علم الصرف العربي المتقدّم لأغراض علمية (دراسة في الفعل وأبنيته وددلالته وأزمنته من خلال شواهد القرآن الكريم)...
Published 2004“…To study about alsorf al-Arabi al-mutaqaddim li-aghradh ilmiyyah min khilal al-Quranul karim theoritically and practically…”
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Book -
Statistical analaysis for removal of Cadmium from aqueous solution at High pH
Published 2011“…From the results obtained, the highest percentage removal of Cd using CNT is at pH7, 10 mg of CNTs dosage, contact time of 120 min and agitation speed of 150 rpm which gave 19.14% removal.…”
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Article -
Prediction of minimum chip thickness in tool based micro end milling
Published 2012“…The optimum value for the minimum chip thickness was 375 nm with cutting speed of 2275 rpm, feed rate of 2.6 mm/min, and depth of cut 0.6 μm using Ø 0.8 mm tool. …”
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BE-P32: fabrication of Nahar Seed Oil for biolubricant production
Published 2012“…From the result obtained, the maximum viscosity of NSO biolubricant was achieved when the temperature was 150oC, 80 min in reaction time and 0.8% catalyst dosage. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Kajian terhadap faktor-faktor mempengaruhi pencapaian pelajar dalam penilaian menengah rendah di Sabah
Published 2012“…Hasil dari penganalisisan data ini diterangkan dalam bentuk kekerapan, peratusan dan min. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa domain kendiri, guru, ibubapa, dan rakan banyak mempengaruhi strategi dan gaya pembelajaran pelajar yang mendorong kepada pencapaian PMR.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Powder mixed micro electro discharge milling of titanium alloy: Investigation of material removal rate
Published 2012“…In this experimental investigation, maximum MRR of 7.3 µg/min was obtained for 24.75 g/l SiC powder concentration and 56.77 µJ discharge energy. …”
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Article -
The economic impact of using negative rake angle in high speed hard turning
Published 2013“…The experiments were obtained with constant cutting depth (0.15 mm), constant feed rate (0.075 mm), constant cutting speed (250 m/min) and five different tool rake angles0o,-3, -6,-9 and -12). …”
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Experimental study of cutting parameter for drilling on fabric carbon/epoxy composite laminates
Published 2011“…Variation of cutting parameter such as feed rate (50,100 and 150 mm/min) and speed(400,800,1200 rpm) were tested in this study. 6 different laminates orientation (0°/0°/0°/0°, 45°/45°/45°/45°, 0°/45°/0°/45°, 45°/0°/45°/0°, 0°/0°/45°/45° and 45°/45°/0°/0°) were tested in order to see which one is the best. …”
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The evaluation of kLa values for recombinant Escherichia coli fermentation producing β-Glucuronidase enzyme
Published 2010“…From the four experiments conducted, experimental nul mnnber two with agitation of 300 rpm, airflow rate of 2 vvrn and temperature 41°C generate the highest Optical Density (OD 660 nrn) of 2.313 for cell count and also having an equivalent k,a value of 0.0281 min-lor 1.686 h-1.This condition was fOlllld to be an effective point for upscaling in bigger bioreactor for E. coli fermentation to produce the enzyme.…”
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Article -
Single-route synthesis of magnetic biochar from sugarcane bagasse by microwave-assisted pyrolysis
Published 2016“…The optimum conditions for producing high yield 69% magnetic biochar from sugarcane bagasse by microwave heating were 30 min of radiation time and an impregnation ratio (Fe2O3:biomass) of 0.45. …”
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Effects of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTS) on the mechanical and thermal properties of plasticized polylactic acid Nanocomposites
Published 2013“…A multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/plasticized polylactic acid (PLA) composite was prepared using a two-roll mill set at 170C and 50 rev/min. The material was characterized using dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA). …”
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Parametric study of carbide precipitation in 16% chromium ferritic stainless steel (FSS) welds
Published 2011“…This results in wider ditched-structure in welds made with flow rates lower than 0.052L/min. Cryogenic cooling produces more ditched weld microstructure revealed by electrolytic etching in oxalic acid; however, the structure is acceptable since no single grain boundary is completely surrounded by ditches. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigation of machining parameters for the multiple-response optimization of micro electrodischarge milling
Published 2009“…The optimized values of Ra, Ry, TWR, and MRR were 0.04, 0.34 μm, 0.044, and 0.08 mg min−1, respectively for 4.79 μm s−1 feed rate, 0.1 nF capacitance, and 80 V voltage. …”
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The reach, adoption, and effectiveness of online training for healthcare professionals
Published 2017“…This short communication reports on evaluation data from delivery of a 60-min online training session to healthcare professionals, between January and November 2016.…”
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Amalan teknik mengingat di kalangan pelajar-pelajar Sekolah Menengah Teknik Batu Pahat, Johor
Published 2002“…Data dikumpul melalui kaedah soal selidik dan dianalisis menggunakan taburan frekuensi, peratusan dan skor min. Analisis ini dilakukan menggunakan perisian SPSS for Windows 10.0. …”
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Thesis -
Tumorigenic role of podoplanin in esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma
Published 2010“…The effects of podoplanin on the behavior of cancer cells were evaluated in ESCC cell lines in which podoplanin expression was knocked down. …”
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Diminishing partnership: bankers strategic response to Shariah compliance home financing
Published 2010“…Under DP home financing, customer and bank share profit based on the rental value of the house instead of predetermined interest rate where bank gains profit upfront .As such DP is claimed to be fairer and more flexible than debt financing which result in more justice, equality and cater for societal well being that is in line with the Maqasid al Shariah. This research adopted a mixed method by obtaining the perceptions of three stakeholders namely consumers, Shariah scholars and bankers. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design of a compact printed band-notched antenna for ultrawideband communications
Published 2008“…The proposed antenna is fed by microstrip line, and it consists of square radiating patch on the top layer with a slotted-parasitic patch on the bottom layer of the antenna. …”
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Fiber break location technique utilizing stimulated Brillouin scattering effects in optical fiber
Published 2009“…This technique enables the utilization of a less-sensitive photodetector to detect the Brillouin Stokes line since its intensity increases with the fiber length in the detectable region. …”
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Article -
Testing a model of Islamic corporate financial reports: some experimental evidence
Published 2001“…Given the fact that religion stands at the core of some cultures, and that Islam is a significant force influencing the manner in which Muslims conduct their public and private lives, the influence of Islam on accounting may be significant. In line with this, Baydoun and Willett (1994 and 2000) suggested that the current value balance sheet and the value added statement would meet Islam’s objectives of socio-economic justice and accountability, thus satisfying the needs of Muslim users to a greater extent than would the traditional historical cost balance sheet and the profit and loss statement. …”
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