A critical appraisal of Freud’s ideas on man and personality
Published 2013“…Since ancient times, scholars in the West have shown great enthusiasm towards understanding the subject on man and personality. …”
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Muslim’s awareness and willingness to patronize Islamic banking in Kazakhstan
Published 2013“…In Kazakhstan, it has been only three years since the first Islamic bank made its debut. Islamic banks have to compete with their rival, conventional banks, which have far longer history than Islamic banks. …”
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The Qur'an and its role in the transformation of Arabian society
Published 2013“…It is a gateway to a new world, the strong rope that connects Muslims to their Lord, Allah, the Straight Path (al-Sirat al-Mustaqim) leading them to everlasting bliss and the backbone of their success in both existences, i.e. al-Dunya and al-Akhirah (here and hereafter). Since its revelation great transformations have taken place including the transformation of Arabia from jahiliyyah (ignorance) to enlightenment, from polytheism (the worship of multitude of deities besides Allah which is termed as shirk or kufr) to monotheism (tawhid or the worship of one God, Allah), from unjust to a well-organized society (socially, economically and politically), from a fragmented into a unified community and from Godless into God-conscious. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Integrating the objectives of sustainable development into development plans through strategic environmental assessment
Published 2002“…Since the introduction of environmental impact assessment (EIA) in Malaysia in the 1970s, environmental assessments (EAs) tools have evolved into a comprehensive and versatile instrument for natural resource planning and management. …”
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Data hiding within color images based on MCT with x-or operations
Published 2013“…Our experiments show that the security can be increased by following this method since it uses irreducible polynomial mathematics within its operational method. …”
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Muslim discourse on international human rights: the problem of harmonization
Published 2013“…The concept of human rights as embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights undisputedly is a western construct. But since Muslim states at the official plane have committed themselves to its tenets by being signatory to it as members of the United Nations, their afterthought has triggered a debate among the academia about its harmonization with the Islamic notion of human rights. …”
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Design field controller for level, flow, temperature and networking using YOKOGAWA DCS
Published 2013“…The digital field controller has been widely used in the industry since ages ago. In this project, distributed field controller is designed to measure temperature, level and flow of the system used in Industrial Automation using YOKOGAWA DCS network. …”
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Preparation of metformin HCl microspheres and encapsulation efficiency
Published 2013“…Double-emulsion solvent evaporation technique was employed in this work since Metformin HCl is a hydrophilic drug. PLGA and PVA of specific characteristics were used. …”
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Preliminary analysis on the adoption of agile software development methodology in Indonesia
Published 2013“…Since the introduction of the Agile Manifesto over a decade ago, software industries around the world have started to change their software development process from traditional to Agile methods. …”
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Islam and civilisational renewal: the case for "sacred science"
Published 2013“…Some opted for a “secularisation thesis”, others advocated liberalisation, still others advocated adoption of science since the Qur’an and science could be seen to complement each other. …”
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A hybrid scheme for wireless physical layer security based on encryption and channel pre-compensation
Published 2014“…The security is provided by transforming the basic signal constellation into a higher order signal constellation with the help of conventional encryption method (symmetric key encryption) and then using channel knowledge (i.e. amplitude and phase variation), which is location specific, to distort the constellation of encrypted data before transmission. Since detection and demodulation are based upon the known signal constellation, which is not known in advance in our case, it becomes difficult for the eavesdropper to determine the original signal constellation due to the combined effect of encryption and pre-compensation. …”
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A harmonious relationship of religion and science: muslim intellectual responses
Published 2006“…The separation between religion and science should not continue since both are complimentary ways of understanding reality. …”
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Psychotic manifestation in a patient with Wolfram syndrome (DIDMOAD)
Published 2014“…A 17-year-old female presented with psychiatric manifestations, namely inappropriate behaviour and second person auditory hallucination since the age of 16 years. The patient was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus at the age of 10 years old and subsequently progressive hearing and visual loss a year later. …”
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Analyses of worst-month rain fade statistics for Ku-band (26GHz) in the tropics
Published 2012“…The study of the worst-month statistics is critical to the designers of telecommunication systems since there might be cases where impairment can be dominated by a single month of the year due to local weather pattern…”
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Rethinking theory and practices in developing urban open spaces in Malaysia
Published 2008“…Since the nineteenth century, the provision of parks has been a major focus in promoting places for relaxation and recreation. …”
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On pure quasi-quantum quadratic operators of of M2(C) II
Published 2015“…Correspondingly, the complement of this class will be of potential interest for physicist since this set contains all completely positive mappings.…”
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Federalising Shariah courts in Malaysia: lessons from the Indonesian peradilan agama
Published 2015“…As a federation consisting of 13 states and the federal territories, Malaysia has 14 courts of final appeals for its religious courts — known as Shariah Courts in Malaysia. This comes about since religious courts are under the respective states and federal territories' powers. …”
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Challenges in simulating robotics and automation systems for real world applications utilising project based courses
Published 2015“…This process is important since a fully integrated robotic system need to be fully optimized for it to be able to perform the required and desired function effectively.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The role of attention deficit hyperactive disorder in developing substance use disorder: a case report
Published 2015“…Method: We report a case of an adult with ADHD, who has a long standing history of polysubstance use, since the age of 10. He had multiple relapses, even after numerous efforts undertaken to keep him drug-free. …”
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Alleviation of poverty among OIC countries through sadaqat, cash waqf and public funding
Published 2013“…Poverty is rampant and common among Muslims globally and their financial constraints call for urgent, collective and concrete efforts among OIC countries to improve the conditions of poor Muslims regardless of their colour, gender, nationality, and sect since Islam simplifies unity. The study analyses the types and nature of investment that can be invested in with integrated charities such as waqf properties, sadaqat and public funding to create employment in order to reduce the poverty rate in concerned and targeted nation. …”
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