Dasar kerajaan dan isu sekuriti makanan di Malaysia: Kajian analisis dokumen dan temubual
Published 2016“…Reka bentuk kajian ini menggabungkan kaedah analisis dokumen dan temubual elit di mana 20 dokumen bajet tahunan daripada tahun 1994 hingga 2013 dianalisis selain menemubual tujuh orang informan. …”
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Thesis -
Study the performance of porous pavement on urban thermal environment. Part 1: Field observation
Published 2008“…A numerical method was developed to study the thermal characteristics of porous pavement under fine meteorological conditions, which will be discussed in our next effort. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Structure and function of proteins important in Mycobacterium tuberculosis energy metabolism
Published 2009“…Purification of a GST-tagged construct to eliminate proteolytic degradation and further fine screening is ongoing to obtain better quality crystals for X-ray diffraction. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Spatial distribution of lead and copper in the bottom sediments of Pahang River estuary, Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2010“…The concentration for both metals increased with the decrease of mean size, suggesting their association with the fine fraction of the sediments.…”
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Article -
Tuning of fuzzy logic controllers by parameter estimation method
Published 1993“…Fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) require fine tuning to match the rules to the membership functions or vice-versa. …”
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Book Chapter -
Islamic architecture : its philosophy, spiritual significance & some early developments
Published 2009“…Islamic architecture is a fine blend of all these factors which are interwoven with the treads of the belief system, principles, teachings and values of Islam. …”
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Book -
Tendon bioreactor
Published 2016“…The parameters such as frequency, the duration and the strain applied can further fine tune to meet the design requirement. Nevertheless, the optimum function of the bioreactor also relies on the mass transport of the nutrients or the medium circulation. …”
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Monograph -
The use of SEM to investigate the effect of an electron beam on the optically-visible flashover treeing of MgO ceramic
Published 2007“…An SEM may be used not only to observe a surface image but also to provide a fine electron beam for charging an insulator surface simultaneously. …”
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Article -
An SEM flashover: technique to characterize wide band gap insulators
Published 2006“…An SEM may be used not only to observe a surface image but also to provide a fine electron beam for charging an uncoated insulator surface at once. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
CPW-fed printed UWB antenna with open-loop inverted triangular-shaped slot for WLAN band filtering
Published 2015“…The notch band frequency is determined by physical parameters defining the TSS that allows fine control of the notch's location. The proposed antenna also possesses a flat gain response expect at the notched band and occupies a relatively small volume of 25 × 25 × 0.8 mm3 for ease of system integration.…”
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Article -
A Convolutional Neural Network Model to Segment Myocardial Infarction from MRI Images
Published 2023“…The layers selection and hyper-parameters fine-tuning were applied before the training phase. …”
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Article -
A Convolutional Neural Network Model to Segment Myocardial Infarction from MRI Images
Published 2023“…The layers selection and hyper-parameters fine-tuning were applied before the training phase. …”
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Article -
A Convolutional Neural Network Model to Segment Myocardial Infarction from MRI Images
Published 2023“…The layers selection and hyper-parameters fine-tuning were applied before the training phase. …”
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Article -
Effect of heating rates on the microstructure and gas permeation properties of carbon membranes
Published 2018“…A single permeation apparatus was used to determine the gas permeation properties of the membrane at room temperature. Fine turning of the carbonization condition was necessary to obtain the desired permeation properties. …”
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Article -
The effect of milling parameters on laminated carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP)
Published 2012“…Suatu pepejal tidak bersalut karbida akhir kilang memotong alat dan panel CFRP dengan orientasi gentian 0/450 telah digunakan untuk menyiasat di mesin CFRP komposit semasa pengilangan; kelajuan pemotongan 16 m / min hingga 240 m / min dengan kadar suapan 0,0125 mm / gigi 0,0125 mm / gigi telah ditetapkan. …”
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Article -
Model konsep integriti ke arah peningkatan kualiti penilaian rakan (peer assessment)
Published 2019“…Pada fasa I (Analisis dokumen dan temu bual), dokumen daripada tahun 2010 hingga 2018 telah digunakan dan temu bual daripada enam (6) pakar dalam bidang Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional (PTV) telah memperoleh tiga (3) elemen integriti iaitu, Integriti Diri (Motivasi diri, keberanian, disiplin diri, dan ketelusan), Interaksi Sosial (Kejujuran, keadilan, konsisten, amanah, dan perpaduan), dan Komitmen Kerja (Usaha, tanggungjawab, dan etika). …”
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Thesis -
Determination of soil moisture content and density using electrical resistivity values
Published 2018“…Ujikaji makmal mendapati bahawa perkaitan antara nilai keberintangan elektrik tanah dengan kandungan lembapan dan ketumpatan adalah pada korelasi sederhana hingga sangat kuat (r = -0.405 – 0.949). Satu siri nilai keberintangan elektrik tanah telah dihasilkan, justeru membolehkan penentuan cirri asas geoteknik tanah menggunakan persamaan statistik yang dihasilkan. …”
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Thesis -
Wideband and multiband antennas for multi-configuration mode applications
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Vibrational characteristics of piping system in air conditioning outdoor unit
Published 2011“…The unknown stiffness variables of the other tube end (chassis-piping mounting) are determined by parameter fine tuning. An experimental modal analysis using impact hammer test has also been employed to determine the vibration properties such as natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratio of the piping structures. …”
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