Security treats of computerized banking systems (CBS): The Managers' perception in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Hence, the objective of this study is to investigate the bank managers’ opinion on the likelihood of security threats in the computerised banking systems (CBS) in Malaysia. Since most major financial institutions operate in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur, questionnaires were sent to almost all bank branches in Kuala Lumpur. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Security Threats of Computerised Banking Systems (CBS): the managers' perception in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Hence, the objective of this study is to investigate the bank managers’ opinion on the likelihood of security threats in the computerised banking systems (CBS) in Malaysia. Since most major financial institutions operate in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur, questionnaires were sent to almost all bank branches in Kuala Lumpur. …”
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The utilization of information and communication technology among Islamic secondary school teachers in Malaysia
Published 2011“…Malaysia has implemented the first computer system in 1966. Since then, the government – through Ministry of Education – has introduced various initiatives to facilitate the adoption and diffusion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). …”
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Composting of food and yard wastes by locally isolated fungal strains
Published 2011“…The moisture content was 64%, and the percentage C/N decreased ranged between 4.73 and 7.60% while the produced compost C/N ratio was 16%, indicating its viability for large-scale production since the acceptable range for efficient compost is between ˃12%. …”
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Design and development of Acrylic Die for producing wax pattern to gabricate hip bone joint
Published 2011“…In the present study to produce a typical hip joint, Investment casting has been selected as casting method since this process can give optimum properties of the product having complex geometry with biocompatible material. …”
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Gene expression of AnnAt1 in different developmental stages of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to Pb
Published 2012“…A recent study which uses 7-day-old seedlings discovers the participation of AnnAt1 to Pb. Since the expression of AnnAt1 may vary depending on tissue sources, developmental stages, length of exposure, and techniques used, a further experiment was conducted. …”
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Seaweed and mangrove issues from International Law perspective
Published 2012“…Since Malaysia is a coastal State with invaluable mangroves and atolls and coastal areas, surrounded by resource-rich seas, to make the Malaysian maritime areas to be clean and pollution-free is a matter of grave concern for the country. …”
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Internal human based threats and security controls in computerized banking systems: evidence from Malaysia
Published 2012“…Thus the objective of this study is to examine bank managers’ experience on human based security threats and the existence of human based security controls in computerized banking systems (CBS) in Malaysia. Since most major financial institutions operate in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur, questionnaires were sent to some of these bank branches in Kuala Lumpur. …”
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Multibiometric systems based verification technique
Published 2009“…Such systems are expected to be more reliable due to the presence of multiple independent pieces of evidence. Since security is one of the important concerns of twenty first century, multibiometric systems can play an important role in ensuring security. …”
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Fuzzy Logic Controlled Electromagnetic Actuated CVT system for passenger car
Published 2013“…It will ensure the back and forth movement of plunger likewise sheave by exercising controlled electromagnetic attraction and repulsion force. Since the system is fully nonlinear in behaviour a concept of intelligent control system is introduce here. …”
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Object distance and size measurement using stereo vision system
Published 2013“…Multiple cameras system has becoming more popular since cameras are now very cheap and easy to deploy and utilize. …”
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The process of gathering evidence in civil cases: its application in civil and shariah courts
Published 2011“…This process is very important since both parties must produce only relevant, reliable and authentic evidence in order to establish a reasonable claim or defence. …”
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Preliminary study on Bayesian extreme rainfall analysis: A case study of Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia
Published 2012“…Statistical modeling of extreme rainfall is essential since the results can often facilitate civil engineers and planners to estimate the ability of building structures to survive under the utmost extreme conditions. …”
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Statistical techniques to serve quality of software
Published 2013“…One of the difficult and expensive parts of applying software-testing techniques is the generation of actual or meaningful test data since although there are several techniques and tools to automatically generate test data but mostly they generate meaningless data. …”
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Vaccination: potential adverse effects and future challenges
Published 2011“…Such increased level of total Abs at least theoretically can contribute to higher concentration of protein i.e., hyperproteinemia in blood. Since Ab is a polymer of amino acids; therefore hyperproteinemia due to increased level of Ab may in turn affect pH and osmosis of the blood. …”
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Low income housing allocation system in Malaysia: managing housing need for the poor
Published 2010“…Since early 1990s, Malaysia experienced rapid urbanization in line with continuous economic growth. …”
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Implementation of the Balanced Scorecard (Pelaksanaan kad skor berimbang)
Published 2013“…The balanced scorecard (BSC) was introduced by Kaplan and Norton in 1992 as a result of a comprehensive study over a period of one year involving twelve companies which were deemed to be at the leading edge in performance measurement. Since then, the BSC has been regarded as an important managerial tool that enables a firm to translate its vision and mission into objectives and performance measures which are measurable. …”
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A key distribution scheme for secure multicast over IPv6 wireless networks
Published 2005“…In addition, we provide a performance comparison between our approach and the corresponding scenario in [7], Our approach minimizes the number of transmissions required to rekey the multicast group since an efficient rekeying mechanism is provided for membership changes and it imposes minimal storage requirements mainly required in mobile networks. …”
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حوار الأديان بين بناء جسور التفاهم وحفظ الهوية (Inter-religious dialogue between building bridges of mutual understanding and preservation of identity)...
Published 2010“…Inter-religious dialogue has been among the crucial issues since the early 20th century. Seminars and conferences on this issue have been conducted with the special agenda to embark on serious ways for building mutual understanding between the followers of different religions. …”
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Renewable energy development in tow selected African countries: an overview and assessment
Published 2013“…Government officials, academics, independent researchers and private investors have been working since the energy crises in the 1970s towards maximizing alternative and new renewable energy sources. …”
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