajaran geografi
Published 2011“…Ujian pra, ujian pasca dan soal selidik digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian.Dapatan kajian dianalisis dengan ujian-t dan statistik deskriptif.Kajian mendapati bahawa penggunaan CD-Atlas Elektronik dapat menarik minat pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Geografi.Statistik skor min menunjukkan minat pelajar berada pada tahap tinggi. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Simultaneous extraction and fractionation of pufa from tropical tuna (thunnus tongol) head using pressure swing technique of supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2)
Published 2012“…The dry and grinded sample was pressurised with pure CO2 and then soaked in the vessel for 1 hrs, and extracted continuously for 20 min at optimal conditions of 35 MPa, 65 oC, 3 ml min-1. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Dry machining of T6061 aluminium alloy using titanium nitride (TiN)and titanium carbonitride (TiCN) coated tools
Published 2013“…Tool wear intensities of TiN and TiCN coated tools using both dry and traditional wet machining was studied with the aim in finding the optimum cutting speed from three different cutting speeds (318, 394 and 490 m/min) with a feed rate of 0.6 mm/rev and depth of cut of 0.4 mm. …”
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Dry machining of T6061 aluminium alloy using titanium carbonitride (TiCN) coated tools
Published 2013“…The optimum cutting speed for both cutting parameters is 446 m/min for dry and wet machining. Tool tip temperature for dry machining is found to be 14 - 16 % higher than wet machining for both cutting parameters. …”
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Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Seed Oil from Winter Melon (Benincasa hispida) and Its Antioxidant Activity and Fatty Acid Composition
Published 2013“…The effects of process variables namely pressure (150–300 bar), temperature (40–50 °C) and dynamic extraction time (60–120 min) on crude extraction yield (CEY) were studied through response surface methodology (RSM). …”
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Optimization of CNTs production using full factorial design and its advanced application in protein purification
Published 2010“…The statistical analysis reveals that the optimized conditions for the best CNTs yield production at 850°C reaction temperature, 60 min reaction time, with gas flow rates at 40 and 150 ml/min for C2H2 and H2, respectively. …”
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A systematic investigation of the tribological behaviour of oxides formed on AlSiTiN, CrAlTiN, and CrAlSiTiN coatings
Published 2023“…However, AlSiTiN coated tools demonstrated reduced flank wear and the lowest wear in machining at 200 m/min. The formation of SiO2 could account for this low level of wear.…”
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A systematic investigation of the tribological behaviour of oxides formed on AlSiTiN, CrAlTiN, and CrAlSiTiN coatings
Published 2023“…However, AlSiTiN coated tools demonstrated reduced flank wear and the lowest wear in machining at 200 m/min. The formation of SiO2 could account for this low level of wear.…”
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A systematic investigation of the tribological behaviour of oxides formed on AlSiTiN, CrAlTiN, and CrAlSiTiN coatings
Published 2023“…However, AlSiTiN coated tools demonstrated reduced flank wear and the lowest wear in machining at 200 m/min. The formation of SiO2 could account for this low level of wear.…”
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Equilibrium and Mechanism of Removal of Total Dissolved Solids and Hardness by Adsorption onto Neem Seed Powder Adsorbent
Published 2023“…The samples subsequently are left without disturbance for 30 min. The level of total dissolved solids has been measured with a TDS meter, hardness, and calcium using the titration method and magnesium with a different method. …”
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