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Indoor localization using Wi-Fi
Published 2020“…All models are evaluated using data collected from several reference points on block N4, North Spine, Nanyang Technological University. A simple Android application is developed to assist data collection. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The musical descriptor using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): examples in P Ramlee songs
Published 2024“…The Affinity coefficient, A, increased from 1.43 (Jangan Tinggal Daku) to 6.67 (Dendang Perantau), 8.96 (Di Pinggiran) and 13.81 (Getaran Jiwa). …”
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Article -
Nanyang Technological University indoor map
Published 2020“…The indoor map was only built for academic buildings in North Spine. Continuation of the project will see for the expansion to include all other buildings on the campus, both academic and non-academic, and for additional useful information, such as camera live feed, to be integrated. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Knowledge and attitude of lower back pain among nursing students in Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan
Published 2023“…It is the pain in your lower back which may come from the spine, muscle, nerves or other nearby structure. …”
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Monograph -
Prevalence of lumbosacral transition vertebrae in symptomatic adults and the levels of degeneration in the suprajacent disc
Published 2024“…Retrospectively, 545 patients (Age = 57.6 ± 18.3 years; Male = 277; Female = 268) who underwent radiographic evaluation of the lumbar spine for lower back pain or radicular symptoms were shortlisted. …”
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Journal Article -
Variations of the femoral artery position in relation to femoral vein and mid-inguinal point: a cadaveric study
Published 2023“…Bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant association of distance from anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to femoral artery between the right and left thigh. …”
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Article -
Living with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: radiological images of a patient with extensive heterotopic ossification
Published 2023“…Radiographic evaluation with X-rays and CT scans revealed scoliosis and total fusion of almost all levels of the spine, with only a few disc spaces spared. A large mass of heterotopic bone was observed, corresponding to the location of the paraspinal muscles in the lumbar region, branching upwards and fusing with the scapulae on both sides. …”
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Journal Article -
Published 2017“…Rentang Kisah adalah buku kumpulan cerita yang ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman-pengalaman Gita Savitri menetap dan kuliah di Jerman. Hidup dan tinggal di Jerman membuat dia harus bertahan dan mencari penghasilan tambahan seperti menulis untuk majalah dan koran di Indonesia, endorsement di Instagram, dan membuat konten kreatif lainnya. …”
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Hearing loss and risk of major osteoporotic fracture: a population-based cohort study in the United Kingdom
Published 2025“…Purpose: Assess association between hearing loss (HL) and major osteoporotic fracture (MOF; spine, wrist/forearm, shoulder/proximal humerus, hip) in individuals aged ≥ 60 years, and risk factors for MOF in individuals with HL. …”
Journal article -
Published 2007“…Dalam hadis qudsi ada menyebut; " Tuhan kita turun setiap malam ke langit dunia ketika tinggal satu pertiga terakhir malam. Dia berfirman: Siapa yang memohon kepada-Ku, Aku akan perkenankannya, siapa yang meminta kepada-Ku, Aku akan memberinya, siapa yang memohon keampunan-Ku, Aku akan mengampunnya. …”
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Investigating the genetics and immunopathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis
Published 2024“…<p>Ankylosing spondylitis is an immune-mediated inflammatory arthritis mainly affecting the spine, although the peripheral joints, skin, intestine, and eyes could also be affected. …”
Thesis -
Published 2018“…Mayat lelaki itu ditemui di dalam sebuah rumah tinggal. Tiada tanda-tanda lelaki itu dikasari, namun pada dinding berdekatan mayat itu terdapat tulisan berdarah yang misteri. …”
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Design and investigation of air-cooled heat sinks using 3D printing technology
Published 2016“…This study presents the heat transfer performance of five pin fin heat sinks that have been fabricated using Selective Laser Melting. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Model Reintegrasi Sosial Bersepadu Bekas Banduan dan Orang Diparol (ODP) di Rumah Perantaraan Jabatan Penjara Malaysia: Ke Arah Keupayaan Kendiri dan Kesejahteraan Psikososial (S/O...
Published 2019“…Mereka berhadapan dengan pelbagai cabaran seperti kesukaran mendapatkan pekerjaan, masalah tempat tinggal, masalah kesihatan fizikal dan mental, dan persepsi negatif atau stigma daripada masyarakat. …”
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Monograph -
Wear behaviour of NiTi shape memory alloys
Published 2016“…For example, since mechanical properties of NiTi SMAs are close to those of cortical bones, NiTi SMA based implants such as joint replacements, bone plates, and spine fracture fixations were developed. However, complex wear modes on the surface may cause undesired reactions from neighboring tissues, leading to a serious inflammation of the human body. …”
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Thesis -
Effects of probiotic supplementation on calcium absorption and bone health status in ovariectomized rats
Published 2015“…The possibility of wrist, hip or spine fracture due to osteoporosis is estimated as parallel to the risk of heart disease. …”
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Thesis -
Challenges faced by women in the corporate world
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Comparative study of accounting standards between Singapore and the Peoples' Republic of China
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP)