The factors affecting the performance of activated carbon prepared from oil palm empty fruit bunches for adsorption of phenol
Published 2009“…The EFB samples were first carbonized for 30 min using nitrogen gas followed by physical activation using CO2 to optimize best production conditions. …”
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Penerimaan pembelajaran berasaskan permainan digital dalam mempengaruhi motivasi belajar
Published 2020“…Analisis data melibatkan analisis kekerapan, skor min, sisihan piawaian dan peratusan menggunakan perisian SPSS 20. …”
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Book Section -
A study of microwave induced plasmas
Published 1987“…One being supported on an argon flowrate of 0.1 1 min-1 using a Babing!qn nebulizer, the other on a flowrate of 1.0 1 min-1 using a crossflow nebulizer. …”
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Thesis -
Extraction of parabens from cosmetic and environmental water samples coupled with uv-visible spectroscopy
Published 2021“…The optimum parameters for vortexassisted dispersive liquid–liquid extraction (VA-DLLE) are: chloroform used as the extractant solvent, 5 ml volume of extractant, 3 min extraction time, 5 min centrifugation time, and 2400 rpm centrifugation velocity. …”
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Predicting safe tonsillectomy for ambulatory surgery
Published 2010“…Significant increase in risk was observed for both primary haemorrhage (OR: 1.05, 95% CI 1.01–1.09 min, P = 0.020) and respiratory complications (OR: 1.08, 95% CI 1.01– 1.16 min, P = 0.024) by 4.5% and 8.3%, respectively, with every 1-min increase in length of surgery. …”
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Reduction of high content of free fatty acid in sludge palm oil via acid catalyst for biodiesel production
Published 2011“…An acid catalyzed esterification process was carried out to evaluate the low content of FFA in the treated SPO with the effects of other parameters such as molar ratio of methanol to SPO (6:1–14:1), temperature (40–80 °C), reaction time (30–120 min) and stirrer speed (200–800 rpm). The results showed that the FFA of SPO was reduced from 23.2% to less than 2% FFA using 0.75% wt/wt of sulphuric acid with the molar ratio of methanol to oil of 8:1 for 60 min reaction time at 60 °C. …”
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An evaluation of the association between anthropometric measurements and cardiorespiratory fitness using the forest service step and the Ruffier-Dickson Test
Published 2022“…Results: The VO2max values for these participants ranged between 35.15 and 67.32 mL∙min-1∙kg-1. Linear regression analysis showed a correlation (P<0.01) between measured VO2max (L∙min-1) and height (m), weight (kg), waist (cm) and BMI (kg/m²). …”
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Kemahiran employability dalam kalangan pelajar Kolej Vokasional Kluang Johor
Published 2014“…Data�data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis menggunakan kaedah skor min, sisihan piawai dan anova satu hala. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan skor min elemen belajar pada tahap tinggi dan pada pangkatan min yang pertama. …”
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Thesis -
Pembangunan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah berlandaskan projek origami
Published 2014“…Dapatan keseluruhan min sebelum aktiviti bengkel ialah 3.43 manakala selepas aktiviti bengkel min ialah 4.03. …”
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Thesis -
Kesediaan pelajar terhadap kit 'Smart CCTV' bagi pelajar teknologi elektronik di Kolej Vokasional
Published 2018“…Dapatan analisis bagi persepsi pelajar terhadap penggunaan ABBM keseluruhannya skor min ketiga-tiga domain; kognitif, psikomotor dan afektif, masing-masing mempunyai skor min 3.25, 3.21 dan 3.30, maka ketiga-tiga domain memberikan kesan yang sama terhadap pelajar berkenaan dengan penggunaan ABBM kit ‘Smart CCTV’. …”
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Thesis -
Penggunaan kaedah nyanyian dalam mata pelajaran reka bentuk dan teknologi
Published 2018“…Kajian rintis dijalankan di Sekolah Rendah Agama Bersepadu Mersing dengan jumlah responden seramai 30 orang pelajar. Nilai min daripada hasil kajian bagi minat ialah 4.93 dan bagi item daya ingatan nilai min ialah 4.66 menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (Version 22.0). …”
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Excitation and transition rate diagrams of singly ionized iron in analytical glow discharges in argon, neon and an argon-hydrogen mixture
Published 2014“…Open questions remain concerning charge transfer excitation of iron, in particular about the range of energies in which the Fe II levels can be directly populated by charge transfer and about the conservation of spin in such reactions.…”
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Causality relationships between non-bank financial intermediaries and economic growth: the case of Malaysia
Published 2010“…The results show evidence of a long-run causality running from nonbank financial intermediaries to economic growth, but not the vice versa.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The behavior of Indonesian stock market: structural breaks and nonlinearity
Published 2011“…In order to take account the possible breaks in the index series Zivot and Adrews (1992) one break and Lumsdaine and Papell (1997) two breaks unit root test are employed to observe whether the presence of breaks in the data series will prevent the stocks from randomly pricing or vice versa. In the third step, we employ Brock-Dechert-Scheinkman (BDS) test to examine the presence of nonlinear behaviour in Indonesian stock indices. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Stalking in universities: responding effectively as an institution while prioritising the safety of victims
Published 2023“…In 40% of those cases, the person who was accused of stalking and the person making the allegation studied at the same university (Vice, 2019). This chapter introduces and describes the crime of stalking and the migration of many behaviours to online platforms. …”
Book Section -
A Rule-based Mobile Application for Diagnosing Pet Disease: Design and Implementation
Published 2023“…An animal's behavior is directly impacted by its health and vice versa. A pet disease diagnosis application is crucial for pet owners to receive consistent and suitable pet health care. …”
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A New Design and Simulation of Smart Sensing for Emergency Vehicle
Published 2024“…The sensor can detect the sound of emergency vehicles and respond immediately to them by signalling smaller parallel visitors to change the screen from pink to green or vice versa. Therefore, this flow reduces the travel time required for emergencies.…”
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Water absorption and drying shrinkage of recycled foamed aggregate concrete
Published 2018“…The higher the water cement ratio of concrete specimen will obtained higher water absorption rate. Vice versa, the density is low for drying shrinkage. …”
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