Development of portable solar generator
Published 2015“…By using bypass diodes in the cell circuits and by orienting the lens focal line and cell circuit East and West, the smaller 12 W and 36 W units can be easily aimed at the sun and they will then maintain output without adjustment for 2 hours in the middle of a sunny day. …”
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Thesis -
Archimedean spiral antenna embedded with frequency selective surface for wideband applications
Published 2014“…Microstrip to parallel strip line balun is proposed as the feeding structure of the spiral antenna. …”
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Standard operating procedure for rescue operation in human-made disaster management in Nigeria
Published 2019“…The objective of this study is to develop a harmonize SOP for rescue operation in human-made disaster management. In line with this aim, three objectives and three research questions were formulated. …”
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Fabrication of 316L stainless steel (SS316L) foam via powder compaction method
Published 2015“…. % is the best compositions in order to creates the homogenous mixture and allow the formation of large pore uniformly compared to other compositions which in line with the objective to produce foams with low density and high porosity which suitable for implant applications. …”
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Development of wideband phased array antenna
Published 2018“…While the second design wideband phased array antenna was realized by adding one element and meander line T-divider, partial ground plane and two slots at ground plane. …”
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Thesis -
Penggunaan strategi pembelajaran pengarahan kendiri di kalangan pelajar-pelajar jurusan perakaunan jabatan perdagangan di politeknik
Published 2001“…Dapatan kajian yang diperolehi dipersembahkan dalam bentuk jadual taburan min dan graf garis (line graf) bersertakan interpretasinya. Responden kajian adalah seramai 180 orang pelajar iaitu dari tiga buah politeknik yang telah ditetapkan. …”
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Influence of substrate annealing on inducing Ti3+ and oxygen vacancy in TiO2 thin films deposited via RF magnetron sputtering
Published 2018“…The measurement of peak to peak value of Ti and O transition line at 400 °C indicates the surface chemical state of O2 in TiO2 thin films defect at surface and Fermi level was analyzed using the X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). …”
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A pragmatic study of strategic maneuvering in Jane Austen’s Novels: Pride and Prejudice and Emma
Published 2021“…The most consistent pragma-dialectical trope utilized by the writer in both novels was the rhetorical question, which is in line with Austen’s style of writing as she is known as a mistress of manipulation. …”
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Thesis -
User Interface and RF-Front End Design for Radio Direction Finding-Miniature Unmanned Air Vehicles (RDF-MUAV)
Published 2020“…Radio direction finding perform better at high altitude due to greater line of sight coverage. In this paper, the radio direction finding-miniature unmanned air vehicles (RDF-MUAVs) platform able to localize the beacon by accessing the direction of signal and report it back to the ground station immediately, improving search and rescue operations. …”
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A computational tool for microstrip planar filter design
Published 2017“…Furthermore, the tool designs Microstrip line filters with experienced engineers’ design quality in a shorter time than by traditional design procedures. …”
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Test cases reduction using similarity relation and conditional entropy
Published 2017“…The proposed technique was able to reduce up to 50% of the reduction rate compared to base-line techniques such as MFTS Algorithm, FLOWER, RZOLTAR and Weighted Greedy Algorithm.…”
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High gain/bandwidth off‑chip antenna loaded with metamaterial unit‑cell impedance matching circuit for sub‑terahertz near‑field electronic systems
Published 2022“…The proposed OCA is implemented on stacked silicon layers and consists of an open circuit meandering line. It is shown that by loading the antenna with an array of subwavelength circular dielectric slots and terminating it with a metamaterial unit cell, its impedance bandwidth is enhanced by a factor of two and its gain on average by about 4 dB. …”
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An investigation on the audit committee’s effectiveness: the case for GLCs in Malaysia
Published 2012“…As at 31 December 2010, there were 33 public-listed companies categorized as Government-Linked Companies (GLC Transformation Policy, 2010) and there were 20 firms that have complete data which resulted in the total number of firm-year observations to 120 for six years (year 2003-2009). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Extraction of fish collagen using enzymatic process
Published 2011“….\) and 'Kembong' (RaSlrelliger kanagllrla) so as to seareh for a possibility of shortening the time of extraction and to modify the propmies of fish gelatins with the aid of an enlyme: lransglutaminase, in order to delennine optimum conditions of enzymatic cross-linking of fish gelatins so that the gel could be obtained at room temperature. …”
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Book Chapter -
Fundamental conceptions underlying areas of jurisprudence and how they shape related rulings: a comparative study with special reference to partnership
Published 2012“…In studying Islamic law, it becomes evident that in many areas, the relevant rulings are linked together by a fundamental conception that acts as the foundation for all the related rulings. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Protective effect of treatment with black cumin oil on spatial cognitive functions of rats that suffered global cerebrovascular hypoperfusion
Published 2012“…Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion has been linked to neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s disease (AD)and its subsequent cognitive impairment in which oxidative stress and neuroinflammation are the principal culprits. …”
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Audit committee's effectiveness and financial reporting quality: the case of GLCs in Malaysia
Published 2012“…As at 31 December 2010, there were 33 public-listed companies categorized as Government-Linked Companies (GLC Transformation Policy, 2010) and there were 20 firms that have complete data which resulted in the total number of firm-year observations to become 120 for six years (year 2003-2009). …”
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Assessment of ibuprofen as a neuroprotective agent in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion-induced neurodegeneration in rats.
Published 2012“…Aging related reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF) has been linked with neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's diseases and dementia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An Enhancement of AODV routing protocol for more robust wireless sensor network
Published 2010“…When a node gets failure to deliver the data packet through the main route, it immediately employs its backup route to become its new main path instead of the previously broken one to reduce a number of data packets dropped because of route break and to maintain the continuity of data packet delivery in presence of some faults (nodes failure and links error). Moreover, this proposed routing protocol also satisfies the low transmission delay and gets better throughput results. …”
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Modified hierarchical 3D-torus network
Published 2005“…However, the restricted use of physical links between basic modules in the higher level networks reduces the dynamic communication performance of this network. …”
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