Children’s Participation in Custody and Access Proceedings
Published 2013“…The purpose is to determine the best measure to be adopted by Malaysia and to propose statutory and non-statutory changes to ensure that children in Malaysia are given the right to have their voices heard in family law proceedings. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of high quality speech compression system for Quranic recitation based on modified CELP algorithm
Published 2013“…First, the characteristics of the Quranic recitation of all surahs was evaluated in which it was found that the voiced speech is more dominant compare to unvoiced speech. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Discovering Doris Lessing: convergences between Islam and her thoughts
Published 2016“…Her literary career is marked by the robustness and diversity of her ideas. The plurality of voices in her work makes room for discovering a very different Lessing from how she is usually construed and for discussing some of her views in a new and somewhat unusual light. …”
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The relationship of leadership roles to the improvement of the student experience: international perspectives
Published 2022“…The paper draws from a chapter in the authors’ recently published book, Understanding and Improving the Student Experience in Higher Education: navigating the third space. Through the voices of practitioners in UK and international settings, the importance of understanding the role of third space professionals and the importance of leadership is brought to the fore. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Free speech, ban and “fatwa”: a study of the Taslima Nasrin affair
Published 2010“…Of the many feminist voices in Bangladesh, Taslima Nasrin is the best known for the censorship, fatwa and subsequent legal intervention against her. …”
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Cooperative robot and user friendly robot - new challenge in robotics
Published 2011“…Therefore, human characteristics such as faces, voices, gesture, and movements play an important role in design and control of such robots. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Dialogue and studio space: the architectural design studio as the setting for continuous reflection
Published 2020“…It will be argued that sustaining a dialogical process, based on multi-voiced provision, can contribute to the continuity of the learning experience at advanced levels of undergraduate studies, while critically addressing concerns raised about traditional studio teaching practices.…”
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Temporary architecture as a contemporary typology for place making
Published 2016“…Although highly programmed, temporary architecture is not about being functional but to nurture collective thought, individual desires, platforms for individual and collective voices to be heard and non-commercialised public spaces for open discussion to be championed. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Improving patient complaint mechanisms in Malaysia: the role of law and medical organisations
Published 2009“…To reduce the number of complaints and risks of litigation, a more patient-centred approach should be adopted. When patients voiced their concern by making a complaint or inquiry, this should be seen as a unique source of information for health care services on why adverse events occur and how to prevent them. …”
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Book Chapter -
The spectacularization of NGOs accountability in disaster situations: evidence from the 2015 Nepal’s earthquakes
Published 2024“…The findings of the study demonstrate how the voices of many Nepalese NGOs involved in the relief, recovery and rehabilitation efforts following the 2015 earthquakes remained unheard and how they were forced to compromise their felt responsibilities by having to adhere to the control-oriented and accounting-based requirements imposed by the government and funders. …”
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Integration of waqf and islamic microfinance for poverty reduction: case of Pakistan
Published 2015“…The beneficiaries were not aware of the main components of the waqf-microfinance integrated model, but professionals and practitioners, invariably supported the integrated model while voicing some concerns that should be considered while formulating policies for the sector…”
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The Emotional Wellbeing of Black and Dual Heritage Looked After Young People
Published 2015“…Underpinning these recommendations is an emphasis on the importance of listening to the voices of this vulnerable group.…”
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Thesis -
Female educational leaders in higher education institutions in the UK: insights into their Covid-19 crisis management skills and their reliance on inclusive leadership [Presentatio...
Published 2022“…In this article, we argue that cultivating and harnessing the advancements of female leadership internationally and implementing a gender inclusive lens in pandemic preparedness responses by taking into consideration the experiences and voices of female leaders is necessary.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Young Europeans’ constructions and discussions of migrancy and racism
Published 2024“…We argue that accessing the voices of young people may provide necessary and significant starting points for the development of systems of policy and practice for migrant education. …”
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Book Section -
Race and ethics in the translation classroom: reflections on teaching the Amanda Gorman’s translators controversies as a white British lecturer
Published 2024“…In presenting this critical reflection on my own teaching practice, I seek to encourage reflexivity from others who use the controversies as a case study within their pedagogy and caution against the framing of the debate through a white racial lens, as to do so serves as a further injustice for the Black voices marginalised throughout the original controversy.…”
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Book Section -
Islam as the state ideology: exploring from Gramsci’s notion of power, culture and ideology
Published 2019“…It could be seen how actors of nonconformist voices in civil society have mobilised themselves into organised groups and institutions to undermine the state hegemony thus assisting the change of the ruling power in the GE14. …”
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From fear to fraternity: a socio-legal analysis of doctors' responses to being called to account by patients
Published 2000“…In particular, the study aimed to enhance understanding of reactions to voiced grievances which tend to be under-theorised. …”
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Thesis -
Protecting children: a critical contribution to policy and practice development
Published 2010“…The first theme is a child rights approach which includes hearing the voices of children, adult survivors of abuse and professionals who work to protect abused children. …”
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Thesis -
The effect of globalization and the impact of hegemony in "The White Tiger" and "Americanah" novels
Published 2023“…The study concluded that Adiga and Adichie were just voices against the socioeconomic injustice, exploitation, oppression, and discrimination of the poor, resulting in servitude. …”
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Thesis -