Body composition measurement in African and Caribbean children and its relationship with morbidity
Published 2015“…These are the first body composition percentile charts for African and Caribbean children living in the UK. These charts should replace BMI charts used for obesity assessment in paediatric and epidemiological settings as they are better tools for assessing overweight, obesity and sarcopenia.…”
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2019 International Design Exchange Project, Hidden Space Project. Volume 10, Remediation
Published 2019“…London Borough of Hackney council has recently spent some money to refurbish the Assembly rooms but is now asking for ideas as to how to use, adapt and design the rest of the space. This is a Live project, Hackney Borough Council planning service, which consists of Conservation, Urban Design and Sustainability and Growth Teams will deliver the over-arching brief and be your main client. …”
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Becoming 'NEET': an exploration of marginalised young people’s trajectories and experiences
Published 2019“…The participants were 18 young NEET people, aged 18-24. They were all living with their families except for one who had left home, aged 24. …”
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Accounting for carbon impacts in buildings: a rating procedure
Published 2020“…Room function also impacts overheating with living rooms dependant on physical building features and bedroom overheating determined predominantly by the external environment. …”
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Incorporation of graphene oxide/titanium dioxide with diferent polymer materials and its efects on methylene blue dye rejection and antifouling ability
Published 2023“…Exposure of synthetic dye, such as methylene blue (MB), in water bodies led to a serious threat to living things because they are toxic and non-degradable. …”
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A constructivist grounded theory analysis of how counselling psychologists experience anti Muslim prejudice
Published 2020“…Furthermore, the findings outline recommendations from participants and research which has shown that AMP practices cannot continue to be ignored and the need to move towards preventative and proactive measures in line with social justice work to help reduce such negative experiences from repeating for current and future generations of Muslims.…”
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Development of harmonic suppressed reconfigurable fractal dipole antenna
Published 2014“…On the other hand, the feeding line method is also investigated. The first design takes into account of 38Ω input impedance of the fractal curve while the second design is a direct connection from the 50Ω SMA connector to terminal. …”
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Classification of standing and sitting phases based on in-socket piezoelectric sensors in a transfemoral amputee
Published 2020“…A transfemoral prosthesis is required to assist amputees to perform the activity of daily living (ADL). The passive prosthesis has some drawbacks such as utilization of high metabolic energy. …”
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2011 International Design Exchange Project, Hidden Space Project. Volume 2, Urban rooftops
Published 2011“…Suddenly there are possibilities and scope for living positively. Hurried life slows down and London becomes picturesque. …”
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New composite coagulant from agro-waste (tapioca peel) and polyaluminium chloride for primary landfill leachate treatment
Published 2021“…On the contrary, the use of chemical coagulants has certain drawbacks towards the health of the ecosystem and living organisms. Hence, this leads to the application of natural material (tapioca peel powder (TPP)) originated and recycled from agro-waste in this study. …”
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Doing and talking : the value of video interviewing for researching and theorizing craft
Published 2013“…It argues that traditional epistemologies and academic conventions have not given sufficient recognition or value to the epistemologies and lived experiences of craft practitioners, and that they have served to obscure the centrality of practice to meaning. …”
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The use of intraoral camera in the assessment of students requirement (work)
Published 2012“…Dental and gingival conditions can be shown and the available dental treatment alternatives can be discussed. The bottom line is extra and intra-oral imaging is... patient can see what doctor sees". …”
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Characterization of dehalogenase for the degradation of 3-chloropropionic acid
Published 2023Get full text
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Secure channel free public key encryption with multiple keywords search
Published 2020“…This PhD research aims to propose a few PEKS schemes in order to solve both Single and Multiple Keyword(s) Search issues and resist Off-line Keyword Guessing Attack (OKGA) and/or Inside Keyword Guessing Attack (IKGA). …”
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