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Radio map position inference algorithm for indoor positioning systems
Published 2013“…During operation phase an inference algorithm, based on Bayesian probability and distance of the calibrated points involved, can determine the likely position of the object of interest that is between the calibrated points. …”
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Conference Paper -
Monitoring transitory profiles of leachate humic substances in landfill aeration reactors in mesophilic and thermophilic conditions
Published 2015“…Moreover, increased operation temperature during aeration likely offers benefits for the rapid maturation of HS.…”
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Journal Article -
Between personalized and racialized precision medicine : a relative resources perspective
Published 2020“…The author elaborates on the ‘heterogeneity of resources’ and suggests that the extent to which precision medicine will be personalized or racialized/ethnicized in the clinic will most likely be a function of the relative availability of resources – including but not limited to financial, human and computer informatics, and legal and infrastructural resources – at individual and collective levels in healthcare contexts.…”
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Journal Article -
Why East Asian war is unlikely
Published 2022“…In particular, the emergence of a more assertive China does not mean a more aggressive China or that war in Asia is more likely. While Beijing may be increasingly pushing its own agenda in regional international affairs, and while it may seek to displace the United States as the regional hegemon, this does not automatically translate into an expansionist China. …”
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Journal Article -
Molecular architecture of the Chikungunya virus replication complex
Published 2023“…These results represent a major conceptual advance in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of RNA virus replication and the principles underlying the molecular architecture of RCs, likely to be shared with many pathogenic (+) RNA viruses.…”
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Journal Article -
Enhanced monsoon-driven upwelling in Southeast Asia during the Little Ice Age
Published 2023“…Climate change impacts ocean nutrient availability and will likely alter the marine food web. While climate models predict decreased average ocean productivity, the extent of these changes, especially in the marginal seas upon which large human populations depend, is not well understood. …”
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Journal Article -
Think Twice Before Going for Incentives: Social Norms and the Principal's Decision on Compensation Contracts
Published 2016“…When principals use incentives, their choices not only incentivize truthful reporting and signal distrust, but they also leak important information about the social norm, namely, that other agents are likely to report dishonestly. Agents conform to this social norm by misrepresenting cost information more. …”
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Journal Article -
Entropic centrality for non-atomic flow networks
Published 2019“…Given a graph, the notion of entropic centrality was introduced by Tutzauer to characterize vertices which are important in the sense that there is a high uncertainty about the destination of an atomic flow starting at them, assuming that at each hop, the flow is equally likely to continue to any unvisited vertex, or to be terminated there. …”
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Conference Paper -
Southeast Asian maritime security in the age of terror : threats, opportunity, and charting the course forward
Published 2009“…The potential application of those factors is assessed to anticipate the most likely forms of future regional cooperation. While cooperation will expand on many levels, the most fruitful cooperation will result from improved networks of bilateral relationships. …”
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Working Paper -
News sharing in social media : the effect of gratifications and prior experience
Published 2013“…Results from structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis revealed that respondents who were driven by gratifications of information seeking, socializing, and status seeking were more likely to share news in social media platforms. Prior experience with social media was also a significant determinant of news sharing intention. …”
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Journal Article -
Evaluation of the quality of online information about perinatal depression in China
Published 2024“…There was a significant negative correlation between search engine rankings and the quality of information on perinatal depression, suggesting that higher quality content is less likely to be searched for and may hinder access to reliable information. …”
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The biggest challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic on gender-related work from home in biomedical fields—world-wide qualitative survey analysis
Published 2022“…Participants reported increased domestic duties, blurred lines between home and work, and long workdays. Finding adequate workspace was a problem, and adaptations were necessary, especially when adults shared the same setting for working and childcare. …”
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Journal Article -
Performance-based identity in a BIM environment : An architect’s perceptions and experiences
Published 2022“…Consequently, architects' failing to adapt their core identity to the varying circumstances may lead to their irrelevance and being side-lined merely as aesthetic building surgeons. The current study therefore seeks a better understanding of their perceptions and experiences in manifesting their identities in the phenomenon. …”
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Tablets, Pens, and Pencils: The Influence of Tools on Sketching in Early Stage Design
Published 2024“…We hypothesize that participants using tablet and pencil will produce fewer drawings than those using pen due to their ability to erase and focus on perfecting drawings, and we expect participants using the tablet to produce cleaner drawings with smoother strokes due to the tablet’s ability to auto-smooth lines. Based on prior literature, we posit that women and gender minorities will produce fewer sketches and use the feathering style of sketching more than men.…”
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Regulation of microRNA degradation in Caenorhabditis elegans via the E3 ubiquitin ligase EBAX-1
Published 2024“…TDMD underlies the instability of many miRNAs in diverse cell lines and animals. In this work, I probe the biological scope of TDMD as a regulatory mechanism in the nematode Caenorhabiditis elegans, which tolerates homozygous loss of the ZSWIM8 ortholog, EBAX-1, and expresses some miRNAs that are subject to rapid, developmentally regulated decay. …”
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Thesis -
Data-driven distributionally robust CVaR portfolio optimization under a regime-switching ambiguity set
Published 2024Get full text
Journal Article -
Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan : the role of post-conflict reconstruction
Published 2015“…Under the auspices of Bonn-I, the international community initiated a process of post-conflict reconstruction on both security and non-security lines. Bonn-I provided a framework for setting up an interim government tasked with drafting a constitution, convening a Loya Jirga (grand assembly), holding presidential and parliamentary elections by 2005, strengthening the Afghan police and military forces, and establishing a judicial system. …”
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Thesis -
Multi-spectral polarimetry imaging for early gastric cancer diagnosis
Published 2016“…Gastric cancer, which develops from the lining of stomach, is the fifth most severe disease worldwide. …”
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Thesis -
Cellular studies on the role of OGFOD1, a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase
Published 2017“…The transcriptional regulator, Thanatos associated protein 11 (THAP11) was identified as a novel high stoichiometry OGFOD1-interacting protein across a range of cell lines. Analysis of the THAP11 transcriptional programme in SW620 cells defined a repressive action of OGFOD1 overexpression on THAP11 DNA binding and target gene expression. …”
Thesis -
Colon Cancer Disparities in Stage at Presentation and Time to Surgery for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders: A Study with Disaggregated Ethnic Groups
Published 2023“…Chinese [AOR 1.27 (95% CI 1.17–1.38), p < 0.001], Japanese [AOR 1.23 (95% CI 1.10–1.37], p < 0.001], Filipino [AOR 1.36 (95% CI 1.22–1.52), p < 0.001], Korean [AOR 1.16 (95% CI 1.02–1.32), p < 0.05], and Vietnamese [AOR 1.55 (95% CI 1.36–1.77), p < 0.001] patients were more likely to experience greater time to surgery than white patients. …”
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