First record of the South American sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus in Bangladesh
Published 2008“…They are characterized by bony plates covering the body, a pair of subterminal barbels, sucking lips, usually a spine in front of the adipose fin, and a flat-bottom body shape (Page and Burr, 1991), and are naturally occurring in a variety of freshwater habitats from sea level to 3000 m, often surviving in conditions that exclude other fishes. …”
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Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of bioactive flavonoid from strobilanthes crispus (Pecah kaca)
Published 2010“…The studied parameters were pressure (100, 150 and 200 bar), temperature (40, 50 and 60 ◦C) and dynamic extraction time (40, 60 and 80 min). The optimum extraction condition occurred at 200 bar, 50 ◦C and 60 min. …”
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Treatment of acidic palm oil for fatty acid methyl esters production
Published 2012“…The laboratory-scale experiments involved an MSA to ACPO dosage of 0.25–3.5 %, a molar ratio (methanol to ACPO) from 4: 1 to 20: 1, reaction temperature of 40–80°C, reaction time of 3–150 min, and stirrer speed of 100–500 min−1. The optimum esterification reaction conditions were 1 % of catalyst to ACPO, with a molar ratio of methanol to ACPO of 8: 1, a stirring speed of 300 min−1, for 30 min and at 60°C. …”
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Development and validation of new RP-HPLC method for the determination of Amlodipine in tablet dosage form manufactured by IIUM pilot plant
Published 2013“…Results: The retention time was 3.4 min with the total run time of 6 min. The method was linear over the range 0.1-40 ug/ml with R2 = 0.999. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Kepemimpinan autentik dalam pendidikan teknik dan vokasional di politeknik
Published 2010“…Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Ketua Jabatan di Politeknik mengamalkan keempat-empat domain kepimpinan autentik iaitu kesedaran diri (self awareness) (min = 3.95, sp = 0.491), proses keadilan (unbiased processing) (min = 4.01, sp = 0.520), tingkah laku autentik (authentic behavior/ action) (min = 4.03, sp = 0.511) dan perhubungan keaslian (relational authenticity) (min = 4.06, sp = 0.525) dalam mentadbir jabatan di Politeknik. …”
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Kepimpinan autentik dalam pendidikan teknik dan vokasional di politeknik.
Published 2010“…Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Ketua Jabatan di Politeknik mengamalkan keempat-empat domain kepimpinan autentik iaitu kesedaran diri (self awareness) (min = 3.95, sp = 0.491), proses keadilan (unbiased processing) (min = 4.01, sp = 0.520), tingkah laku autentik (authentic behavior/ action) (min = 4.03, sp = 0.511) dan perhubungan keaslian (relational authenticity) (min = 4.06, sp = 0.525) dalam mentadbir jabatan di Politeknik. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analysis of the efficiency of sludge dewatering using moringa oleifera as natural phytocoagulant
Published 2015“…Since the turbidity was very high, second optimization by redesigning the factors was conducted resulting in optimum values of dosage of (462.8 mg/L), mixing time of (13.4 min), turbidity of (67.2 NTU) (further (80.2 %) reduction compared to the (350.7 NTU) of the first optimization) and settling velocity of (0.93 cm/min) were obtained.For the optimization of SVI, dosage of (447.5 mg/L) and mixing time of (8.3 min) gave (33.5 mL/g) of SVI with (67.2 NTU). …”
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Pembangunan dan penilaian bahan pembelajaran berbantukan komputer (PBK) berasaskan CD interaktif bagi mata pelajaran pemasaran 1 di politeknik
Published 2003“…Kesemua data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis 7MgHggM7MAaH AafMrfca/ PacAagay For ^ocM/J A r e a s ' ( S P ^ Per-sw/: 77.0 yang melibatkan skor min dan peratus (kekerapan). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan penerimaan peiajar terhadap CD Interaktif Pemasaran 1 (skor min=3.14), isi kandungan (skor min = 3.48) dan antara muka mesra pengguna (skor min =3.19). …”
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Thesis -
Keberkesanan pembelajaran koperatif model student teams-achievement divisions (STAD) dalam fizik terhadap pencapaian pelajar
Published 2016“…Setelah intervensi dijalankan, tahap pencapaian pelajar dari kedua-dua kumpulan meningkat di mana kumpulan kawalan meningkat ke tahap sederhana dengan min skor 56.77 manakala kumpulan rawatan meningkat ke tahap baik dengan min skor 60.62. …”
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Thesis -
Muslims responses to pandemics: lessons from the best generation
Published 2020“…The disease which is caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, has so far claimed many lives in multiple countries, including Muslim majority nations like Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. …”
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Reflecting on parental terminal illness and death during adolescence : an IPA
Published 2018“…These were: changing family dynamics, grappling with adolescence and adjustment to loss, barriers to feeling/being supported and living with the consequences. Participants relate the profound impact that PTI during adolescence has had and continues to have on their lives. …”
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Use of ‘gay dating apps’ and its relationship with individual well-being and sense of community in men who have sex with men
Published 2020“…There is growing literature and empirical work that is investigating if and how mobile phone and tablet dating apps are influencing the lives of their users. An online questionnaire-based study was developed to investigate how men who have sex with men (MSM) use ‘gay dating apps’ (GDAs), and how such use may relate to different aspects of their lives on an individual and on a collective level. …”
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Second generation South Asian Muslims' conceptualisations of religious and ethnic identity
Published 2003“…I have used ethnographic techniques to 'get under the skin' of this group and give them a chance to describe their own lives and how they feel about being British, Asian and Muslim. …”
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Thesis -
Children's constructions of gender, power, and adult occupation
Published 1996“…It is also found that many children construct gender as a source of unfair discrimination (and thus as a source of power) in their school lives and in adult occupation. These constructions - are suggested to impact upon many children's power positions in role play interaction. …”
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Thesis -
State of the nation: class, Labour politics and the contemporary relevance of Our Friends in the North (1996)
Published 2023“…The series followed four working-class friends from Tyneside, and explored how their lives unfolded during the social and political upheavals of the 1960s through to the 1990s. …”
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Interpreting panoramic radiographs for beginners
Published 2020“…Panoramic radiography is widely used in dentistry and was considered a significant breakthrough as both jaws, together with the dentition, are imaged with a quick and straightforward procedure.1 It has a wide variety of uses requiring broad coverage of the jaws, including traumatic fractures, impacted third molars, dental problems or bony diseases, evaluation of tooth development, temporomandibular joint pain and other anomalies.2 Distinct soft tissue, bony landmarks from midfacial to the chin region as well as the teeth can be seen in the radiograph.3 Interpreting panoramic radiographs may be tricky especially for beginners, and this article will discuss the steps needed to read the wide sized black, white and grey images.…”
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Fluorescence microscopy on the biocompatibility of gentamicin-coated hydroxyapatite (HA) material on osteoblast
Published 2010“…The cell lines were treated with different concentration of gentamicin-coated hydroxyapatite and the interactions of the antibiotic beads against osteoblast were tested using the 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. …”
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Purification and cytotoxicity assay of tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) leaves methanol extract as potential anti-cancer agent
Published 2010“…This research studied the cytotoxicity effect of tomato leaves methanol extract on cancer cells to address potential therapeutic in MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines and its toxicity towards Vero cells. The extraction was done in a shake flask by 82% methanol, 1:10 (w/v), agitated at 22 °C with 110 rpm within 24 hours. …”
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Proceeding Paper