Implementation of IPv6 address generation mechanism for enterprise wireless local area network in open source DHCPv6
Published 2010“…The proposed mechanism will enhance user privacy by dynamic address assignment and yet does not compromise network visibility since users can be traced individually regardless of dynamically changing IPv6.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Artificial neural network and its Islamic relevance
Published 2011“…The complex workings and wonders of the human brain have become mysterious since time immemorial. Human brain is a thinking organ that learns and grows by interacting with the world through perception and action; and it is able to continually adapt and rewire itself. …”
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Reading the mind of women landscape architects: A case study of ILAM members
Published 2009“… Abstract: Since its inception in 1982, the Institute of Landscape Architects has about 289 corporate and graduate members. …”
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Monograph -
A decade of the World Trade Organization and trade performance of Muslim countries
Published 2010“…In fact this has been particularly difficult for developing countries, since they are expected to be on a level playing field with the developed countries. …”
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Spousal religious conversion: Choice of laws and forums in Malaysia
Published 2011“…These different court systems most of the time run independent of one another since subject matters and parties before the courts are different. …”
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Competition law as a tool to ensure diversity of voices and access to the media
Published 2009“…However, the two state-owned television stations have constantly refused to give reasonable coverage for those outside the government – particularly the opposition – since the two is regarded as the official channel of the government of the day. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analysis of the Rain Effects on Terrestrial Free Space Optics Based on Data Measured in Tropical Climate.
Published 2011“…However, the feasibility of using FSO system as communication link very much depends on local weather. Since tropical region experiences heavy rainfall, rain with high intensity is expected to affect the FSO link severely. …”
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Reverse leakage current mechanisms in quantum dot laser structures
Published 2011“…A systematic study of their temperature dependence suggests that the main mechanism determining the reverse leakage is due to generation–recombination via mid-band traps assisted by Frenkel-Poole emission of carriers from these traps. Since the dark current is a relatively parameter to determine in a device, optimising this is a quicker means of optimising the growth parameters than undertaking full laser testing. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Phytochemical screening expedition 2009 : drug discovery from nature.
Published 2011“…For that reason, Phytochemical Screening Expedition has been regularly organized as yearly programme at Kulliyyah ofPharmacy since 2009…”
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Book Chapter -
Ibn al-Jazzar on fever
Published 2011“…The objective ofthis chapter is to discuss types of fever introduced by Ibn AI-Jazzar in his book entitled Zad al-Musafir wa-qut al-hadir which was translated by Gerrit Bos. According to Bos, since the book was written, none of the medical works of the Islamic physician dealing with fevers has been published in a critical edition and translation, thus make him decide to do so for our references. …”
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Book Chapter -
Spikes blocking and surge protection
Published 2011“…Spikes are extremely damaging to a circuit since the voltage of a spike such as a lightning surge can be thousands of times the intended voltage of the circuit…”
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Book Chapter -
Fuzzy set theory
Published 2011“…He has developed considerably since its inception. Although initially the new and revolutionary ideas were viewed controversially in the realm of mathematics, they were more welcomed in several fields of engineering, especially control engineering, as they provided a good interface with real world applications of mathematics. …”
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Book Chapter -
Interactive voice response technology for telephony system
Published 2011“…There have been many interesting advances and developments since the invention of the first speech recognizer at Bell Labs in the early 1950's. …”
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Book Chapter -
Cranial electro-stimulation for the amelioration of drug withdrawal symptoms among recovering addicts
Published 2010“…Underlying the addictive state is an insidious and progressive destruction of normal brain functioning such as severe memory loss, inability to process abstract information, and other organic brain dysfunctions, such as Korsakoff psychosis. Since addiction, withdrawal, and anhedonia are the result of insufficient levels of certain brain chemicals, or undeveloped pleasure centres and pleasure pathways, the most direct way of eliminating them is to restore optimal levels of the brain chemicals, to stimulate the pleasure centres and pleasure pathways. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Critical analysis on the choice of Takaful (Islamic insurance) operating models in Malaysia
Published 2011“…It is important to study the motives behind choosing among different Takaful models since different models have different impacts on the surplus distribution of Takaful funds, especially for Family Takaful funds. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Focus control using flexible lens
Published 2005“…However, the small and compact implementation using multiple-lenses is difficult to achieve since a certain distance between two- lenses is required for different focal length. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Parallel manipulator for auto tracking system: virtual prototyping using LabVIEW- Solidworks
Published 2012“…The most important in FSO communication is the alignment between transmitter and receiver telescope. However, since the transmission medium of FSO is atmosphere, it will give misalignment between transceivers. …”
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Article -
An estimation of technical efficiency of secondary education in Malaysia: A cross-country analysis
Published 2012“…Education efficiency has become an important issue given the pressing levels of public deficit and debt of many countries. Since the educational sector always receives high priority in budget allocations, an evaluation of whether the allocations made for education has been technically efficient is important. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Transnasal endoscopic medial maxillectomy: changing trend in the management of sinonasal inverted papilloma, report of two cases
Published 2007“…However the supposed changing trend in surgical management of sinonasal inverted papilloma from external approach to endoscopic technique has to come with caution as certain guidelines must be made to ensure its effectiveness. Since the introduction of purely transnasal endoscopic medial maxillectomy in 1981, many authors have published their experiences in this field. …”
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Manufacturing engineering education in IIUM
Published 2007“…This paper presents how manufacturing engineering curriculum in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) is designed to prepare its graduates fit for manufacturing industry. Since the inception in 1994, IIUM has been preparing its students through specialization in manufacturing engineering and precision machining. …”
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Proceeding Paper