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A Brief History of Blockchain Interoperability
Published 2024“…These recent developments have, slowly but steadily, contributed to the improvement of the scalability of blockchain networks, as well as providing new functionality and use cases [36], but there is still a long way to go until mass adoption. In this paper, we will dive into the rabbit hole of blockchain interoperability and explain why it is needed, what has work been done in the last decade (the past), how it is currently deployed and used in practice (the present), and likely paths of development (the future).…”
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Article -
NEWTS1.0: Numerical model of coastal Erosion by Waves and Transgressive Scarps
Published 2024“…Existing models, however, are highly complex, are computationally expensive, and depend on many input parameters; this limits our ability to explore planform erosion of rocky coasts over long timescales (thousands to millions of years) and over a range of conditions. …”
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Article -
Glioblastoma-cortical organoids recapitulate cell state heterogeneity and intercellular transfer
Published 2024“…Here, we model this ecosystem by growing glioblastoma into long-term cultured human cortical organoids that contain the major neuroglial cell types found in the cerebral cortex. …”
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Drag reduction in fish-like locomotion
Published 2005“…The data have been obtained through accurate force and motion measurements on a laboratory fish-like robotic mechanism, 1:2m long, covered with a flexible skin and equipped with a tail fin, at Reynolds numbers up to 10^6, with turbulence stimulation. …”
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15.391 Early Stage Capital, Fall 2003
Published 2003“…This course also prepares entrepreneurs to make the best use of outside advisors, and to negotiate effective long-term relationships with funding sources. Working in teams, students interact with venture capitalists and other professionals throughout the semester. …”
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Learning Object -
Quantum reflections and shunting of polariton condensate wave trains : implementation of a logic AND gate
Published 2014“…Energy-relaxation processes allow the delayed relaxation into a long-living coherent ground state. Aside from the potential routing of polariton condensate signals, the system forms an AND-type logic gate compatible with incoherent inputs.…”
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Journal Article -
Heuristics with guaranteed performance bounds for a manufacturing system with product recovery
Published 2014“…The objective is to determine the lot sizes and production schedule for manufacturing and remanufacturing so as to minimize the long-run average cost per unit time. We first develop a lower bound among all classes of policies for the problem. …”
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Journal Article -
Attachment to God and death anxiety in later life : does race matter?
Published 2019“…Moreover, religion provides greater psychological benefits for older Blacks than older Whites, reinforcing a long-standing claim that religion is particularly valuable for individuals from marginalized backgrounds.…”
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Journal Article -
Effects of music attrition on English-Mandarin Chinese bilinguals’ lexical tone perception and production in a foreign language
Published 2020“…However, few studies have studied the effects in the long-term and among tone language speakers. Hence, this study sought to understand the effects of music attrition on foreign tone language lexical tone perception and production among speakers with varying extents of tone language experience. 23 English-Mandarin Chinese bilinguals who were either ex-musicians or non-musicians completed a Cantonese lexical tone ABX discrimination task, a Cantonese lexical tone imitation task, as well as melodic and rhythmic AX discrimination tasks. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Technical aspects of marine plastic litter treatment by pyrolysis, for material and energy recovery
Published 2020“…Marine plastic pollution is a serious problem the world is currently facing. Due to the long exposure to the marine environment and contamination from salts and microorganisms, the properties of marine plastic litter would potentially differ from conventional plastic waste. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
EEG-based mental workload recognition using deep learning techniques
Published 2020“…But in most cases, it is hard to measure the MWL accurately. EEG signal has a long history in medical diagnose. During the brain activities, electric potential generated by large number of neurons synchronizes together and forms EEG. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Enhanced immersion two-phase liquid cooling thermal management for data centres
Published 2020“…By utilising simple concepts of evaporation and condensation, the cooling method can reduce the amount of coolant used over a long period of time. This unique way of cooling requires a tank in a sealed condition. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Deep learning assisted optical wavefront shaping in disordered medium
Published 2020“…However, usually, with traditional methods, WFS is time consuming and not cost efficient since it requires long time to obtain the information of the scattering medium. …”
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Conference Paper -
Two-dimensional multimode terahertz random lasing with metal pillars
Published 2020“…However, it remains a challenge to achieve a broadband multimode random laser with high scattering efficiency, particularly at long wavelengths. Here, we develop a new class of strongly multimode random lasers in the terahertz (THz) frequency range in which optical feedback is provided by multiple scattering from metal pillars embedded in a quantum cascade (QC) gain medium. …”
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Journal Article -
A discrete event formulation for multi-robot collision avoidance on pre-planned trajectories
Published 2021Get full text
Journal Article -
Controlling directed networks with evolving topologies
Published 2021“…Our finding enables us to model and explain how real-world complex networks adaptively self-organize themselves to many similar subnetworks during a relatively long evolution process.…”
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Journal Article -
Seepage effects on settling velocity
Published 2009“…The experiments are conducted in a vertical water column that is 0.4m long, 0.4m wide and 1.12m deep. Uniform plastic spherical particles of varying diameters (0.630cm, 0.790cm, 0.950cm and 1.285cm) and densities under different seepage inflow rates (0 m3/s, 1X10-4 m3/s, 2X10-4 m3/s and 5X10-4 m3/s) are used. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Annual dilated convolution neural network for newbuilding ship prices forecasting
Published 2022“…This paper presents a light neural network with annual dilated convolution filters while extracting the newbuilding market’s short-term and long-term temporal knowledge. The multivariate shipping data are fed into multiple convolutional filters with nonlinear activations. …”
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Journal Article -
Modeling and improvement of tracked based vehicle
Published 2009“…Modeling of mechanical systems has come a long way in recent years. They have been shown to be able to effectively aid engineers and design engineers to model, simulate and analyze many engineering functions. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)