On p-Adic quasi Gibbs Measures for q+1-state Potts model on the cayley tree
Published 2010“…S. 15, 85–100 (2005)], since when q is divisible by p, which means that q + 1 is not divided by p, so according to a main result of the mentioned paper, there is a unique and bounded p-adic Gibbs measure (different from p-adic quasi Gibbs measure.…”
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Investigation of low end torque dip problem of CAMPRO 1.6L engine
Published 2008“…The main objective of this work is to perform an extensive study on the causes of the torque dip in CAMPRO engine and subsequently to provide the best solution that will improve the performance, reliability as well as production cost. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design and implementation of an intelligent fuzzy logic controller (FLC) for Air Handling Unit (AHU) for smart house
Published 2011“…IBAS has been developed along with the rapid sophistication of the information and control technologies in this study. The main objective of the continuous effort is to provide an intelligent monitor and control of various facilities within the building so as to offer its users or occupants with effective security, improved productivity, human comfort, and efficient energy management. …”
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Malaysian Islamic capital market : regulatory and legal scaffold altercations in the legal 'Thick" jungle.
Published 2011“…This is the only way to appreciate the Malaysian regulatory and the legal infrastructure for the Islamic capital market. The main aim of this paper is to highlight the legal issues confronting the Islamic capital market due to the sparks created whilst operating it parallel with its counterpart, i.e., the conventional capital market. …”
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Book Chapter -
Better corporate governance and risk in dual banking environment : evidence from Malaysia.
Published 2011“…It might be due to three main reasons as discussed in the paper…”
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Book Chapter -
The rights of the Orang Asli under the federal constitution of Malaysia
Published 2011“…ln the Peninsuhr, the IX'pulation is made up ofthree main ethnic groups, viz; Malays. Chinese aod Indians. …”
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Book Chapter -
Lucky draw, contest and modern competition from Islamic view
Published 2011“…Our group chose; Lucky draw, contest and modem competition from Islamic view', as our project paper's topic. The main reason we chose this topic is because the phenomenon of lucky draw and competition are widely occurring around the globe and even among the Muslims. …”
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Book Chapter -
The influence of process parameters on lactic acid fermentation in laboratory scale fermenter
Published 2006“…Three parameters have been chosen as the main parameters that affect significantly to the growth of L. rhamnosus; the agitation speed of the impeller, dissolve oxygen level (p02) and pH. …”
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Islam: knowledge and civilization
Published 2009“…This book is an outcome of efforts made to consolidate the main topics covered in the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) university required course entitled, 'Islam, Knowledge and Civilization' (UNGS 2040). …”
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Design, fabrication and experimental testing of IIUM free wing unmanned aerial vehicle (IIUM-FWUAV)
Published 2011“…Foam, fiber glass, carbon fiber, wood, aluminum and steel were the main materials used to build the experimental model. …”
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H.264/advance video coding standard
Published 2011“…The ITU-T and ISO/IEC are the main actors in developing image and video coding standard. …”
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Book Chapter -
The Importance of islamic art in mosque interior
Published 2011“…Ornamentation should be taken as part of mosque components and not as mere decorations done after-thought or filling in the gap. The main objective of the paper is why is it important to focus the ornamentation towards mosque interior so that ornamenting the mosque will not be done uncontrollably and unnecessarily.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islam and the West : coexistence or clash?
Published 2011“…Beginning from the Cold-War, the Western civilization became dominant in reality over other cultures creating an invisible division between the West and the rest. The main purpose of this research is to examine the perceived clash between the Western and Islamic Civilization and the criteria that lead a civilization to precede others. …”
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The impact of globalization on ethical leadership:a critical explanation from tawhidic paradigm
Published 2012Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Identification of carotenoid composition in selected 'ulam' or traditional vegetables in Malaysia
Published 2012“…A total of 10 species were evaluated for quantitative and qualitative carotenoid composition through spectrophotometry and HPLC analysis. The main carotenoids identified in these selected ulam were lutein, neoxanthin, violaxanthin, zeaxanthin and β-carotene. …”
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A review of municipal solid waste management in Malaysia
Published 2012“…The tremendous increased of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation in most major cities in Malaysia is observed as a main issue recently. This paper reviews the MSW management comprises many issues arises from the past two decades till the present scenario. …”
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Essentials of Applied Mathematics for the Managerial Life and Social Sciences: Custom Publishing
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Book -
Enhancing the mechanical properties of cross-linked rubber-toughened nanocomposites via electron beam Irradiation
Published 2011“…Improving the mechanical properties of a pristine system is the main target of developing nanocomposites. The nanocomposites systems were first prepared via intercalation technique with different organophilic montmorillonite (OMMT) loading. …”
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Performance evaluation in MANETs environment
Published 2012“…Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANETs) are collections of mobile nodes that communicate with each other over wireless links in the absence of any infrastructure or centralized administration. The main characteristics of MANETs are limited bandwidth, limited resources, dynamic mobility, and high contention radio medium. …”
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The Key Predictive Indicators of Efficiency Among The Applicants of Accounting Discipline: An Empirical Study of Mathematics Excellency.
Published 2012“…This paper examines the mathematics perception level as well as pre-university’s CGPAs as main indicators of efficiency and better performance for accounting undergraduate students. …”
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Proceeding Paper