Akta Pengurusan Strata 2013 (Akta 757)
Published 2015“…Untuk mengatasi kelemahan terdahulu, akta terbaharu diperkenalkan, iaitu Akta Pengurusan Strata 2013 (Akta 757) yang telah mendapat Perkenan Diraja pada 5 Februari 2013 dan diwartakan pada 8 Februari 2013. …”
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The use of Oral Bovril as growth hormone stimulation test
Published 2014“…Serial blood tests were taken at baseline and half hourly for 2.5 hours. Results: Subject A attained peak growth hormone of 28.4mIU/L which was consistent with a normal response, hence ruling out growth hormone deficiency. …”
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Patterns of opioid prescribing for treating pain in patients with different age and gender: a retrospective cross sectional study
Published 2015“…Oxycodone was the most frequently prescribed in both women and men (39.5% vs. 38.6%) primarily for younger patients (<40years old), followed by morphine (38% vs. 28.1%), dihydrocodeine (15% vs. 20.2%) and fentanyl (7.48% vs.13.1%). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicines among pharmacy students of a Malaysian public university
Published 2016“…Majority of the students were either neutral (49.5%) or disagreed that (42.8%) CAM use is unsafe. …”
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Clinical performance of restorations in primary molars at the polyclinic, Kulliyyah of Dentistry, IIUM
Published 2015“…Thirty-two patients, aged 5 to 12 year-old, who had primary molar restorations placed by undergraduate dental students from January 2011 to December 2013 were reviewed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Group-based quantitative structure-activity relationship (G-QSAR) analysis and molecular docking of B-cell lymphoma two (BCL-2) inhibitors
Published 2013“…In this study, an advanced method in computational drug design Group-based Quantity Structural Activity Relationship (G- QSAR) were performed using V-LIFE® on dataset of non-congeneric compounds with binding activity (IC50 range 0.003 to 400μM) available in BindingDatabase from various literatures to generate potential Bcl-2 inhibitors. …”
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A fast method for the psychophysical estimation of nonlinear cochlear function using schroeder-phase masking
Published 2015“…We also used the fast method to measure functions at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz at 45 and 75 dB A masker levels in normal hearing and hearing impaired participants, and found significantly reduced phase effects at low presentation levels and in participants with SNHL compared to normal hearing participants (p<0.05), consistent with reductions in cochlear nonlinearity in those conditions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Depression, anxiety and stress among undergraduate students in IIUM, Kuantan Campus
Published 2015“…The highest response for relieving factors factors was spiritual activities (91.2%), followed by sleeping (79.8%) and doing excercise/playing sports (74.6%), while seeking professional help relieved depression, anxiety or stress the leafs (26.5%). This study suggests that anxiety symptoms are prevalent among dental, allied health and sciences students. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effect of micro jets on wall pressure for sonic under expanded flow
Published 2014“…The nozzle pressure ratio (NPR) was varied from 1 to 3, however, in the present paper results are presented for under expanded case to ascertain the effectiveness of the micro jets under the influence of favorable pressure gradient (i.e. Pe/Pa = 1.5). The present study explicitly reveals that, the wall pressure in a suddenly expanded axi-symmetric duct can be controlled by employing micro jets.…”
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Knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS among transsexuals in Kuantan, Pahang
Published 2016“…Results: The majority of the subjects in this study were 29 years and below (48.5%), Muslims (93.9%), and had completed up to secondary education (60.6%). …”
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An experimental approach to determine the critical depth of cut in brittle-to-ductile phase transition during end milling of soda lime glass
Published 2016“…A two-fluted solid end mill of 4 mm diameter was used with cutting speed ranging from 377 to 628 m/min and feed rate from 5 to 20 mm/min to investigate the phenomenon of transition from plowing to ductile and ductile to brittle machining mode. …”
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Evaluation of skin elasticity after used different seaweed containing products by DermaLab® Combo
Published 2016“…In case of Brand C, a large gap is seen between the highest (468.8%) and the lowest (-26.5%) percentage increase in skin elasticity. Conclusions: The application of seaweedcontaining antiaging products leads to improvement in skin elasticity as measured by DermaLab® Combo Series. …”
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Formulation development and systematic optimization of production fish gelatine nanoparticles as new resource for drug delivery
Published 2016“…The study indicated that a high fraction of HMW in first step could be obtained with gelatine concentration 9%, temperature 45 °C, centrifugation speed at 9700 rpm, and centrifugation time was 5 minute. The mechanistic of the optimum conditions for producing fish gelatine nanoparticles as well as their characterization are discussed.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Disaster management: identifying knowledge of emergency nurses and community health nurses and its predictors in Malaysia
Published 2016“…Attending disaster-related education/training was identified as a predictor factor for adequacy of knowledge among EN with significant value of p < 0.01, (AOR) of 3.807, 95% (CI) of 1.584-9.153) and CHN (p < 0.001, AOR = 3.511, 95% CI = 2.097-5.881). As conclusion, emergency and community health nurses have inadequate knowledge with regard to disaster management, and it has been demonstrated statistically that adequacy of knowledge is driven by attending disaster-related education/training, which predicts knowledge level. …”
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Peer influences and intention to smoke e-cigarette: A cross-sectionaL study among form 4 students of a secondary school in Kuantan,Pahang
Published 2016“…The prevalence of intention to smoke e-cigarette in the next 12 months was 8.2% (n=8). Among them, 87.5% were ever user and 75% male students. Ever user was significantly (p=0.003) indented to use e-cigarette. …”
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Knowledge of pelvic floor muscle exercise (Kegel Exercise) among women at Beserah Polyclinic and Jaya Gading Community Health Clinic
Published 2011“…Patient ages ranged from 17 to 67 years, and parity ranged from 0 to ≥5. One hundred and twenty six of the 200 women (63%) had heard of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Factors associated with HbA1c levels in poorly controlled type 2 diabetic patients in North-East Malaysia
Published 2008“…Design: A cross-sectional study Materials and Methods: A total of 208 patients with poor diabetic control (HbA1c levels of more than 6.5%) were selected by stratified random sampling from all health centres in Kelantan. …”
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Inhibitory activity of crude bacteriocin produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from dadih against listeria monocytogenes
Published 2020“…However, out of the 12 LABs, only 9 strains were found to have an inhibition zone of more than 3.5 mm. The antimicrobial compounds of 9 strains were tested and it was found that the antimicrobial compounds of strains R-8, R-14 and R-49 were derived from lactic acid. …”
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Knowledge and perception regarding surgical antibiotic prophylaxis among physicians in the department of obstetrics and gynecology
Published 2020“…Respondents with 6–10 years working experience had significantly higher knowledge score than those with 1 –5 years experience. Respondents who had not attended any workshop or course pertaining to SAP had more positive perception. …”
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Perceptions of the 7p marketing mix of Islamic banks in Indonesia: what do twitter users say about it?
Published 2020“…The perceptions of social media users are assessed based on the 7P marketing mix, namely: (i) product, (ii) promotion and education, (iii) price and other user outlays, (iv) process, (v) people, (vi) physical environment, and (vii) time. …”
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