Identification of shift variation in bivariate process using pattern recognition technique
Published 2019“…In order to enhance its capability, this study aims at proposing an improved design of SPCPR scheme for enabling classification of nine bivariate patterns with high accuracy and reduced false alarm. …”
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Thesis -
Surgical management of tympanojugular paragangliomas with intradural extension, with a proposed revision of the fisch classification
Published 2012“…Preoperative internal carotid artery management was performed in 16 cases. Twenty-nine cases had a single procedure and 16 had a staged procedure. …”
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Article -
Demand feeding system for juveniles of groupers, brown-marbled grouper and orange-spotted grouper
Published 2013“…This study was conducted to examine juvenile rearing by demand feeding system with brown-marbled grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus and orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides. 10 juveniles were kept in a 500 L round polyethylene tank (nine tanks, 90 fish). The tanks had water running system with water change (90%) every morning. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Report on MSA pre congress simulator workshop 2012
Published 2012“…We received participation from 24 doctors, and one of them was from Melbourne, Australia. The total of nine faculty members is from the Simulation SIG College of Anesthesiologists, Department of Anesthesiology & Critical Care, IIUM and Kandang Kerbau Hospital, Singapore. …”
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Rearing of grouper juveniles using a demand feeding system with an infrared light sensor
Published 2013“…Ten juveniles of each species were kept in a 500 L round polyethylene tank respectively (nine tanks, 90 fish). The tanks had water running system with water change (90%) every morning. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Bacterial pollution in Molluscs Arch Clam, Orbicularia orbiculata and Blood Cockle, Anadara granosa of Pahang estuary, Malaysia
Published 2009“…The bacteria were isolated using non selective agar such as TSA agar and selective agar before they were identified using conventional methods in combination with API identification kit. A total of nine bacterial species were identified from Orbicularia orbiculata. …”
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Application of aquatic plant-based green technology as phytoindicator and phytoremediation and for heavy metals contaminat in freshwater bodies
Published 2010“…In this study, thirteen samples of water were collected from different places where nine different aquatic plant species were abundance and dominant. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
16S rDNA barcoding technique for molecular identification of processed sea cucumbers from selected Malaysian markets
Published 2015“…Kuantan, Pahang (East Coast region of Peninsular Malaysia); Langkawi Island, Kedah (the Northern region); Kudat, Sabah (near the northernmost point of Borneo, East Malaysia) and Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (in the northwestern Borneo) in the forms of fresh (nine specimens) and dried (16 specimens) products. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Selection of the most significant variables of air pollutants using sensitivity analysis
Published 2016“…The sensitivity analysis method coupled with the artificial neural network (ANN) was applied. Nine models (ANN-API-AP, ANN-API-LCO, ANN-API-LO3, ANN-API-LPM10, ANN-API-LSO2, ANN-API-LNO2, ANN-API-LCH4, ANN-APILNmHC and ANN-API-LTHC) were carried out in the sensitivity analysis test. …”
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Deformation behaviour of soft ground treated with a group of bottom ash columns
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Hidden hurts, healing from within : restorative justice for victims and convicted offenders in Bermuda
Published 2016“…The success of the action research pilot led to the Department of Corrections adopting the initiative and continuing with it and produced nine trained facilitators. The content of the Sycamore Tree Project was superior as a phase-one prerequisite programme to RJ conferencing; however, an adaption to the programme would be needed to reduce the strong religious content. …”
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Thesis -
Market orientation and firm performance in Ghana's telecommunications industry
Published 2016“…Based on literature reviewed, a conceptual model and nine hypotheses are proposed for this study. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods, underpinned by realism philosophy enabled the assessment of the market orientation performance relationship. …”
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Thesis -
Modelling pedestrians’ utilisation of crossing facilities, gap acceptance and crossing decision in urban area
Published 2018“…Studies on gap acceptance found that nine factors such as baggage effect, pedestrian gender, vehicle size, crossing distance and etc influenced the pedestrians’ crossing behaviour in terms of accepted gap size. …”
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Thesis -
Study the effect of eggs incubation parameter through development of new experimental rig for IKTA quails species
Published 2017“…Each setting was repeated three times, thus nine test runs were performed. With the same setting incubation temperature and humidity, two types of eggs movement were conducted in the same incubation chamber, 40 eggs were placed in 45 ° swing and 360 o rolling. …”
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Thesis -
Hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm with branch and bound for two–sided assembly line balancing
Published 2018“…In addition, the comparison was done with other research on ABC with full constraints and the proposed approach shows improvement by reduction of two workstations in sixteen task problem and reduction of one workstation at nine, twenty four and sixty five task problem sizes. …”
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Comparison of diversity and community structure of aquatic insects based on habitat class in Johor
Published 2021“…A total of 11,647 individuals of aquatic insects consisting of 68 families from nine orders were sampled. About 69% of insects collected were indicators of good water quality; among them are families Hydropsychidae from order Trichoptera, Baetidae from Order Ephemeroptera, and Simuliidae from Order Diptera. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Study the effect of eggs incubation parameter through development of new experimental rig for IKTA quails species
Published 2017“…Each setting was repeated three times, thus nine test runs were performed. With the same setting incubation temperature and humidity, two types of eggs movement were conducted in the same incubation chamber, 40 eggs were placed in 45 ° swing and 360 ° rolling. …”
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Thesis -
Radio-ablative iodine therapy for Thyrotoxicosis: The Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) experience
Published 2013“…Data was analyzed using SPSS v.20. Results: Sixty-nine patients received RAI therapy in 2011. The mean age of the patients was 42.1 ± 12.4 years. …”
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