Haplotype analysis of long-tailed macaques in TNB Bukit Selambau, Peninsular Malaysia, leads to inferences of fissionfusion social structure
Published 2023“…Long-tailed macaques have been roaming near Tenaga National Berhad Bukit Selambau Solar (TBSS) causing human–macaque conflicts. …”
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Accelerating retail supply chain performance against pandemic disruption: adopting resilient strategies to mitigate the long-term effects
Published 2021“…Originality/value: This work sets out a comprehensive framework which will be helpful for accelerating RSCs performance against pandemic disruption by adopting resilient strategies to mitigate the long-term effects.…”
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Conceptualising alcohol consumption in relation to long-term health conditions: exploring risk in interviewee accounts of drinking and taking medications
Published 2019“…The study objective is to explore how people conceptualise the risks posed to their own health from their concurrent alcohol and medicines use. Methods and findings: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of 24 people in the North of England taking medication for long term conditions who drank alcohol twice a week or more often. …”
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5G mobile wireless access and digital channeling with RF over fiber for long-haul 64-QAM communication
Published 2023“…Such high bit rates required by 5G systems for long-haul communication. This is accomplished by overcoming the limitation of single mode fibers (SMF) of power attenuation and chromatic dispersion. …”
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mGlu5 receptors and cellular prion protein mediate amyloid-β-facilitated synaptic long-term depression in vivo
Published 2014“…We also find that mGlu5Rs are essential for Aβ-mediated inhibition of NMDAR-dependent long-term potentiation in vivo. …”
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Professional development among academic staff at selected Malaysian public universities: preliminary findings of the impact of the Basic Teaching Methodology Course (BTMC)
Published 2011“…Despite the growing number of research findings that indicate the importance of professional development in academic teaching and learning, the visible impact of staff participation in professional development on effective teaching practices in Higher Education is not significant. …”
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Liquidity, initial public offering (ipo) long-term return and government ownership: Evidence from bursa malaysia ipo stocks
Published 2012“…Further, the government shareholdings in the IPO stocks positively moderate the relation between liquidity and long-term return.…”
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Empirical findings on enhancing the well-being of poor people through Islamic transformation centre, network of mosque and entrepreneurship: a refined conceptual solution
Published 2016“…The purpose of this paper is to gather some empirical finding from the previous paper which is about enhancing the well-being of poor people through Islamic Transformation Centre (ITC), Network of Mosque (NOM), entrepreneurship and Big Data. …”
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Effect of cholymbi on growth, proximate composition, and digestive enzyme activity of fingerlings of Long whiskered catfish, Mystus gulio (actinopterygii: siluriformes: bagridae)
Published 2013“…Background. Long whiskered catfish, Mystus gulio (Hamilton, 1822), enjoys a high consumer preference and market demand in many Asian countries including India. …”
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A comparative study of Tualang honey spray versus film spray (OPSITE®) as post-long bone fracture fixation wound dressing
Published 2013“…The aim of the study is to compare Tualang honey spray with film spray (Opsite®) as an alternative dressing material following long bone fracture fixations. This is a preliminary study in Malaysia that involves human subjects. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Application of the FDTD Hybrid “M3d24-Yee”for simulating EM scattering from two objects separated by long distances
Published 2007“…In this paper we present the application of the hybrid "M3d24-Yee" with subgridding algorithm for solving problems of the electromagnetic radiation or scattering from multiple objects separated by long distances. The large distances between the objects is simulated using the M3d24 with low-resolution grid while the objects and the surrounding regions around the objects are simulated using the Yee algorithm with high resolution. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Implementing built environment research findings in developing countries - the case of east and Southern Africa the evaluation of implementing industrialized building system for construction industry in Malaysia
Published 2009“…They are used to identify the status of implementation of IBS in Malaysia. The findings identified that architects and engineers tend to reject the implementation of IBS in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
COVID-19 deep learning prediction model using publicly available radiologist-adjudicated chest X-ray images as training data: preliminary findings
Published 2020“…We aimed to use thousands of readily available chest radiograph images with clinical findings associated with COVID-19 as a training data set, mutually exclusive from the images with confirmed COVID-19 cases, which will be used as the testing data set. …”
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Strengthening primary health-care services to help prevent and control long-term (Chronic) non-communicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries
Published 2020“…Drawing from published studies, this review analyses how PHC services can be utilized and strengthened to help prevent and control long-term NCDs in LMICs. The review finds that a PHC service approach, which deals with health in a comprehensive way, including the promotion, prevention, and control of diseases, can be useful in both high and low resource settings. …”
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The acute and long lasting psychological effects of 3, 4-methylenedioxymethampethamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy'): a cohort study conducted during the period 2002-2007
Published 2011“…Discussion - The present study is the first and largest study to date to suggest that MDMA causes acute and long lasting changes to specific psychological functioning: depression, sleep, impulsivity, memory, and executive functioning; without recovery even after 5 years of abstinence. …”
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