Published 2023“…Approximate 7 dB of return loss enhancement is found when taper design is applied to the antenna. Since the antenna is designed to radiate at 2.4 GHz, its antenna gain is the highest (1.22 dBi) in this frequency too. …”
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Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis on Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Wrapped on Defected Oil and Gas Piping System Using Solidwork Flow Simulation
Published 2023“…This composite material was regarded as a one-of-a-kind wrapping material since it might have the combined properties of the element or significantly different properties than the constituents individually. …”
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Electric Field Characteristics of HDPE-NR Biocomposite Under Breakdown Condition
Published 2023“…Hence, pineapple leaves fibre was the best composition as it tends to improve the dielectric properties since it has a lower electric field intensity at the top electrode as compared to other compositions…”
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Analysis of Road Traffic Crashes Data of Perak State in Malaysia
Published 2023“…Furthermore, this study discovered that motorcycles were the most common vehicle involved in road traffic deaths from 2011 to 2018, which should raise concerns since motorbikes have become an essential mode of transportation. …”
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Quantum identity authentication for non-entanglement multiparty communication: A review, state of art and future directions
Published 2023“…Despite the advantages of multiphoton, enforcing authentication on behalf of numerous participants in the quantum channel remains a problem, since existing multiphoton only considers two parties involved in secret message sharing. …”
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Instance Segmentation Evaluation for Traffic Signs
Published 2024“…For an image resolution of 550x550, YOLACT with Resnet-101 is considered the best model in this article since it achieves over 80% precision, recall, specificity, and accuracy in various conditions such as day, night, left and right, and forward-looking angles.…”
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Compressibility behavior of marine clay treated by combination of coal ash and cement
Published 2023“…The samples are classified as clayey silt with slightly plasticity since the value of plastic index (PI) is less than 7. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
An improved artificial bee colony algorithm for training multilayer perceptron in time series prediction
Published 2014“…Learning an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an optimization task since it is desirable to find optimal weight sets of an ANN in the training process. …”
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Thesis -
The Insulation Performance of Novel Refrigerant Gas as an Alternative to SF6 for Medium Voltage Switchgear
Published 2024“…Sulphur-hexafluoride (SF6) has dominated gas insulation in high-voltage insulation technology since the early 60s. It is a greenhouse gas with a protracted lifespan in the atmosphere. …”
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Study on transmission congestion management for restructuring market
Published 2014“…While, congestion are one or more transmission lines reach their thermal limit and unable to carry additional power, a more expensive generation unit will be scheduled to serve the load. Since the cheaper generators could not reach the load location due to congestion. …”
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Thesis -
Investigation the effect of expanded graphite modification on tensile properties and adhesive of epoxy composite
Published 2018“…Two facile approaches of producing the expanded graphite were performed: thermal expansion and sonication process. Since epoxy polymer and graphite are not compatible, thus the interface modifications of graphite are required to enhance the adhesion of filler-polymeric matrix. …”
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Thesis -
Visualisation on blood flow mechanism of vein in deep vein thrombosis (DVT) study
Published 2018“…This is due to the noise that are present in the image obtained from Ultrasound scanning. Since it is difficult to recognize the vessel condition at the earliest stage of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), this study aims to assess the velocity and vorticity at the valve region using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method. …”
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Thesis -
Development of bambangan (Mangifera pajang) carbonated drink
Published 2021“…However, the fruit is not fully commercialized since it is usually been used as traditional cuisine by local people. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A security payment model for financial payment using mykad
Published 2011“…The Malaysian Government has created smart national identity card named MyKad for every citizen aged 12 and above since September, 2001. In the following year, the National Registration Department of Malaysia (JPN) has embedded the latest application of MyKad, which is known as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). …”
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Thesis -
Improvisation of fuzzy c-means method and fuzzy linear regression model in predicting manufacturing income
Published 2018“…Analysis by human perception could not be solved using traditional method since uncertainty within the data have to be dealt with. …”
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Thesis -
A nonstandard optimal control problem arising in an economics application: for royalty payment with piecewise function
Published 2018“…In the standard case, a free final state value y T yields a necessary boundary condition pT 0 where pt is the costate variable. Since the integrand is an element of y T , the new necessary condition is that y T ought to be equivalent to a certain integral that is a continuous system of y T z. …”
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Thesis -
New design of tuned vibration absorber for wide frequency range application
Published 2016“…However in this paper, the effectiveness of new design of TVA to reduce the vibration is not covered since the TVA has been proved in the previous study being able to reduce the vibration significantly. …”
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Investigation of mould design and process parameter optimisation of plastic injection moulding for thin wall part
Published 2019“…However, a lot of challenges faced by the moulders since the mould and processing parameters are critical to produce good quality of thin wall parts. …”
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Thesis -
Development of a new device to measure finger's mean arterial pressure
Published 2018“…The above measurement methods are discomfort and time consuming since the cuff is placed on the human arm that involves inflation and deflation process. …”
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Thesis -
Assessment on the average participation versus bialek’s methods for transmission pricing methodologies
Published 2019“…Meanwhile, by using Bialek’s method the power contribution of each user to each line is not uniform since there are transmission lines that indicate no power injection from generators and loads. …”
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