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Functional analysis of a hypomorphic allele shows that MMP14 catalytic activity is the prime determinant of the Winchester syndrome phenotype
Published 2019“…This residual activity likely accounts for the mitigated phenotype observed in our patients. …”
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Journal Article -
Leveling the playing field: the selection and motivation effects of tournament prize spread information
Published 2019“…We predict and find that when employees can select into tournaments of varying prize spreads (which proxies for an environment where prize spread information is available), high-ability employees are more likely than low-ability employees to select into the tournament with a larger prize spread. …”
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Journal Article -
Cultured and popular literary circuits on Facebook: a case study of Singaporean print culture in social media
Published 2018“…Responses (comments and likes) were left out in the primary analysis, but were able to provide supplemental information that supported our initial investigation.Results. …”
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Journal Article -
Classification of C. annuum and C. frutescens ripening stages: how well does deep learning perform?
Published 2024“…Among all of the chilli variants, C. annuum and C. frustescents are the most prevalent and consistently liked variants in Asia, where it is appreciated for its strong taste and pungency. …”
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Article -
Drive-specific selection in multistable mechanical networks
Published 2024“…In equilibrium, a multistable system is more likely to be found in configurations with lower energy, but the presence of an external drive can alter the relative stability of different configurations in unexpected ways. …”
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Article -
Market Adoption of Healthy Buildings in the Office Sector: A Global Study from the Owner’s Perspective
Published 2024“…Private equity funds and real estate investment trust (REIT) firms tend to focus on risk mitigation, while direct real estate investment firms are more likely to carry out the latter to position themselves as a leader within the real estate industry.…”
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Article -
Cluster-selective 57Fe labeling of a Twitch-domaincontaining radical SAM enzyme
Published 2024“…The labeling selectivity likely originates primarily from differences in the clusters' accessibility to small molecules, with secondary contributions from the different redox properties of the clusters. …”
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Article -
Characterizing Cortex-Hippocampus Interactions During Language Processing
Published 2024“…In patients with hippocampal damage, language is left largely intact [Vargha-Khadem et al., 1997], suggesting that the hippocampus is likely not necessary for language processing. Recent evidence, however, has shown that the hippocampus may serve functions outside its traditional roles in episodic memory and spatial navigation, and may generally aid in the encoding of relationships across time and space [Cohen and Eichenbaum, 1993]. …”
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Thesis -
Overturning of No-Tension Towers
Published 2024“…A comparison of the predictions for each of the two tower geometries shows that the predicted critical angles of overturning are very close, while the cylinder is likely to begin cracking at lower inclinations compared to rectangular towers. …”
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Thesis -
Semantic sensitive satellite image retrieval
Published 2008“…Although various relevance feedback approaches have been proposed to bridge this gap, most of them can only work well under the assumption that regions belonging to the same or similar signal classes are very likely to share the same semantic concepts as well. …”
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Thesis -
Standalone immersion cooling for high performance servers
Published 2024“…Based on past recommendations, the author uses PTFE tape to effectively delay the evaporation of the coolant in the tank which likely affected the CPU temperature obtained. Additionally, a submersible pump is introduced to assess the hypothesis that forced convection is more efficient than natural convection. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Empowering communication for mute individuals through AI-assisted conversations
Published 2024“…Lastly, to enhance greater flexibility for the mute user, they are also able to edit the generated responses directly and provide feedback to the ai model through liking or disliking certain responses. Since this project was built from scratch, this report highlights all features implemented, experiments attempted, areas of improvements and next steps. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The impact of the solar energy on the load profile of the building
Published 2013“…Compared to other renewable energy such as wind, hydro, solar electricity is likely to be the largest contributor to Singapore’s energy supply. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Low dropout linear voltage regulator
Published 2013“…LDOs has been very well-liked and widely used in low-powered contrivance for the reason that it has efficient voltage regulating capabilities which enhances a prolong battery proficiency and longevity. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effects of automation transparency on trust and diagnostic decision making with an automated decision aid during medical emergencies
Published 2015“…Novice doctors in a simulated emergency diagnosis task used automated decision aids with different transparency configurations, manipulated by the presence of two transparency features, a list of Key Diagnostic Cues that explain its recommendation and a Likelihood Rating that displays how likely the aid thinks its recommendation is correct. …”
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Thesis -
Sign language recognition – teach machine to talk to deaf people
Published 2015“…The problem is that people who have not learnt sign language before will most likely have difficulties in understanding what the deaf-mutes are trying to convey. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Characterizing the spectrum of slip behavior at the Sumatran subduction zone with long-term geodetic records
Published 2016“…I examine a range of oceanographic and tectonic processes that can potentially explain these observations, and find that the most likely explanation is a 15-year-long slow slip event on the Banyak Islands section of the Sunda megathrust. …”
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Thesis -
Carbon aerogel for removal of oils and organic solvents spills
Published 2016“…The demand for water is likely to increase due the increase in world population and industrial activities. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Edge color constrained influence maximization in social networks
Published 2017“…However, simply selecting the most influential people does not maximize the spread as the content of a post dictates how likely a user will ‘share’ it. Thus, we show that it is not only imperative to select the top-k seed nodes but also the top-r most relevant topics in the network. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Can topology predict a financial crisis?
Published 2019“…Simplical complexes which exists over a longer spatial scales are call persistent features and are more likely the true features of the underlying space. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)