Peranan guru besar, guru, dan, ibubapa mencapai objektif persekolahan sekolah rendah : perspektif ibu bapa
Published 2012“…Data respons dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package For The Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 16.0 dan dibentangkan dalam min. Kajian menunjukkan respons dimensi ’Perkembangan Asas Kendiri Murid’ mendapat skor tertinggi terhadap peranan guru dengan min 4.450, dimensi ‘Pembinaan Minat dan Bakat Murid’ skor tertinggi kepada peranan guru dengan min 4.212, dimensi ‘Persediaan Persekolahan Rendah’ skor tertinggi adalah ke atas peranan guru dengan min 4.374, dimensi ‘Persediaan Persekolahan Menengah’ skor tertinggi kepada peranan guru dengan min 4.374, dimensi ‘Pemahaman Budaya dan Kemahiran Sosial’ skor tertinggi kepada peranan guru dengan min 4.336, dimensi ’Keagamaan dan Moral’ skor tertinggi kepada peranan ibubapa dengan min 4.530, dimensi ‘Persediaan Pekerjaan’ skor tertinggi kepada peranan guru dengan min 4.352, dimensi ‘Sumbangan kepada Masyarakat’ skor tertinggi kepada peranan guru dengan min 4.503. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Signature recognition using artificial neural network
Published 2011“…Automatic handwritten signature verification is divided into two approaches: off-line and on-line. In the off-line signature verification approach, the data of the signature is obtained from a static image utilizing a scanning device [I). …”
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Book Chapter -
Langerhans cell histiocytosis with extensive spinal and thyroid gland involvement presenting with quadriparesis: an unusual case in an adult patient
Published 2011“…Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the spine frequently presents as a solitary lesion and rarely results in neurological deficit. …”
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Article -
A study of microwave induced plasmas
Published 1987“…Two 'analytical' MIP's incorporating sample aerosol introduction have been used with the slab-line cavity. One being supported on an argon flowrate of 0.1 1 min-1 using a Babing!…”
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Thesis -
Wear characteristics of Fe-C-Si and Fe-C-Al cast irons
Published 2011“…Alumina ball of 3 mm diameter was used as pin, while the cast sample served as the disk. The tests were carried out at a normal load of 5.0 N and a sliding velocity of 250 mm/s for 30 min. …”
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Article -
Case report of huge cervical dumbbell tumor in neurofibromatosis. Give up surgery?
Published 2011“…Neurofibromas that arise from the spinal canal may be intradural or extradural and most commonly in the cervical spine (44%), followed by the thoracic spine (27%) and the lumbar spine (21%). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Bone health in urban midlife Malaysian women: risk factors and prevention
Published 2005“…Premenopausal women on HRT also showed a substantial decrease in spine and hip BMD, 18.6% (0.081 g/cm2) and 9.0% (0.122 g/cm2), respectively. …”
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Article -
fikrah Dr.Salam: Menantu benci sikap mentua
Published 2011“…Soal jawab 1 - Menantu benci sikap mentua 2 - Tak tinggal solat tapi buat maksiat 3 - Sengaja lengah sembahyang dikira dosa 4 - Rujuk tetap sah tanpa saksi…”
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Article -
In vitro growth of human keratinocytes and oral cancer cells into microtissues: an aerosol-based microencapsulation technique
Published 2017“…In this paper, we proposed a growth of microtissue model for the human keratinocytes (HaCaT) cell line and an oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cell line (ORL-48) based on a simple aerosol microencapsulation technique. …”
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Article -
Bio-inspired snake robot locomotion: a CPG-based control approach
Published 2015“…Natural control generates motion instantly based on the feelings from the environment. In line with this concept, an artificial control system is known as Central Pattern Generator (GPG) is an online motion generation system that can be generated instantly like spine based control system. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Oxidative behaviour of four Malaysian edible plant extracts in model and food oil systems
Published 2012“…This was followed by the extracts of Chinese cabbage (80 min), “kucai” (60 min), and “kesom” (40 min). The antioxidative activities of these plants, however, were lower than those of rosemary and sage. …”
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Article -
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma presented with right upper limb weakness : a case report
Published 2012“…Distant metastasis to the cervical spine is the least common site in the vertebral system. …”
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Article -
Fikrah Dr. Salam: Rakan terpengaruh ajaram sesat
Published 2009“…Bertudung, pakaian ketat dianggap tak tutup aurat 3. Tinggal amalan baca horoskop elak terpengaruh dengannya 4. …”
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Article -
Bio-fuel-contaminated lubricant and hardening effects on the friction and wear of AISI 1045 steel
Published 1998“…A study has been made on the wear and fiction of hardened AISI 1045 steel using a pi-pin-ondisc type of fiction and wear apparatus. During the investigation the linear pin wear, coe@cient of friction and rise in pin specimen temperature were monitored and wear and fiction curues 'plotted. …”
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Article -
Patriotisme asas kekuatan negara
Published 2010“…PATRIOTISME ertinya cinta dan setia kepada negara.Patriotisme berasal daripada perkataan Greek 'patris' maknanya 'fatherland'(tanah tumpah darah).Patriotisme perlu dilihat dalam persepsi yang sempit sehingga menjadikan individu yang tinggal didalam negara tidak berupaya untuk menyuarakan pandangan dan kritikan yang membina…”
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Article -
Hadanah menurut undang-undang Islam dan pelaksanaannya di Malaysia
Published 2004“…Pertikaian untuk mendapatkan hak hadanah biasanya tidak timbul bila pasangan masih menjadi suami dan isteri dan tinggal bersama dengan anak-anak.Artikel ini akan mengupas tentang isu hadanah mengikut kaca mata Islam dan pelaksanaannya di Malaysia.…”
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Article -
Ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasidi kalangan pelajar UTHM
Published 2009“…Ujian korelasi di jalankan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pencapaian prestasi pelajar dengan tahap tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi) mereka dan hubungan antara lokasi tempat tinggal dengan tahap tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi) mereka. …”
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