Federalising Shariah courts in Malaysia: lessons from the Indonesian peradilan agama
Published 2015“…As a federation consisting of 13 states and the federal territories, Malaysia has 14 courts of final appeals for its religious courts — known as Shariah Courts in Malaysia. This comes about since religious courts are under the respective states and federal territories' powers. …”
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Challenges in simulating robotics and automation systems for real world applications utilising project based courses
Published 2015“…This process is important since a fully integrated robotic system need to be fully optimized for it to be able to perform the required and desired function effectively.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The role of attention deficit hyperactive disorder in developing substance use disorder: a case report
Published 2015“…Method: We report a case of an adult with ADHD, who has a long standing history of polysubstance use, since the age of 10. He had multiple relapses, even after numerous efforts undertaken to keep him drug-free. …”
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Alleviation of poverty among OIC countries through sadaqat, cash waqf and public funding
Published 2013“…Poverty is rampant and common among Muslims globally and their financial constraints call for urgent, collective and concrete efforts among OIC countries to improve the conditions of poor Muslims regardless of their colour, gender, nationality, and sect since Islam simplifies unity. The study analyses the types and nature of investment that can be invested in with integrated charities such as waqf properties, sadaqat and public funding to create employment in order to reduce the poverty rate in concerned and targeted nation. …”
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Perceptions on interaction design in Malaysia
Published 2009“…Even though researchers have introduced Human Computer Interaction (HCI) methodologies, since 1980's, Malaysia's user interface is still considered inadequate. …”
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Book Chapter -
Scientific research dilemma in contemporary Muslim world
Published 2014“…Islam is a religion that embraces science and knowledge ever since it was revealed more than fifteen hundred centuries ago. …”
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Developing a secure mechanism for Bluetooth-based Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Published 2007“…The basic security architecture of Bluetooth, operating at the link layer, is augmented with a higher application layer security mechanism for authentication and message integrity. This is necessary since the present Bluetooth security has certain drawbacks in its implementation making it insecure. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Socio-demographic variation on tourism expenditure in Melaka UNESCO world heritage area
Published 2016“…Melaka City has been designated as UNESCO World Heritage site since 2008 that offers authentic heritage and cultural attractions to tourists worldwide. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
On mixing of Markov measures associated with b−bistochastic QSOs
Published 2016“…New majorization is in advantage as compared to the classical one since it can be defined as a partial order on sequences. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of thermoplastic natural rubber (TPNR) as a new binder in metal injection moulding
Published 2016“…Since metal injection moulding (MIM) is still new in Malaysia, therefore it is great opportunity for those who carry out the development of new binder system. …”
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The Islamic ethics of mitochondria transplantation
Published 2016“…Mitochondrial transplantation was successfully led to birth; however, cytoplasmic transplantation has caused apprehension, since the mixing of human ooplasm from two different maternal sources may generate mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) heteroplasmy in the offspring. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modelling and simulation of impedance-based damage monitoring of structures
Published 2016“…Generally, potential damage to the host structure is detected by examining the EMI signature and identifying changes in that unique signature. Since this technique has the potential to offer greater safety and reliability while lowering maintenance costs, it is becoming increasingly popular. …”
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Let's bind a friendly co-existence with nature
Published 2016“…Major religions of the world preach that the universe/nature has been created long before the arrival of man on this planet. Ever since man came to exist on this planet, it has gone through a dramatic change, particularly with the coming age of modernization, industrialization, colonization and now globalization. …”
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Strategic management lessons from surah al-Kahfi
Published 2016“…Surah al-Kahfi contains essential contents related to the past, current and future direction of life as commented by many commentaries (tafsir). Since the contents are strategic, then motivates this study to examine strategic management lessons from Surah al-Kahfi. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modeling and control of a multi degree of freedom flexible joint manipulator
Published 2009“…For dynamic modeling, the Euler-Language approach is selected to model flexible joint manipulator. Since lightweight materials are employed in the construction of manipulator, the assumption that negligible link deformation no longer applies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Reconciliation provision under English and Malaysian family law: a comparative overview
Published 2008“…In England, the application of the provisions concerning reconciliation and conciliation under the MCA had faced difficulty since it came into force. This led to the reformation of the MCA into Family Law Act 1996 (“FLA”) especially provisions relating to the practice of reconciliation and conciliation, where mediation takes centre stage. …”
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The Consumer Expectation Test under the Consumer Protection Act 1999: a viable test for determining the quality and safety of products?
Published 2008“…It is the aim of this paper to examine the nature of the consumer expectation test and its viability in setting a proper standard of product quality and safety. Since case law on the subject has not yet developed in Malaysia, reference will be made to the application and development of the test in other jurisdictions, particularly the UK and USA. …”
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Debatable issues in Fiqh al-Zakat: a jurisprudential appraisal
Published 2010“…Introduction Since early 20th century, some leading scholars have been fervently debating the possibility of making fresh ijtihÉd on a host of newly emerging issues of fiqh al-zakÉt. …”
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Porosity development in activated carbon from palm kernel and coconut shell by chemical activation method
Published 2011“…The presences of active metal on an impregnated activated carbon surface greatly affect the adsorption affinity since some inorganic compounds will then be adsorbed preferentially. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An insight into post-independence Malaysian women’s well-being
Published 2009“…Since Independence in 1957, the structure of the Malaysian family has changed in tandem with changes in the wider global scenario. …”
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