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臺灣文學主體性中的南方軌跡 —— 以南進與新南向時期之臺灣文學為例 = The Southern trajectory in Taiwanese literary subjectivity: a study of Taiwanese literature during the Nanshin-ron and new southbound policy per...
Published 2024“…The paper primarily discusses two periods: the Nanshin-ron discourse during the Japanese colonial period and the "New Southbound Policy" under the democratic government. Since the "Nationalist Southern Narrative" has already been extensively studied, it will not be the focal point of this analysis. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Migrants in between: rural migrant families' practices of settlement in a small but rapidly urbanizing Chinese city
Published 2024“…Since economic reforms started in the late 1970s, China has experienced rapid urbanization with a massive influx of rural migrants into cities. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
团派与中共派系政治 = “Tuan Pai” and factionalism in Chinese politics
Published 2015“…TuanPai has failed to become the deciding factor since the strong leadership of non-TuanPai Xi Jinping and the study of TuanPai’s rise and downfall provides much value to further the understanding of factionalism in contemporary Chinese politics.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Near-infrared light for phototherapy : photothermal induced drug release and tumor ablation
Published 2015“…Since the introduction of nanotechnology into cancer treatment, numerous therapeutic nanoagents have been developed for the detection, imaging and therapy of various types of cancers. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of different lead precursors on planar perovskite solar cells
Published 2016“…Ever since emerging to the solar cell scene in 2009 as a light harvester in dye-sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells had progressed tremendously, reaching >22% within several years of intense study. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
聊斋志异的魅力 :原著小说与《聊斋电视系列片》的比较 = Charm of strange tales from a Chinese studio : a comparison between original novel and 1986 TV series
Published 2017“…Furthermore, the novel inherited the fine traditions of ancient prose: an unexpected yet logical plot and typical characterization. Since the 1960s, “Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio” were often made into films. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
新加坡华语中的倒置双宾结构 = Inverted double object construction in Singapore Mandarin
Published 2017“…The comparison of the contemporary and earlier stages of Singapore Mandarin Chinese indicates that inverted double object construction may have decreased along the short history since the promotion of “Speak Mandarin Campaign” and bilingualism education policy in Singapore.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A bilayer swellable drug-eluting stent for the treatment of fibrosis-induced ureteral stricture recurrence
Published 2018“…This thesis examines the development, fabrication, characterization and evaluation of a BSDES, the results achieved as below: Firstly, mass loss and rheological measurements identified 10% w/v PEGDA hydrogel as the candidate hydrogel concentration since there was no significant degradation and it could retain the largest mechanical strength over the 4 weeks. …”
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Thesis -
Enantioselective epoxidation of protected allylic and homoallylic amines via chiral cationic ion-pairing catalysis
Published 2018“…Although numerous reports on catalytic asymmetric epoxidation on allylic alcohols had been published in the literature since the first discovery by Katsuki and Sharpless in 1980s, there are only handful examples for allylic amines, largely due to competing N-oxidation as side reaction. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Screen printed quinone-derivatives-based carbon electrode : a novel universal voltammetric pH sensor in buffered and unbuffered solution
Published 2019“…It also displays an acceptable error of 3.26% in 0.5M KCl. Since no dissolution and emergence of new compound are not observed, the superior performance of TMNQ and limitation of DMQ in BR Buffer could be attributed to their high and low pKa respectively. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
See-through and spatial augmented reality - a novel framework for human-robot interaction
Published 2017“…Furthermore, the combination of see-through head-mounted display augmented reality and spatial augmented reality would provide the system a novel way to enhance the security level of exchanging information since the system now can separate the information presenting to the main user and to people working in the same environment. …”
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Conference Paper -
Antiretroviral therapy optimisation without genotype resistance testing : a perspective on treatment history based models
Published 2013“…Although genotypic resistance testing (GRT) is recommended to guide combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), funding and/or facilities to perform GRT may not be available in low to middle income countries. Since treatment history (TH) impacts response to subsequent therapy, we investigated a set of statistical learning models to optimise cART in the absence of GRT information. …”
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Journal Article -
Guaranteeing safe drinking water services for public schools in Kenya: a costed professional service delivery model for Kitui County
Published 2024“…The economic logic is compelling. Since 2016, FundiFix has been supported by the Water Services Maintenance Trust Fund (WSMTF) designed explicitly to subsidize long-term maintenance services in rural areas. …”
Working paper -
Cost of the national malaria control program and cost-effectiveness of indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated bed net interventions in two districts of Madagascar
Published 2024“…However, the number of malaria cases yearly increased since 2012. ITNs and IRS are key interventions for reducing malaria in Madagascar. …”
Journal article -
The paradoxes of wind power
Published 2009“…Furthermore, the economics of wind power are affected by two trends which tend to move in opposite directions – on the one hand, as the technology improves, costs tend to fall; on the other, since the costs are site specific, the best sites tend to be used first so leading to a rising cost curve over time. …”
Journal article -
A vehicle social distancing management system based on LiFi COVID pandemic: real-time monitoring for smart buildings
Published 2024“…This suggests that there may be untested infected individuals exhibiting active symptoms. Furthermore, since pandemics comparable to COVID may exhibit a range of symptoms that fluctuate throughout the day. …”
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Article -
How Stories Change Us : A Developmental Science of Stories from Fiction and Real Life /
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software, multimedia -
Fluid-fluid displacement in porous-media microfluidics
Published 2024“…We first develop a phase-field model to simulate two-phase flow with moving contact lines in the partial wetting regime. We construct a self-consistent formulation of fluid-solid surface energy which allows prescribing arbitrary static contact angles. …”
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Thesis -