The effects of tawhidic paradigm in managing business and the natural environment sustainability
Published 2013“…The study offers an integrative framework of business, the natural environment and sustainability from Tawhidic paradigm, the relationship between human beings and the environment. Since the nature of the study is explorative, the research design fits into the constructionism research paradigm. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Exposure and impact of TV Islamic reality show among Malay community
Published 2013“…The most popular one, Imam Muda, has successfully reached its target when the program has been viewed by a large of number of audience and broadcasted for the third season since its inception in 2010. Despite its popularity, there is no effort done to examine the effects of Imam Muda on its viewers. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The obligation of companies to pay Zakat in Malaysia: a re-examination of the maelstrom of legal issues
Published 2013“…Since the emergence of the principle of separate legal entity in modern company law as established in the locus classicus of Salomon v. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Single-Step Bioconversion of Unhydrolyzed Cassava Starch in the Production of Bioethanol and its Value-Added Products
Published 2012“…The global economic recession that began in 2008 and continued into 2009 had a profound impact on world income (as measured by GDP) and energy use. Since then the price of the energy supply by conventional crude oil and natural gas production has been fluctuating for years which has resulted in the need to explore for other alternative energy sources. …”
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Book Chapter -
Assessing the antecedents of customer loyalty on healthcare insurance products: Service quality; perceived value embedded model
Published 2016“…Originality/value: This paper has tried to provide a comprehensive understanding about customers’ loyalty under the perspective of service quality and perceived values context in the Malaysian health care insurance industry. Since there was a lack of such research in Malaysian health insurance context, this research can provide theoretical contribution and managerial basis for future researches as well as implications for the managers. …”
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Article -
Analysis of the efficiency of sludge dewatering using moringa oleifera as natural phytocoagulant
Published 2015“…Whereas in the optimization of the sludge volume index (SVI), the optimum value was (24.7 mL/g), corresponding turbidity value of suspended solids in supernatant liquid was (341.5 NTU). Since the turbidity was very high, second optimization by redesigning the factors was conducted resulting in optimum values of dosage of (462.8 mg/L), mixing time of (13.4 min), turbidity of (67.2 NTU) (further (80.2 %) reduction compared to the (350.7 NTU) of the first optimization) and settling velocity of (0.93 cm/min) were obtained.For the optimization of SVI, dosage of (447.5 mg/L) and mixing time of (8.3 min) gave (33.5 mL/g) of SVI with (67.2 NTU). …”
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Article -
Environmental disclosure quality: examining the impact of the stock exchange of Malaysia's listing requirements
Published 2015“…BM (The Stock Exchange of Malaysia) has made CSR, including ED in annual reports mandatory since 2007. This study compares environmental reporting (ER) before and after the 2007 mandatory reporting requirement to determine if this command and control mechanism has had any effect on the quality of ED. …”
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Article -
Underweight and lipodystrophy…a medical conundrum
Published 2014“…She has been underweight since her late 20’s. Her weight was 25 kg, height 155 cm and BMI 11kg/m2. …”
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Article -
Detection of SYT-SSX mutant transcripts in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sarcoma tissues using one-step reverse transcriptase real-time PCR
Published 2016“…Molecular testing is thus considered necessary to confirm the diagnosis since more than 90% of SS cases carry the transcript of t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2). …”
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Article -
Key message 10: consume foods and beverages low in sugar
Published 2010“…This publication has included 55 key recommendations under the 14 key messages with some additional recommendations for special population groups. Since food can provide most if not all of our nutrient needs, the basic assumption of the Dietary Guidelines is that nutrient needs should be met primarily through food consumption. …”
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Book Chapter -
Implementation of wavelet analysis on thermal images for affective states recognition of children with autism spectrum disorder
Published 2020“…Most of them lack the proper context in producing social response through facial expression and speech. Since emotion is the key for effective social interaction, it is justifiably vital for them to comprehend the correct emotion expressions and recognitions. …”
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Article -
Islamic education: Issues in approach and methodology
Published 2003“…In realising so a Muslim would be conscientious to the well being of the universe, a phenomenon that could be feasible only through proper education. Since the fall of the last caliphate of Islam, and the advancement of Western Colonial forces, education in the Muslim World became the focus point. …”
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Article -
Cost-aware real-time divisible loads scheduling in cloud computing
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -