An Integrated approach of ethics and professional issues into engeneering curriculum.
Published 2009“…One way of answering these two questions is to teach engineering ethics in a way that brings home how integral it is to engineering work and avoid the addition of new ethics courses. …”
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Book Chapter -
Muslim women in contemporary societies: realities and opportunities
Published 2010“…This book brings to focus, ideas articulated by some contemporary Muslim writers during a three-day conference organized by the International Institute for Muslim Unity (IIUM), on the politico-religious and socio-economic challenges of Muslim women in our time. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Liberalisasi pendidikan dan cabarannya dalam kontek pendidikan Islam di Malaysia
Published 2007“…Due to this, there is a greater demand for higher education which could not all be met by the government, thereby resulting in the privatization of education. Liberalization also brings with it internationalization which means the hegemony of the English language and also accountability through international comparison in education, thereby scrutinizing local education system to international standards. …”
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Understanding the perception of society towards ‘pengkid’: effective solutions
Published 2012“…It might also affect Muslims’ faith and brings harms to the society. ‘Pengkid’ has been prohibited by the National Council of Fatwa (Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan), but the problem is still seriously spreading in the society. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Professionalism in teaching and learning in higher education: learning from the basic teaching methodology programme
Published 2013“…The interview data revealed that academic participation in professional development brings encouraging changes in teacher knowledge, skills and ICT culture. …”
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Flood Estimation using SCS Method for Sungai Johor Catchment, Kota Tinggi
Published 2020“…In December 2006 and January 2007, the Northeast Monsoon had brings heavy rain through series of continuous extreme storms that caused a devastating floods in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia particularly to Kota Tinggi, Johor. …”
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Book Section -
Penerimaan pembelajaran berasaskan permainan digital dalam mempengaruhi motivasi belajar
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Contemporary issues in human resource development
Published 2011“…Along with the need for a talented workforce, the knowledge base of the organisation has to be managed effectively and efficiently and this brings a need for better knowledge management in organisations. …”
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Book Chapter -
Digital audio watermarking; techniques and applications
Published 2012“…These challenges prompted significant research in Digital Watermarking (DW) to develop efficient methods to protect copyright and authentication messages in digital audio in order to prevent forgery and impersonation. This paper brings to view techniques and applications of digital audio watermarking signals. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An investigation of packet scheduling algorithms for long term evolution-advanced
Published 2012“…However, the introduction of CA brings a number challenges to the traditional Radio Resource Management (RRM) mechanisms. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An overview of legal framework for personal data protection on electronic voting in Indonesia
Published 2013“…This paper provides the review for current legal framework in protecting personal data in Indonesia to be used especially for e-Voting purpose. Thereby, it brings the focus towards whole aspect of situation before, during and after the election, which should be considered by legal regulation by identifying the potential threats.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Mathnawî of Mawlâna Jalâladdîn-i Rûmî (2007)
Published 2007“…I hope that this new work brings blessings and full of success. I believe that effort must be from us, discretion is from the readers and of course divine guidance is from Allah (swt).…”
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Book -
Modeling and control of a multi degree of freedom flexible joint manipulator
Published 2009“…The PBC is developed to achieve two goals: set point regulation and trajectory tracking. The controller brings the end point from unstable position to a certain stable position. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Heroin addiction in British prisons: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2018“…Superordinate themes with the corresponding subthemes are presented. This study brings attention to individuals’ relationship with heroin and impact of heroin use on interpersonal relationships. …”
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Article -
Fliess’s Kappa: konsesus kesepakatan pakar bagi bakat bekerja pelajar TVET di universiti teknikal
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Naqd and Islah : Ibn ‛Ashur’s comprehensive critique and reform efforts regarding Islamic learning and education
Published 2012“…Special attention has been given to highlighting Ibn ‛ÓshËr’s identification of the internal and external factors that led to the decline of Muslim education and left it in a state of crisis, unable to cope with the modern challenges of life. The article also brings into light Ibn ‛Ashur’s theoretical and practical approach rejuvenating Islamic education in accordance with its original spirit and worldview. …”
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User-centered web development for GMI alumni website
Published 2010“…In addition, the World Wide Web (WWW)technology is an appropriate partner with the internet that brings pleasant facility in order to facilitate people's daily lives. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Computational intelligence: It’s application in digital watermarking
Published 2013“…CI has been applied in digital watermarking to improve performance in order to curb piracy. This paper brings to view of computational intelligence techniques specifically the Artificial Neural Network (ANN); generalizations of mathematical models based on biological nervous systems and its applications in digital watermarking. …”
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Joint ventures in construction 2: contract, governance, performance and risk
Published 2012“…Joint Ventures in Construction 2: Contract, Governance, Performance and Risk is the selected proceedings of a series of International Conferences on Multi-national Joint Ventures for Construction Works, held each year since 2005. This book brings together the highlights from the 2008-2011 conferences, focusing on key issues including - contract and associated administrative structures - governance, dispute, and dispute resolution - performance and risk - managing stakeholder expectations. …”
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