Tawhidic paradigm and ethical leadership: the views of students
Published 2012“…The essence of Tawhidic paradigm is in the spiritual built-in conscience and behavior that comply with the law of Allah in discharging duties as servant and vicegerent of Allah religiously. Since Tawhidic paradigm requires a person to discharge duties both for individual and others, it is naturally influences individual to behave ethically and also to be influence others to be equally ethical to seek the Pleasure of Allah. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A novel mobile web application for an integrated medical and emergency model
Published 2010“…The main drawbacks for the current medical, healthcare, and emergency systems in Malaysia include: Difficulty in searching and reviewing up to date records for patient, doctor, hospital, drug, etc since many of such records are still kept in filing cabinet.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Rich information service delivery to mobile users using smart posters
Published 2012“…Since 2005, when it was introduced to the markets, Near Field Communication (NFC) technology has been used in various applications with the aim to increase convenience in people's everyday life activities. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Malaysian communications and multimedia commission’s powers in managing and regulating online publication
Published 2012“…Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is a body established under the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act 1998, among others, to regulate all matters relating to communications and multimedia activities. Since it has a central role in regulating the internet, there is a need to examine the extent of power of the MCMC in regulating online publication. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A study on parking space utilization at the International Islamic University Malaysia
Published 2005“…However, emphasis will be given to the central complex since it is the most dominant and active area in the campus. …”
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Book -
Measuring the performance of insurance industry in Malaysia: Islamic vis-à-vis conventional insurance
Published 2012“…The development of Islamic financial institutions is growing tremendously since the last three decades. However, many studies are focused more on the development and performance of banking and other financial markets and almost neglecting another specific and important sector, which is insurance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Paediatric airway reconstruction: experience from seven cases
Published 2008“…Objective: To analyse difficulties and outcome of pediatric laryngotracheal reconstruction using cartilage graft for severe subglottic stenosis Methods: Retrospective analysis of all laryngotracheal reconstruction since the past 3 years from 2003-2006. Results: Seven cases altogether, age ranging from one to thirteen years. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Bastee settlements of Dhaka City, Bangladesh : a review of policy approaches and challenges ahead
Published 2012“…Several policy approaches such as eviction, resettlement and upgrading, were adopted to deal with bastee settlements of Dhaka since 1975. These policies approaches were not very effective, because the scale of the problem is very large, which provides future challenges to deal with the bastee situation at a city-wide scale.…”
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Article -
An assessment of policy approaches adopted to deal with bastee settlements of Dhaka City in Bangladesh
Published 2012“…Several policy approaches were adopted to deal with bastee settlements of Dhaka since 1975. These policies approaches were not very effective, because the scale of the problem is very large, which provides future challenges to deal with the bastee situation.…”
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Article -
Operations strategies of a selected Fair Price Shop Awards 2004-2005 winners
Published 2008“…To encourage retail business outlets to keep fair prices for their products, Malaysian Government has instituted Fair Price Shop Awards since 2003. More than 100 retail outlets win this award every year in 14 categories. …”
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Article -
The performance of insurance industry in Malaysia: Islamic vis-à-vis conventional insurance
Published 2012“…The Islamic financial institutions have been developing tremendously since the last three decades. However, many studies are focused more on the development and performance of banking and financial markets and almost neglecting another specific and important sector, which is insurance. …”
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Article -
Sistem kerja Four-handed dentistry dalam praktek dokter gigi (Fourhanded dentistry system in dental practice)
Published 2006“…Four-handed dentistry technique which have been known since 1960, now become trend return, because dentist's goal in this decade is to improve productivity and eliminate stress during working in dental clinic. …”
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Article -
Coconut waste as a source for biodiesel production
Published 2010“…Obtaining cheaper raw materials are one of the continuous targets of many biodiesel producing facilities since 70 to 95 % of the production costs are attributed to raw materials. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of automatic adjustment rear view mirror
Published 2013“…This system is very easy, convenient and safe to use, and it is possible to adjust mirrors safely while driving since all processes are performed automatically. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
War for peace in Pakistan
Published 2013“…Pakistan because of its geographical location became a front line state in the war against terror since the attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. …”
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Article -
Enhancing reading comprehension: A review of traditional and online active learning pedagogies
Published 2013“…The Panel also highlighted that a combination of strategies can be effective if taught within an active and cooperative environment. Since this article proposes a link between the adoption of an M- active (Mobile and active) learning pedagogy and enhancing reading comprehension strategies, the review will focus on four major topics which are reading comprehension strategies, active learning pedagogy, mobile learning and virtual classes.…”
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Article -
Shi'a movement in Malaysia: a general study
Published 2012“…Following some raids on several adherents of Shi’ism by the Religious Department of Selangor (JAIS) in 2011, the issue of Malaysian Shi’ites has risen again; they are demanding for religious freedom to exercise their beliefs without exercising any fear in the country. Since the issue is a very sensitive one, even among the Sunni-based country, this article seeks to analyze a trend of their movement in the contemporary context; both political and religious. …”
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Monograph -
Checking noise correlations for safer two-way quantum key distribution
Published 2014“…We check for noise correlations between forward and backward paths in two-way quantum key distribution, which leads to reduced potentialities for an eavesdropper since she can only hide herself behind uncorrelated (natural) noise. …”
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Article -
Changing political culture and electoral behavior in Malaysia
Published 2011“…The 2008 elections, which witnessed the emergence of a “strong” opposition in the parliament, reflect the maturity of theMalaysian electorate, noticeably since 2004, which augurs well for democracy in the country.…”
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The decline of judicial deference to medical opinion in medical negligence litigation in Malaysia
Published 2008“…This article will trace the development of the Bolam principle in medical negligence litigation in Malaysia since 1965 and analyse the influence of selected Commonwealth cases on the development. …”
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