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Finding meaning behind immortality of Anne Rice’s vampires.
Published 2011“…Immortality plays a central role in the continuous inquiry into the vampires’ nature and existence throughout the span of many centuries. These novels follow the psychological and emotional experiences of vampiric immortality, firstly, via two first-person accounts of two separate vampires, Louis and Lestat, and later trace Rice’s interpretation of vampiric urban legend through the stories of various vampires of different walks of life. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Behaviour of precast concrete joints subject to a missing column scenerio
Published 2012“…The sub-assemblages include two-span beams with two column stubs and a middle beam-column joint. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Micropipette aspiration of a living cell
Published 2014“…Using the viscoelastic model, it was found that PDMS 20:1 will result in higher stiffness of cell and the longer the cell is cultured on the substrate, the stiffer the cell, however this is only apply for the span of 7 days. On the other hand, no substantiate conclusion is drawn from the elastic modulus. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effect of a circular tunnel in the foundation soil on the seismic response of dikes
Published 2017“…A dry sand dike of 12 m crest span, 60 m base width and 8 m height is selected as the model in this study. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Futurism: performance and performativity of a movement
Published 2024“…Performance interventions span across the history of this movement (Goldberg, 2011): from the notorious 'serate' instigated by Marinetti, in which the audience would be purposefully scandalised, provoked and offended, to the futurist music concerts that provided an ancestral root for the aesthetics of synthesised sound in contemporary music (Rodney, 1976), not to mention the Russian counterpart of this movement, which embraced, on stage, such wide a field as to encompass theatre, opera, dance, music and scenic design. …”
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Book Section -
Warming alters plankton body-size distributions in a large field experiment
Published 2025“…While substantial empirical evidence has accumulated in recent years on such changes, we still lack general insights due to a limited coverage of warming scenarios that span spatial and temporal scales of relevance to natural systems. …”
Journal article -
Ritual, community, and conflict: reflections on the science of the social and its practical implications
Published 2023“…Theprocess has involved various theoretical, methodological, and practical challenges and advances,discussed in this book review forum from a variety of novel angles. Contributors span a broadrange of disciplines, including cognitive and evolutionary anthropology (Atran, Burdett, Lanman,Stanford), history (Larson, Martin), philosophy (McCauley), religious studies (Wood) and compu-ter science (Lane). …”
Journal article -
Redefining Ancient Epirus
Published 2024“…Covering a region that today spans parts of south Albania and north-west Greece, Epirus was an important crossroad in antiquity, a meeting place of different peoples and cultures. …”
Book -
Impact of electronic commerce on consumer behaviour and attitude in Singapore.
Published 2008Get full text
Thesis -
Laser metal deposition of low carbon 410L stainless steel and heat treatment
Published 2023“…The yield strength is 601.9 MPa for as-built condition and 930.6 MPa for heat-treated condition (1000 °C/10 min); the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) is 923.0 MPa for as-built condition and 1101.5 MPa for the heat-treated condition (1000 °C/10 min); the elongation is 17.7% for as-built condition and 15.1% for the heat-treated condition (1000 °C/10 min). …”
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Journal Article -
Dose response effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on 10 km running time trial
Published 2018“…Results: No significant difference (p = .441) in 10 km running time trial were observed between 6.4% CHO [mean 63.83 (SD 11) min] and 15% CHO [mean 65.91 (SD 13.36) min]. No significant difference were found in HR (p = .440) between 6.4% CHO [mean 162 (SD 7) beats/min] and 15% CHO [mean 158 (SD 13) beats/min]. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Praktis (KAP) Komuniti Pekebun Kecil Koko (KPKK) berkaitan Malaysian Good Agricultural Practices (MyGAP)
Published 2024“…Tahap amalan pertanian baik (APB) menunjukkan nilai min tertinggi oleh praktis (min 4.20). Diikuti, dengan tahap sikap (min 4.08) dan tahap pengetahuan (min 4.01) oleh KPKK. …”
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Article -
Mechanical properties of pultruded Kenaf fibre-reinforced vinyl ester composites
Published 2016“…The investigation of the effect of pulling speed on the mechanical properties of pultruded kenaf composites shows the optimal pulling speed for tensile strength and compressive strength is 0.3 m/min, tensile modulus 0.1 m/min, flexural strength 0.4, flexural modulus 0.2 m/min. …”
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Thesis -
Influence of machining parameters and tool geometry on tool wear during cobalt chromium-molybdenum micro drilling
Published 2024“…The cutting speeds of 50 m/min, 65 m/min, and 80 m/min were varied. A total of 11 runs were performed, with each run consisting of drilling 30 holes. …”
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Article -
Analog smart I/O pads
Published 2009“…ESD is an increasingly significant problem in integrated circuit design as increasing pin counts and faster circuit speeds compound the need for more and better reliable ESD protection. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effect of emulsion temperature on physical properties of palm oil‐based margarine
Published 2002“…The emulsion temperatures studied were 40, 45, and 50°C, with other parameters such as emulsion flow rates, tube cooler temperature, and pin rotor speed kept constant. The SFC developed during processing and storage at 28°C was measured to evaluate the quality of margarine. …”
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Article -
Singapore youth and their idols : celebrity workshop from a media and psychosocial perspective
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP)