Muslims’ encounter with the English language: a study of Ismail Raji al Faruqi’s concept of Islamic English
Published 2011“…Conversely, although several hundred million Muslims use English as their first or second language and more books on Islam are now published in it than in any other language, the way Muslim names and Islamic terms are transliterated and translated into English shows loyalty to the language and not to meaning. …”
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Purification of nucleocapsid protein of Newcastle Disease virus for immunodiagnostic kit
Published 2011“…It turned out to be that 0.45µm membrane gave higher yield of NP protein than that of 0.1µm membrane. Thus, 0.45µm membrane was used to improve the filtration process for NP protein. …”
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Bioconversion process for microbial treatment of palm oil mill effluent to produce citric acid
Published 2006“…It is estimated that for 1 tonne of crude palm oil produced, 5-7.5 tonnes of water is required and more than 50% of water end up as Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). …”
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Screening of Xanthine Oxidase inhibitor from potential Malaysian medicinal plants
Published 2010“…Ninety-nine percent of the crude extracts were found to have XO inhibitory activity at 100 μg/ml, and 59% showed greater than 50% inhibition. The ripe fruit peels of Garcinia mangostana L. has the potential to be exploited as an alternative to allopurinol as the crude extracts of this plant material from all three solvents, namely, 70% methanol, ethanol and distilled water, exhibited the highest XOI activity with 88.74%, 84.69% and 80.18% inhibition, respectively. …”
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Exploring the Policy of relinquishing Judicial Powers to the Jurists in Determining Islamic Banking Disputes: The Case of Bank Negara's Shariah Advisory Council
Published 2011“…This paper seeks to explore the possible reasons for such divergent route adopted by the new Act and to consider advantages and disadvantages by relegating the final arbiter of disputes to jurists rather than judges.…”
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Case concerning sovereignty over Pulau Batu Puteh: a critical analysis of its legal implications
Published 2011“…The paper touches upon the issue of whether an exclusive economic zone can be claimed from Pedra Branca and suggests that the best solution is to concentrate on the territorial sea delimitation rather than claiming wider maritime zones. On other maritime features, since Middle Rocks, which is under the Malaysian sovereignty, lies in between Pedra Branca and South Ledge and blocks any expansion of territorial waters from Pedra Branca, the paper argues that South Ledge squarely falls within the territorial waters of Malaysia and Malaysia can take South Ledge as a base point for maritime delimitation. …”
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Study on the microstructure and properties of Fe-C-Si and Fe-C-Al Cast irons
Published 2011“…The impact test results showed that Fe-C-Al cast iron has higher impact property than Fe-C-Si cast iron.…”
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The role of educational strategies in human development: an example of using Key Word Method in teaching Arabic as a second language in Malaysia
Published 2010“…Consequently, they appreciate the knowledge and values they gained from their learning activities, which help them to perform better than students who did not use this type of learning strategy in learning Arabic language. …”
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Personal integrity and social responsibility in decision making process: the case of western Australian small business owners
Published 2010“…The study used personal interview technique with open ended interview questions to obtain the views of 15 business owners from Perth, Western Australia. More than half of the interviewees contended that three factors, namely the personal ethics, professional training, and religious belief, motivated decision makers to incorporate personal integrity and social responsibility in their decisions. …”
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Analysis of municipal wastewater treatment plant performance using artificial neural network approach
Published 2011“…Moreover, using multiple input-single output models was even a better model than single input-single output. The optimum number of hidden layer and neurons were determined which gave excellent results in predicting both the BOD and COD of the effluent which are required by the DOE. …”
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A proposed vertical path adjustment factor for dust storm attenuation prediction
Published 2011“…It has been found that the predicted attenuation without the vertical path adjustment factor is much higher than with the vertical path adjustment factor. Therefore, the vertical path adjustment factor will provide optimum utilization for the transmission resources.…”
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A new method of correcting uneven illumination problem in fundus images
Published 2007“…In acquired fundus images, some areas appear to be brighter than the other, that is areas close to the center of the image are always well illuminated, hence appear very bright while areas far from the center are poorly illuminated hence appears to be very dark. …”
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Effects of day and night on swimming, grazing and social behaviours of rohu Labeo rohita (Hamilton) and common carp Cyprinus carpio (L.) in simulated ponds
Published 2008“…Rohu spent more time grazing during the day than at night. Grazing activity peaked at the beginning and at the end of the day. …”
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Investigation of path loss models for mobile communications in Malaysia
Published 2011“…Furthermore, Efficiency of present path loss models suffers when they are used in the environment other than for which they have been designed. The Malaysian geographical and morphographical area varies widely from areas where most models were developed. …”
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Shariah and legal issues in house buying in Malaysia: the legality of Bay’Bithaman-al-Ajil (‘BBA’) with special reference to abandoned housing projects
Published 2011“…Despite having been in existence for more than 25 years, in the authors’ view, it is still questionable whether or not the Islamic banks and financial institutions in Malaysia have been satisfactorily carrying out these duties. …”
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Land for food cultivation: is price a barrier to expansion?
Published 2011“…With increasing development speculation involving farmland, total area devoted to food cultivation continues to fall, or is expected to be sold at a higher price per hectare than before. This paper compares price of land cultivated with paddy relative to other crops and proceeds to examine some unique market and institutional features of the paddy land market. …”
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Validation of the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation (CISS)
Published 2008“…It also had good factor loading for most of its items where 44 items out of 48 had Confirmatory Factor Analysis values of more than 4.0. Conclusions: BM CISS had been adequately and correctly translated into Bahasa Malaysia with high psychometric properties. …”
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Sludge palm oil as a renewable raw material for biodiesel production by two-step processes
Published 2010“…In the first step, acid catalyzed esterification reduced the high FFA content of SPO to less than 2% with the different dosages of PTSA. The optimum conditions for pretreatment process by esterification were 0.75% (w/w) dosage of PTSA to SPO, 10:1 M ratio, 60 �C temperature, 60 min reaction time and 400 rpm stirrer speed. …”
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Increase of oxygen permeability on metal/oxide interface during high temperature oxidation of Fe-Cr alloys in water vapor at 1073 K
Published 2010“…Many studies1-3 have shown that oxidation rates in humid environment are higher than in dry environment. The formation of Cr2O3 scale during high temperature oxidation is beneficial in protecting metals from severe oxidizing environment. …”
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Endo sensor bacterial endotoxin detector in liquid biological samples
Published 2011“…The LAL tests in general, 3 to 300 times more sensitive than the United States Pharmacopeial (USP) rabbit pyrogen test method. …”
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