Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of bioactive flavonoid from strobilanthes crispus (Pecah kaca)
Published 2010“…The studied parameters were pressure (100, 150 and 200 bar), temperature (40, 50 and 60 ◦C) and dynamic extraction time (40, 60 and 80 min). The optimum extraction condition occurred at 200 bar, 50 ◦C and 60 min. …”
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3rd order coupled-resonator bandpass filter assisted by Groove Gap-Waveguide technology for 26-GHz radio link diplexer
Published 2025“…Its unit-cells consist of a rectangular metal-pin which is connected to a bottom metal plate and its other side is electromagnetically coupled to a top plate with an air-gap of approximately λ/4 that creates a bandgap, preventing unwanted electromagnetic-wave propagation. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Frequency reconfigurable substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity F-shaped slot antenna
Published 2019“…Configurability is accomplished by embeddings PIN diode switches in the 'F' slot. The proposed antenna is equipped for exchanging between working band of 3.172 GHz to 3.606 GHz in four different narrow bands and it underpins the cognitive system for LTE2300, WiMAX and WLAN. …”
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Kepemimpinan autentik dalam pendidikan teknik dan vokasional di politeknik
Published 2010“…Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Ketua Jabatan di Politeknik mengamalkan keempat-empat domain kepimpinan autentik iaitu kesedaran diri (self awareness) (min = 3.95, sp = 0.491), proses keadilan (unbiased processing) (min = 4.01, sp = 0.520), tingkah laku autentik (authentic behavior/ action) (min = 4.03, sp = 0.511) dan perhubungan keaslian (relational authenticity) (min = 4.06, sp = 0.525) dalam mentadbir jabatan di Politeknik. …”
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Kepimpinan autentik dalam pendidikan teknik dan vokasional di politeknik.
Published 2010“…Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Ketua Jabatan di Politeknik mengamalkan keempat-empat domain kepimpinan autentik iaitu kesedaran diri (self awareness) (min = 3.95, sp = 0.491), proses keadilan (unbiased processing) (min = 4.01, sp = 0.520), tingkah laku autentik (authentic behavior/ action) (min = 4.03, sp = 0.511) dan perhubungan keaslian (relational authenticity) (min = 4.06, sp = 0.525) dalam mentadbir jabatan di Politeknik. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Pembangunan dan penilaian bahan pembelajaran berbantukan komputer (PBK) berasaskan CD interaktif bagi mata pelajaran pemasaran 1 di politeknik
Published 2003“…Kesemua data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis 7MgHggM7MAaH AafMrfca/ PacAagay For ^ocM/J A r e a s ' ( S P ^ Per-sw/: 77.0 yang melibatkan skor min dan peratus (kekerapan). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan penerimaan peiajar terhadap CD Interaktif Pemasaran 1 (skor min=3.14), isi kandungan (skor min = 3.48) dan antara muka mesra pengguna (skor min =3.19). …”
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Thesis -
Keberkesanan pembelajaran koperatif model student teams-achievement divisions (STAD) dalam fizik terhadap pencapaian pelajar
Published 2016“…Setelah intervensi dijalankan, tahap pencapaian pelajar dari kedua-dua kumpulan meningkat di mana kumpulan kawalan meningkat ke tahap sederhana dengan min skor 56.77 manakala kumpulan rawatan meningkat ke tahap baik dengan min skor 60.62. …”
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Thesis -
Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Containing Unground Palm Oil Fuel Ash as Partial Sand Replacement
Published 2024“…This is owing to void filling mechanism and product of pozzolanic reaction due to the fine particles of the ash.…”
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Article -
Filial piety in confucianism and Islam: a comparative literary analysis of Quran, Hadith and four Chinese classics
Published 2011“…Young members of the family must respect and obey the elders and vice versa. To Confucius, these virtues are the heavenly way and must be cultivated and developed accordingly as li (礼) or good manners from an early age. …”
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Muhammad (s.a.w) he who enlightened humanity
Published 2010“…The Arabian society before him was characterised by tribal feuds and superiority, quarrels and bitter fighting among tribes, shedding of blood on petty matters, vice, barbarism and superstition. There was no respect for human beings particularly for weaker sections and the weaker sex. …”
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The use of zakat revenue in Islamic financing: jurisprudential debate and practical feasibility
Published 2009“…The thrust of the proponents argument is that zakah without productive implementation would not serve its designated goal of poverty alleviation while the opponents countered this case by saying that zakah collection is primarily designed to be immediately disbursed to the consumption needs of the recipients and not vice versa. In practice, however, it seems that the arguments by the proponents is favored as some counties like Kuwait and Malaysia, aside from providing handouts, also finance health care and education for the poor and needy. …”
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Model konsep kemahiran hijau Politeknik Malaysia
Published 2018“…Pensyarah politeknik juga menunjukkan persetujuan pada tahap yang tinggi terhadap kepentingan elemen kemahiran hijau (min konstruk tempat kerja = 4.46, min konstruk akademik = 4.31, min konstruk keberkesana personel = 4.43). …”
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Thesis -
Model kelestarian program TVET berasaskan kompetensi pensyarah dan amalan lestari Kolej Vokasional
Published 2016“…Bagi amalan lestari, tahap sedia ada (min=3.41) juga sederhana dan tahap yang diperlukan (min=4.41) adalah tinggi. …”
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Thesis -
Electrode Wear Rate of RBD Palm Oil as Dielectric Fluids on Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) at Different Peak Current and Pulse Duration of Titanium Alloys
Published 2024“…The lowest EWR for kerosene and RBD palm oil is 0.0416mm3/min and 0.0480mm3/min, respectively, at the same IP=6A and ton=150µs. …”
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Penghasilan dan penilaian modul pengujian ke atas konkrit basah bagi pelajar kursus kejuruteraan awam
Published 2003“…Basil daripada analisis data menunjukkan nilai skor min bagi bahagian isi kandungan ialah 4.13. Manakala dari aspek pengunaan gambar dan jadual pula, nilai skor min ialah 4.10. …”
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Thesis -
Treatment of clinical solid waste using steam autoclave as a possible alternative technology of incineration
Published 2012“…The optimum experimental conditions as measured by degree of inactivation of bacteria were 121 °C for 15 minutes (min) for Gram negative bacteria, 121 °C and 131 °C for 60 and 30 min for Gram positive bacteria, respectively. …”
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Optimizing Sustainable Concrete Strength With Laminated Waste Glass (Lwg): Insights From Waterto-Cement Ratios And Slump Values (0.35-0.5)
Published 2024“…This study investigates the use of laminated waste glass (LWG) as a fine aggregate in concrete, with a focus on optimizing strength and workability through variation in water-to-cement (w/c) ratios. …”
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