Bridging Islamic juristic differences in contemporary Islamic finance.
Published 2011“…Two blocks seem to represent the two disputing sides ever since this industry was launched, i.e:, the Middle East and South East Asia markets. …”
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Book Chapter -
Preservation of health in Islamic law
Published 2009“…Preservation of health (hifz al-sihhah) is the most important branch of Islamic medicine since it is primarily concerned with the prevention of illness rather than cure. …”
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Experimental results of liquid slosh in a cylindrical tank with different fill levels
Published 2011“…The cross-sectional areas of the model tanks employed in the reported studies were in the order of 0.2 m' [I-31. Since the similarity of sloshing fluid flows is very complex, the slosh behavior would be expected to differ for different tank sizes. …”
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Book Chapter -
Lucky draw, contest and modern competition from Islamic view
Published 2011“…They are used to the norms of lucky draw and competition since the concept of lucky draw and competition seems to be clean and legal from Islamic perspectives as both do not reflect illegal doings. …”
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Book Chapter -
Legal Framework for Establishing Regional Planning Authority for Malaysia
Published 2011“…Regional planning has gained prominence since it promotes effective and efficient use of resources and reduces regional imbalances and poverty, and achieves sustainable development. …”
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Protection of integrity and ownership of pdf documents using invisible signature
Published 2012“…The method to embed and extract the signature are proven to be efficient, since the offset index for cross-reference table are available at the end of the file. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Performance evaluation in MANETs environment
Published 2012“…Simulation evaluation method will be discussed in detail since it is considered as one of the most popular evaluation methods. …”
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Concurrent validity of the depression and anxiety components in the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS)
Published 2011“…Objectives: The Bahasa Malaysia (BM) version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21-item (DASS-21) has been widely used ever since the establishment of its validity. To consolidate the evidence of the BM DASS-21 validity by examining its concurrent validity. …”
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Sustaining the right to privacy in e- commerce environment: the legal approach
Published 2011“…This Act seeks to regulate the processing of personal data of individuals involved in commercial transactions by data users so as to provide protection to the individual’s personal data, thereby safeguarding the interests of such individual. Since this privacy right is important in e-commerce, this paper will examine the extent of privacy protection available under the existing law and whether such law and other relevant laws provide adequate protection to the personal data when dealing with online transaction. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Drying of food products under inert atmosphere using heat pump
Published 2012“…To improve the drying potential and also to carry out the drying under low temperature conditions, a heat pump is used to improve the drying environment. Since the heat pump is operated in a closed loop, where condenser heat controls the drying temperature and evaporator removes the moisture content released at the drying chamber, the drying medium operates at low temperature and moisture content. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An efficient technique for human verification using finger stripes geometry
Published 2007“…Using this approach, experimental result provides, Total Success Rate (TSR) is 98.79%, False Acceptance Rate (FAR) is 3.21% and False Rejection Rate (FRR) is 0%. Since the proposed method requires very small computational time, the practical implementation requirement for a large number of person verification is possible.…”
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Parametric system identification of thermoelectric cooler for single photon avalanche diode application
Published 2013“…However, it is not a simple task to derive a mathematical model for TEC since it varies with the operating condition. In this paper, particle swarm optimization (PSO) was used in order to identify the mathematical model of the multistage TEC (1639733 from Element 14), which encapsulates dynamics of the SPAD, heatsink and components of the cooling heat exchanger. …”
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Sustaining the right to privacy in E-Commerce environment: The legal approach
Published 2012“…This Act seeks to regulate the processing of personal data of individuals involved in commercial transactions by data users so as to provide protection to the individual’s personal data, thereby safeguarding the interests of such individual. Since this privacy right is important in e-commerce, this paper will examine the extent of privacy protection available under the existing law and whether such law and other relevant laws provide adequate protection to the personal data when dealing with online transaction. …”
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A new data hiding technique based on irreducible polynomials
Published 2013“…In this way, the security can be increased since it depends on a different type of transform which is based on irreducible polynomial mathematics. …”
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Food safety governance: Standard operating procedure on controlling of nitrite level, handling and processing of edible bird's nest
Published 2012“…In light of the emerging food safety issues that surrounds the Malaysian Edible Bird’s Nest (EBN) industry, which have somewhat affect the economic gain of the EBN exporters in Malaysia, the Ministry of Health Malaysia, the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based and Industry Malaysia under its Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) and Department of Standards Malaysia had since 2003 issued a set of guidelines for a more systematic management of the local swift’s nest industry. …”
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Evaluation of sparsifying algorithms for speech signals
Published 2012“…It has also played an important role in compressive sensing algorithms since it performs well in sparse signals. A sparse representation is one in which small number of coefficients contain large proportion of the energy. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Contentious questions and religious dimensions in international intervention
Published 2012“…Since the beginning of the last decade, there is a renewed attention and interest in the relationship between religion and international intervention. …”
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The Usage of ICT in Shariah: online marriage
Published 2013“…However, there is no special provision in the Islamic Family Law in any states in Malaysia. Since Islam is a complete yet simple religion that has always encouraged Muslims to perform good deeds and prevent them from any hardship in life, Muslims are permitted to do things that can bring benefit (maslahat) to them. …”
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Towards a multimodality ontology image retrieval
Published 2011“…To semantically search for images, textual descriptions are usually used since low level features provide little meaningful information. …”
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Malaysian perception and attitude towards electric vehicle
Published 2013“…Because of excessive consumption of fossil fuels leads to greenhouse gases emission and causing various environmental problems. Since Malaysia’s automotive production increasing rapidly compared to other Asian countries. …”
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